
Book Review 2021 & 2022

Happy Tuesday,

A lot of these reviews I finished writing recently which means I don't remember all of the books very well and my notes were not always helpful. But I can't keep adding years to this post because it's already making the typing lag horrifically long.

Unhaul: I read the book and for whatever reason I will not be keeping it.

See also: Book Review 2020 (52)

2021 (51)

1. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman (Unhaul)
    Plot twist she is not fine. 
    Trigger warning for depression and ideation. Used the word "f@g" twice for cigarette (I don't care about the context. That's a no for me). 
    Eleanor is seemingly completely fine. She lives a solitary life of routine and too much vodka. She makes maybe her first friend ever who teaches her what it's like to care and be cared for, but when infatuation for another man goes wrong she spirals into a depressive episode where her friend finds her on the floor and encourages her to seek help. She then confronts a childhood full of trauma she'd kept at bay with denial and alcohol.
    This book was a Christmas present and while it was good enough for me to finish I don't love it enough to keep it on my small bookshelf.


New Year's Resolutions 2024

Happy Tuesday,

See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 20182019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Looking back on 2023 Resolutions

1. Turn 26. Success.

2. Hydrate. Success.

3. Keep up with my meds. Success.

2020 - 20, 2021 - 42, 2022 - 42, 

2023 - 16

4. Blog (2) Fail.

5. Book Reviews - Post and track. Fail.

6. Read more (>45) Success.

2017 - 41, 2018 - 69, 2019 - 19, 2020 - 53, 2021 - 51, 2022 - 45, 

2023 - 65

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!! Fail.

8. Write more - I've been working on a project that had 206 pages as of 12/31/22. 

I'd like to get to 306 pages this year. Fail.

Project C 2022 - 206 pgs, 

2023 - 244 pgs.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work. Success.

2019 - 77 pgs, 2020 - 40 pgs, 2021 - 139 pgs, 2022 - 75 pgs, 

2023 - 82 pgs

10. Buy less notebooks. Success.

11. Create more art. Success.

12. Finish a coloring book. Fail.

13. Achieve more resolutions. Fail.

2016 - 4/12, 2017 - 5/8, 2018 - 7/13, 2019 - 4/11, 2020 - 7/12, 2021 - 6/12, 2022 - 3/12,

2023 - 7/13

2024 Resolutions

1. Turn 27

2. Hydrate

3. Keep up with my meds

2020 - 20, 2021 - 42, 2022 - 42, 2023 - 16

4. Post Resolutions in January. I'm separating the two blog post resolutions starting this year so that if I only do one I still get to call it a success.

5. Post 2021 and 2022 Book Review.

6. Keep consistent with my newly started reading journal

7. Read ≥ 60. I would like to stay in the 60s again this year but over 65 might not be doable. I want to leave myself some wiggle room in case I need it.
2017 - 41, 2018 - 69, 2019 - 19, 2020 - 53, 2021 - 51, 2022 - 45
2023 - 65

8. Read two books from my 2023 TBR List. (I'm replacing the Sherlock series resolutions with this. I will finish the series someday but or now I'm taking it off of my resolutions.)

9. Write more - 
Project C 2022 - 206 pgs
2023 - 244
2024 - Goal is 340. I chose to make the goal 96 pages for the year so that I can break it down evenly into 8 pages a month to make sure I'm keeping on track.

10. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77, 2020 - 40, 2021 - 139, 2022 - 75
2023 - 82

11. Be more mindful about buying stationary - (I'm broadening the notebook resolution because I've mostly conquered my need to buy notebooks but I also have a problem with stationary in general. That includes notebooks, notepads, sticky notes, stickers, coloring books, and pencil cases. The exceptions are stickers from Red Bubble and Etsy, and anything Scooby-Doo.)

12. Create more art

13. Finish a coloring book

14. Achieve more resolutions

2016 - 4/12, 2017 - 5/8, 2018 - 7/13, 2019 - 4/11, 2020 - 7/12, 2021 - 6/12, 2022 - 3/12, 2023 - 7/13

Totally Ky


New Year's Resolutions 2023

 Happy Tuesday, 
See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 20182019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

2022 Resolutions

1. Turn 25 -

2. Drink more water - I'm calling this a Success because not only did I drink a lot of water I learned there's more to hydrating than just drinking water. Who the heck knew?! So this resolution thus forth shall be known simply as "Hydrate".

3. Keep up with my meds - Epic fail.
2020 - 20
2021 - 42 days missed

4. Blog (2) - Fail. I'm hoping to post my book review for the last two years soon.

5. Book Reviews - Fail

6. Read more (>53) Fail. I didn't check on my progress for this resolution as the year progressed which I think is key for nailing this one,
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 53
2021 - 51
2022 - 45

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!!! (There is now an exclamation for every year this has been a resolution) 2022 2023 will be the year I finish this series!  Fail.

8. Write more - Success.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77
2020 - 40
2021 - 139
2022 - 75 My cat sprayed on this journal which forced me to abandon it and Fail.

10. Buy less notebooks  - Fail.

11. Create more art -

12. Achieve more resolutions
2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12
2022 3/12 Fail.

2023 Resolutions

1. Turn 26

2. Hydrate

3. Keep up with my meds
2020 - 20
2021 - 42
2022 - 42

4. Blog (2) - 

5. Book Reviews - Post and track

6. Read more (>45)
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 53
2021 - 51
2022 - 45

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!!

8. Write more - I've been working on a project that had 206 pages as of 12/31/22. I'd like to get to 306 pages this year. 
Project C 2022 - 206 pgs
2023 -

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77
2020 - 40
2021 - 139
2022 - 75

10. Buy less notebooks

11. Create more art

12. Finish a coloring book

13. Achieve more resolutions
2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12
2022 3/12

Totally Ky


New Year's Resolutions 2022

Happy Tuesday Everyone, 

See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 20182019, 2020 and 2021

2021 Resolutions

1. Turn 24 - Sucess. Covid birthdays are more low key but I hear that happens as you get older anyway. All I really want is yummy food, people I like, and presents (just being honest). Based on those standards I had a pretty good birthday.

2. Drink more water - There's always room for improvement but I'm gonna call this one a success

3. Keep up with my meds (10) - Fail. I've decided 10 is not a reasonable number so I'll be changing it for the upcoming year. It will still be a challenge as that's kind of the point but 10 is way too unobtainable.

4. Blog? - As you can see this post is a tad late so even though this resolution is a bit ambiguous due to the question mark I am going to call it a fail.

5. Book Reviews - Post and notebook. Looking back at the notebook I kept to keep track of books I've read, I realized I missed at least one book. There's room for improvement there but as it's the first time in many years I've tied to keep track of my reading I'm gonna round up and call it a success. The book Review post is moving slowly because I started making it late and it's not as fun to make so I lack some motivation. But again I'm rounding up and calling this resolution a success.

6. Read more (at least 50)
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 52
2021 - 51 Success.

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!! - 2022 will be the year I finish this series! (There is now an exclamation for every year this has been a resolution). This will have to carry over at least another year. Fail.

8. Write more - I didn't write in my creative journal a whole lot but I think I made some good progress on the book I'm working on. Success.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work. Success

10. Do not buy any notebooks - I'm changing this resolution a bit as well for the upcoming year because I didn't buy that many but it counts as a fail because I wasn't allowed to buy any.
1 Jellyfish journal
1 mini cloud keychain
1 next years journal

11. Create more art - Big fail. I wanna do better next year.

12. Achieve more resolutions

2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12 fail

2022 Resolutions

1. Turn 25

2. Drink more water

3. Keep up with my meds - For the upcoming year, I've decided to keep this resolution simple and just try to do better than in previous years. Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to keep a more strict count on missed pills.
2020 - 20
2021 - 

4. Blog (2) - For this resolution, I am changing it to add a deadline to the two posts I want to continue doing no matter what. I want to post my book review and new years resolutions in the future in either December of that year or January of the following year.

5. Book Reviews - Post and notebook

6. Read more (at least 53) I want to try to hit between my 2020 and 2018 count.
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 53
2021 - 51

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!!

8. Write more

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.

10. Buy less notebooks

11. Create more art

12. Achieve more resolutions
2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12

Totally Ky 


Book Review 2020 (52)

Happy Tuesday everyone,

So I really let this blog fall through the cracks this year but can you blame me? But I love doing book reviews and my resolutions on here so whatever my year looks like I'm hoping to still at least do those. And here we are! I didn't expect to do all of the books I read in a year in one go but if this year was anything it was constantly surprising. Staring at this list of titles I realized I should have written notes about what I thought of these books at the time (I did for a few of them but not enough) because I genuinely don't remember some of them. Hopefully, I can jog my memory enough to do this post.

Also, I misplaced the pictures I took of books I gave away and now I can' find them. So there are a couple missing.

1.) Scooby-Doo 50th Anniversary