Why The Participants Of The Summer Special 2015 Decided To Participate?

Week 10
Group Prompt No. 7
Why did you decide to participate in the Summer Special? 
- Because you love writing? 
- Because you have nothing else to do? 
- Because I asked you? 

Are you glad you did?

I came up with this whole Summer Special shenanigan while in bed with the worst stomach flu of my life. I was basically on my death bed texting all of my friends to see if they would be willing to do this with me. I wanted to do something different on my blog and I wanted to post more often because I knew I wouldn't have a lot to do this summer. I didn't really expect to be doing something everyday but I did want to do a writing prompt everyday so that I would be motivated to write more. Doing it here on my blog made me held more accountable for it. 

Yes, I'm very glad I did it. I've had so much fun. This was also a good way to keep in contact with my friends.

I decided to participate in the Summer Special because I have nothing else to do. And yea I am glad that I did participate. Gives me something to do.
I was really hesitant to participate. I'm really lazy and I didn't want to have to do something that I was going to dread every week. But I thought hey Kayla needs me and it could be really fun. And soon I found myself looking forward to each prompt

I was bribed

I participated in the summer special because Kayla asked me to join her little summer project. It's not just that reason. I thought that this would be a fun little activity to do in the summer and it's something to do over the summer break. Also it was something that I was comfortable of doing but I want to step out of my comfort zone and just explore new things.

If my memory is correct, and it never is, Kayla asked if I could share a spot with Sarah.  Sarah wasn't sure if she had enough time to write every week.  I feel the same-I don't have as much time as I would like for extra things. I thought it would be fun!

I participated in the Summer Special because Ky asked me to, and we’re friends. I’m glad that Ky gives herself writing challenges and that she’s immersing herself in what she loves to do. Ky reminds me a little of me, when I was 17. I’m an artist and writer and so I relate to Ky because of our shared creativity. I love that she goes for what she wants, and is truly herself. Ky, thanks for inviting me to participate!
I joined the summer assignment for Ky's blog because well she asked me too, and I don't regret it one bit. But also, I love being able to tell a story, whether it's about me or not. Also, writing is my way of saying something that I'm thinking or feeling. It's like vocalizing my version of events.

Until next time,
(In order of the days of the week)

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