Summer Special 2015: Monday Part 2 (Featuring Ella)

Week Six
What is a object from your childhood that you most think about when you think about home

Week Seven

Write a poem about a tomato

Week Eight

Describe a room in your house

Week Nine

Write a paragraph in a language of your own invention


Week Six
What is a object from your childhood that you most think about when you think about home

I think about tv. Because I like tv. And because it's entertaining. 
When my papa would come home from the casino he'd give me a handful of half dollars. I'd go into the living room where he sat in his blue arm chair and he'd put both of his hands behind his back and tell me to, "pick a hand"  where I would either find coins or his wrinkled palm. I kept all of the half dollars he have me in a plastic piggy bank where they stayed for probably five years until I spent all 24 dollars on one of those electronic diaries that open when you spoke the password to it.

I recently went through my coin collection and found that I still had one of the half dollars from my childhood. This half dollar to me represents home. This half dollar I will never spend.

Week Seven
Write a poem about a tomato

Tomatoes are red and disgusting
My grandma grows tomatoes and I will never eat them again

Red and round
Earth bound



An identity crisis

Week Eight
Describe a room in your house

(The Bathroom)
It has a toilet, a toilet seat, a sink, a fishy, a toothbrush, and towels, and a shower. There's lots of stuff you can do in the bathroom. You can eat the water, you can go to the potty, you can read, you can pretend your toothbrush is a microphone. You can have a puppet show.

(My room tour because I like to pretend to be a youtuber)
 This is my door. All of my walls are covered with art and stuff, even my door. That's my self portrait that I did in my art class last year. And below that is a print that I did. And there's other stuff. Sorry, some of these pictures are dark I did this kinda late because i spent forever cleaning my room.

This is the wall opposite my door where my desk, my tv and my book shelf.

My chair has a "got depp?" sweatshirt over the back that my mom got me for Christmas last year. And the seat has a flannel over it because the material the bottom is made out of irritates my thighs.

I painted the "ART" letters above my desk as well as the paint holder that is an actual paint holder but it's plastic and I never used it but I hung it up where it is now. And I decided to paint it like the old version and I'm really happy with it.

My desk has a cardboard sort of backboard thing that show cases my sticky note obsession. A lot of sort of art pieces in my room where made out of situations such as i don't want this box of sticky notes taking up this space so I made this.

This is my book shelf. This is a stack of books next to my bookshelf because my book shelf is no joke full of almost every Nora Roberts book so there's no room for any others. And that is a stack of books I have to sort through because I'm organizing my room and sort of cleansing my room of so much stuff. Because I have a lot of stuff.

This is my sort of family picture shelf on my books shelf. I need more frames. The babies are me and my cousins Julia and Tylerwhen we were little. 100 points to Gryffindor to whoever can guess which one I am. Not you mom. And there is my mama when she was younger. And that is my dog that we recently had to put to sleep. And that's a wood cat that I painted to look like my cat. This is hard to follow along because formatting on this is not easy. the older woman with the humming bird on the frame is my Grammie. The little girl next to her is Ella. The boy in the little frame is my cousin Devin. The three boys and one girl in the brown fold frame and the loose picture on top is my two cousins Rough and Rigg and my half siblings Dalton Justice and Liberty all of whom I have never met. The last two pictures are me as a baby with my mom, my biological dad,  my uncle marcus, my uncle wes and my cousin Julia. And down there somewhere is a tree that my really good friend Georgia painted for me for my I think 14th birthday when I was in love with trees and balloons.

 This is my bed. I sleep opposite the wall because I'm weird and it makes more sense to me to face the tv. So it's kind of hard to see that is black pillow against a dark blue sheet with my eye mask on top that say "I don't do mornings". I don't make my bed in a traditional way I just fold up my blanket  and stick it at the foot. I don't really use like a bed blanket it's more like a throw blanket. It's also minions. it's hiding under another small throw blanket of Jack Sparrow.
This is a rug my Grammie made.
And that is a Winnie the Pooh Happy Birthday Sign that has been hung across my room since I celebrated my fifteen and a half birthday (only with my parents it was basically only because I wanted money)

This my dream catcher wall. I get my love of most things Native American from my Grandma (which is why my mom is named Shawnee) and she taught me how to make them. That's what the second picture is.

This is a shelf of  stuffed animals above my bed because I am a mature almost 18 year old. I really need to rid of a lot but I'm just that person. Under that shelf is a couple posters. Three Johnny Depp and one Kyle XY I can't remember the actors name. If you haven't noticed I have a Johnny Depp obsession and these are the only three posters still visible. I used to have like fifty JD posters, some even on my ceilings. But I was running out of wall space so the other ones are hidden,

The Mad Hatter, Two Jack Sparrows (one accompanied by Will Turner) Mort Rainey and a Johnny Depp exposed without a character hide in different parts of my closet.

Did I mention my walls are pale purple because I picked it out when I was like five.
By the way there is a missing wall here that I catalogued on Sunday Week 4 of the Summer Special.

Week Nine
Write a paragraph in a language of your own invention

grjwpiefhipjefinqwwflKNALFNWLFNrwiw inrgojaebfg aergjej gbaeroinv aewk aewrkg wofj abesrvgja ewr gervej rwerj wekfj ewofrvrnfpwefone fen fweofjewnfew fekf wlef erf ejfek fewfkenfj we fwfj ewnlewfn w fwjr fwljef rbefkdepfjeofjej rrw eewfewnfwrofjwrpjgerojgerojgvergrwj fwefrffwefewfwfrw pjfw-94ujwodj ekfnfvjhwoerj'woiefhrfj wsfi efipdhefihdvc ew fweobwdrrf sfi wrepi fwepifjawoihfr48gtie[qwir94rbewf 30ri30dfjwierjh93iur0qwidf0qe ri3w0r w30ei f30ir2-q3ru pasdj9cvbw404weu9fijvner0usdj vare9jiponcx drsefwi0jpocs f09eijron x

(My Language is invisible)

Until next time,

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