Summer Special 2015: Friday Part 2 (Featuring Melisha)

Week Six
Study a stranger. Go home and write a story about him or her.

Week Seven

Your sandwich order.

Week Eight
A scene that takes place in extreme heat, the same scene that now takes place in extreme cold.

Week Nine

Find a photograph. Write the story of what's happening outside the frame
Week Six

Study a stranger. Go home and write a story about him or her.

We went to starbucks.

What? No, we went to subway.
Victim for today is Julie who works there. 

To clarify, I am a Montague gnome from "Gnomeo and Juliet" and my hat is much pointier in real life.
I added the crown after I read Melisha's story so I couldn't fit it the two outer pictures after my first edit

In a world where mythical creatures go to subway to get sandwiches. And cookies. And milk to go with those cookies. A gnome, a tiny human and a cyclops meet to celebrate a birthday. And to choose their victim. Unfortunately Julie was on shift just after the three arrived. An average human woman in her mid twenties with brown hair up in a bun under her visor. This is a hat humans where that does not actually cover their head.

An average human woman who had no idea when she got into work that she would be put on the Gnomes blog.

And her life would be changed forever.

She new something was up when a gnome would look at her from one of the tables, mumble to the cyclops then write something down in a notebook. Then it seemed like the group was taking pictures of her but she wasn't really sure. This could all be in her head. She was very relieved when they left.

It wasn't until a week later when her boyfriend asked if she heard about a blog on the internet. A blog? Who even has blogs? No of course she didn't know about anyones blog. Well, the blog knew about her. And soon so did the whole world. The blog became very popular about a week ago.

Julie remembered the gnome and the cyclops with the tiny human who came into her work the other day.


Of course not.

Once upon a time there was a princess named Julie. She was not perfect. She had a skin condition that everyone made fun of. Not one guy would ever talk to her thinking that it will spread. But one day there was a king who saw past it. The got married and had 10 kids 

and lived happily ever after


Week Seven
Your sandwich order.
We went to subway again


Sandwich order
All on white bread

White bread

Provolone Cheese

Week Eight
A scene that takes place in extreme heat, the same scene that now takes place in extreme cold.

It was a hot day in Arizona. It was over 100 degrees. I was not having it. I packed my things and moved to Antarctica.

It was a freezing day in Antarctica. I've been her a week. I thought I would love to live in snow and ice. I was wrong. I packed my things and moved to California.

**My brain melted today. My house has no A/C. And our fans blew out hot air**

Carl ate a taco in the heat.

Carl ate a taco in the cold.

Week Nine
Find a photograph. Write the story of what's happening outside the frame

I was at orientation and I did not want school to start


Outside of this pictures I was laughing and making inappropriate jokes.

Until next time,

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