Summer Special 2015: Tuesday Part 2 (Featuring Ana)

Week Six
Sit in a single location for  20 minutes and take notes on what you hear.

Week Seven
The cleaning lady

Week Eight

That moment when . . .

Week Nine

An unexpected gift

Week Six
Sit in a single location for  20 minutes and take notes on what you hear.
We both went to the park and sat together. 
Birds chirping 
Wind blowing 
Man moving tools outside his house
Dog running through grass
Basketball bouncing
Keys dropping
Kayla talking
Me giggling 
Dog breathing 
Cooing at dog
Ella breathing like a dog
Men talking to each other on the court
Ella hissing 
Ella laughing like a maniac 
Me freaking out
People clapping 
Two more dogs barking
Dog running
Me making zombie noises to dog

Myself talking
Ella screaming, talking, hissing, thumping onto the ground
The beans in the stuffed animal I gave Ana hitting the table
Ana giggling, talking, cooing at the dogs, freaking out when she realizes I have dogs, making some sort of zombie moan
My pen making pen noises while I write
The paper of my notebook rustling when I turn the page (It's a small notebook so I took up two pages)
Birds chirping, hooing and tweeting
The wind
The leaves and branches on trees rustling
Bushes rustling
Grass shifting
Gate to basketball court opening and closing several times
Basketball hitting the ground
Basket ball players talking rather loudly 
Basketball court fence rattling
Several dogs barking, breathing and playing
Man calling out for dog
Woman calling out for dog and clapping
Cars from far away
Car alarm
Someone across the street making metal clanging noise
Gate across the street opening and closing
Two airplanes and a helicopter
Trash rattling
The chain on my purse rattling

Week Seven
The cleaning lady

The cleaning lady is this girl that pretends to be a cleaning person but then she steals all the peoples candy and eats it and leaves the wrappers behind. 

The cleaning lady.
She had a secret.
It wasn't of the typical kind.
She didn't steal from her clients.
She didn't try on their clothes.
Or eat their food.
Well, she didn't eat her clients food.
But she did eat.
Their children!

Week Eight
That moment when . . .
That moment when Ana needs a day off
That moment when I have five minutes to bs a days post because I haven't missed a single day this summer

Week Nine
An unexpected gift
A hug or a smile from a stranger.

n Friday the 21st of December (I remember because it was the day before my birthday) my sophomore year  a girl in my physics class gave me an unexpected gift. A had a huge crush on this girl, everyone called her Bowky ( pronounced bow - Key I may have the spelling wrong but I think that's how she spelled it).  When I got to physics that day I was really sad and sat in my seat brooding because no one said anything about my Birthday the next day. Then suddenly Bowky said, "Happy Birthday, Kayla." I don't know how she knew it was my birthday none of my friends seemed to have retained the information. I've gotten closer with those friends this past year and made some new ones so I don't believe I'll have the same problem this year. I know it seems selfish to expect your friends to acknowledge your birthday. It's not like I want presents from them just saying "Happy Birthday" makes me happy because to me it means, "I'm happy you were born and happy we were friends". You know?
Anyway I gushed at Bowky and said: "Thank you so much!" That day Bowky came in with some food thing she made in cooking class as she often did.
Then she suddenly said, "Here I made this for you." I couldn't believe it! It was this apple pie kind of thing with whip cream. Getting an unexpected gift from my crush was insanely awesome. Sadly I didn't know until we just started becoming friends at the end of that year that she was a senior and I never saw her again. Had I known she was a senior I would have swapped contact infor but I didn't realize until the last week of school when the seniors were already gone.
Until next time,


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