Summer Special 2015: Saturday Part 2 (Featuring Jalen)

Week Six
Recall a recent dialogue between you and a friend

Week Seven
Pregnant and lost

Week Eight
What you've kept. 
Things you should throw away but can't  
What you haven’t changed. 
What you used to do that you don't do anymore. 

Week Nine

- Write a brief will (who gets what)
- If you had one week to live
- Choose how you will die


Week Six
Recall a recent dialogue between you and a friend

My favorite phone conversations with you. 
These are my favorite conversations with Ky. A couple of them are my favorite texts that she sent me and the other two are a recent conversation we had.

(This is Ky I added the pictures I sent Jalen because they're a little blurry on the screen shots)

I've saved all the notes me and my friends passed to each other during class our junior year. Yes, teens do still pass notes because "ain't no body got time" for their phone to be taken away. I have a really amazing group of friends, most of which apart of the Summer Special, that I made this year/connected with the year, we had a lot of fun passing notes.

These notes me and Jalen passed back in forth in Chemistry when our teacher was lecturing and we couldn't talk. Anita sat between us and though she didn't say she was really annoyed by me and Jalen's note passing. I loved my seat in that class because I sat with Jalen, Gabby and Anita. But then the teacher moved everyone (wisely because me and Jalen would just pass notes during all the lectures).

By the way I did do some censoring (the name of the boy Jalen liked at the time and a couple other censory moments) and words are misspelled in the transcripts because I am a terrible speller without spellcheck.

hi KY [Jalen]
I <3 u Jay [Ky -  This was before I knew hot to spell Jalen's name]
I <3 you more Kayla ! More than I <3 Beyonce (Bey = LIFE), cookie dough ice cream and spaghetti
I <3 you more than boys covered in chocolate
I <3 you more than I love PIZZA! [boy Jalen used to like] (aka bae), and girls covered in chocolate and caramel
I don't think I can top that . . .
You're the prettiest boy in walmart
I feel so loved . . . #bae4lyfe
Does that mean I win?
No. I always win . . . # onfleek #winning #charliesheen
Meh :'(
It's okay you're second best
I don't want to be number 2, number 2 stinks!
Obviously . . . That's why Justin Bieber is always #2
Haha Yaas!
I'm like a surgen (inside joke)
Okay . . . Okay?
Okay! #thefaultinourstars
I'm on the top of the next page . . . Where the f*@! are the line!?!?
I know . . .
Why! NOOOOOO! :"""""(
my tears are bigger than my eyes [in the drawing] . . . acurate
[boy Jalen used to like] = BAE4LYFE
Random? [boy Jalen used to like] & Jay sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g . . . you wish
I do, I do, I do-o-o-o
lol like mariage I do
YES  [oops forgot to bleep, to late] RIGHT I DO
& [not a B]ironically I'm an english major [we were talking about my horrible spelling]
hahahahaha! #lol
i c I C [Explaining my hand writing]
If you think that's a [     ] . . .  I'm worried for you

Hi Jay, I'm bored
I can see that
How are you?
I'm okay. EXHAUSTED AS HECK though . . .
lol . . . #advancedprocrastination
procrastinators unite! . . . tomorrow [my favorite joke]
nice! You are such a #hashtagadict
#noI'mnot #original
I'm over that pen
haha lol
I hate chem & this table [It jiggled constantly! Anyone remember how I would flip out over this table everyday I sat there?]
sucks to suck
#isuck #ALOT
I got you #theoretical[    ]
#[boy Jalen used to like] #BAE
Yay [              ]
#hebarelyknowI'm #alive
You should punch him in the face . . . then he'd know you're alive [Totally KY's advice on how to get boys to notice you]
#imea #hemightnot #feelthesameway
& he might
50/50 chance & who wouldn't love you ;)
#straightguys #straightguys #sadface
inception is better

#[drawing of a fish]
I have a button with a cot on it that say meh [my friend Rosana got it for me when she went to comic con last year]

Hi Kay, I <3 your sweater
Hi KY! I <3 what you did with your hair #onfleek
Thank you, shut up [I wasn't very good at taking compliments when it came to my appearance] love you
I'm hungry
I have food but I'm saving it for APUSH [our history class, food was required for me to live through it]
#lcuky #jealous
If you're good I might be perswaded to share
stay in drugs, don't do veggies, eat your school
#meh #bruh #fleek

Week Seven
Pregnant and lost
Pregnant and lost. She's scared of what people would say, think,  or perceive of her. Her parents don't know because they believe she's "sinning" for having sex and believing she danced with the devil himself. Her boyfriend Jake doesn't know yet either, especially since the baby isn't his, but his best friend Shane's. She thinks to herself how she could've been so stupid to let him be the shoulder to cry on instead of Jake, that she never should've fought with Jake over something so stupid and irrelevant. She's pregnant and lost.

Kate couldn't yet feel the baby inside her. But she could feel the fear. Of being pregnant. And of being pregnant on the side of a long abandoned road swallowed by fields as she walked away from her car. She knew her car would die on her. But she had an agreement with old Ruby that she would putter out after she knew where she was. it was a systems he had always dreamed about. Just drive. And ask once in a while where you were. Sometimes learning where she was changed where she was going, sometimes it didn't matter. It had been a while since she did know where she was so she considers herself to be lost now.

Ruby's red paint glints in the harsh sunlight as she walks away with everything she owns packed in a bag. She has on reusable water bottle clipped to her pack. She usually drives around with a couple of those huge water containers you get in gas stations and convenient stores but she hadn't realized there would be such a long stretch of nothing between civilizations. So now she has one long bottle and a bag of pumpkin seeds.

Kate looks back at Ruby one more time. Water, pumpkin seeds and no car. She left a note on the car saying anyone was welcome to it who could find some use for it. And if anyone reading this not wouldn't mind giving a woman with pepper spray a ride to the next town she was walking east.She didn't have high hopes but it was worth a try.

She had been walking long enough to be far from the sight of her precious car when she hears the roar of an engine. She didn't know much about car. But she knew when one was that loud it was big enough to squish her and her cargo. It wasn't to close but she rushed out of the road regardless. The field wasn't to tall in this part so the driver could still see her. She didn't stick her thumb out as it approached. her rule for hitching rides was someone who picks you up because your thumb is out often don't have the best intentions. But someone who picks you up because you could use some help have better odds of not being pepper sprayed in the face.

When the vehicle approaches she realizes it's a tow truck. She suddenly has a huge grin as she realizes Ruby is being pulled along. The tow truck stops in front of her. The young man driving rolls down the window. "You got enough cash to pay to fix this beauty, miss?" An accent. She's in someplace new.

"No, sir." She answers. He laughs at that.

"Sir? You look to be about my age. I don't think in this situation I could be called a sir."

"My age?" His blue eyes flicker. Such a country cutie with golden blond hair and a dimple in his smile.

"Okay, so you might got a few years on me. Just a few. I may have a baby face but I own a shop up in Hail Marry." Is that supposed to be a place? "And I need a receptionist like a bug needs to touch a light bulb. Will you stay as long as I'm fixing your car." She understood what he was saying easily. She would pay him to fix his car by being his receptionist. He also understood the need to move in her because he didn't expect her to stay long.

"You got a deal." She slips off her backpack as he opens her door from the drivers seat. "What's you name." She digs for something in her bag before she hops up into the truck.

"Toby Dayton. and you are miss?"

"Kate Callaghan." She pulls out what she found. "Jordan this is my pepper spray." He holds up her note.

"You sure are a smart lady." She pulls herself up into the seat.

"Maybe." She agrees. Patting her stomach. Not enough to know that Jordan Litchfield poked a hole in the condom.

Week Eight
What you've kept. 
Things you should throw away but can't  
What you haven’t changed. 
What you used to do that you don't do anymore. 
I never really kept anything. Things that I stopped playing with or clothes I don't fit into I gave to the Goodwill. I always want to give away or throw away stuff, but I want to throw away anything that reminds me of Travis because I hate living with the memories of him he treated me through our whole relationship.
I definitely matured a lot throughout my life. I gain a new perspective in everything that I've experienced or witnessed throughout my life.What I used to do when I was younger was have any kind of cloth and put it on my head and act like I had hair because I had an obsession with long hair... idk why but I did.

I've kept and can't throw away . . .

I am one of those people that becomes very attached to objects. So I have this jar that I call my  trinket jar or my jar of lost thing that just has a bunch of little random things. Somethings have stories behind them and are important other things are just things I don't have a place for. I love dumping it out and looking through all the memories. Today I dumped it out and found . . .

This is one of my all time favorite things. I've had this the longest and it is one of the first things a boy has ever given me. You know those little felt piece that are in the cheaper rings boxes? Well in the sixth grade I had one that was a sort of half circle with slits that went inward. I was weird and the texture really appealed to me so I was just petting it. And this guy that sat next to me who I had a hug crush on took it and I was really mad at him. he took scissors to it and a marker and when it came back it transformed into a cat! And he was like, "I mad it into a cat for you because you like cats." I did/do like cats.
Upon this visit with this cat I've learned he is a little disheveled from the move from one jar to another after the last on got to small.

This is a little bag of beads Gabby got me I want to say after she went to Arizona on vacation. It's in here because I haven't decided what sort of project I want to do with them so the jar is their temporary home.

We got my uncle a poker chip set and I stole one.

This is the, I guess it's a bead, that was on my friendship bracelet.

This is a seed necklace I got from my last trip to the del mar fair. I played this video game where you had to whisper your secrets to a nut so i did that to this seed when I thought it was a nut,

Bubbles from my aunts wedding.

My friend Georgia stole this from her engineering class and I made her draw cute faces on them and then I took it from her.

My first worry stone! Although I didn't know this was a worry stone of sorts at the time I received it. Do you guys remember the huge test we took in the third grade? I had  a really cool third grade teacher and she gave us breakfast and smart water and gum during the testing to make us smarter and all that. And she also gave us these flat pebbles things and she wrote, "luck" on them and she said to rub it when we need luck. I rubbed the word off. And my, I don't think you can tell, has a crack in it and when I pointed that out to my teacher she said that was so that the luck could come out.

I'm not sure what this is. My cousin gave it to me for my birthday when we were like eight because he knew I loved Harry Potter. We fought all the time when we were kids and now he's a million miles away so I love having this memory of when we were nice to each other.

This is the jar spilled out.

I also have a button collection which is much smaller now because the bigger bottle was taking up to much room.

I haven't changed the color of my walls which are still pastel purple from when I was little. (But I'm moving into a different room in my house so the walls will be white.)

I don't only wear sweat pants and crocks anymore, thank god. *A type almost ruined my life on this sentence

Week Nine
- Write a brief will (who gets what)
- If you had one week to live
- Choose how you will die
If you're reading this, I am now dead and you're completely deprived of pure greatness and slay-age (Gabby in the back yelling "SLAYYYYY!!!"). Anyways, lets get down to business... I leave all the songs I wrote to Kayla and Gabby because they were the biggest fans of my craft... but the song "John Doe" goes to Eric Clark and the songs "Paradise" and "Angel" go to Cris Brightside.
If I had only one week to live, I would attempt to play the piano and guitar and try to write a song that I hope and pray would fall into Beyonce's wonderful god-like hands.
If I could choose my own death, it would be dying with a broken heart.
(Assuming I am the oldest generation at the time of my passing) I want my books to go to the library, my clothes to be donated to people who need them, my abundance of stuffed animals to go to children in hospitals (not including the bear holding a box that goes to Ella). 

- Ana gets my kindle and a percentage of my money to fill it with books or to use towards her writing/ veterinarian carreer (assuming she has not done this at the time of recieving the money). I also asks that if she still needs it she uses the money towards what we've talked about.

- Jalen gets my keyboard, the option to turn some of my poems into songs and a percentage of my money to take lessens either for the piano or any other instrument he choose (including his voice), his part of the money can also go to buy a new instrument or publishing (what's the music version of publishing a book) a song or an album, my only request is it goes towards his music. 

- Gabby gets my laptop (assuming her's still sucks and my still doesn't) and my jewelry (assuming she would share with whoever else wanted some), that includes the jewelry box I painted and not the older wood one that would go to Ella.  Gabby also gets a percentage of my money (I can't think of something specific I want her/you to spend it on but whatever it is I want it to make her/you happy). 

- Josh gets my minimal but growing interesting sock collection (not including in donated clothes) and a percentage of my money to do something with that big heart of his (maybe a start up for some sort of organization?). 

- Ella gets anything that belonged to our family not listed such as the bear and the jewelry box, she also gets my art and art supplies (assuming she/you still want to be an artist) and a percentage of my money to help her do the career that she loves whatever it be (hoping it's legal).

- If Ella no longer wants to be an artist my art and art supplies go to Georgia and a percentage of my money goes to art supplies or somehow further her career as an artist.

- Anita gets all of my collections (because I like the idea of picking on her even in death) including dream catchers, rocks buttons, stationary and tv series (21 jump street, full house and fresh prince) and a percentage of my money to somehow benefit her huge brain 

- While I don't think I have anything Melisha wants she can have whatever is leftover or steal (nicely) something from someone else. I do however give her a slightly larger percent of my money to help her life with in some way (meaning buying a house or going to school or something along those lines). Do not buy you-know what with my money Melisha arguing that it helps your life.

- I also tack each of my friends as a whole with publishing any of my writing that has not yet been published. My writing is in notebook (The program) and word files on the laptop I gave Gabby. When Gabby gets my laptop I ask that everything on it that was mine be put on a flashdrive and kept by someone reliable in the group. I also ask that whatever money these publishings make be donated to an organization of the groups choice (they must agree).

If I had one week to live I would do a lot of eating, reading, writing and spending time with friends and family.
As for how I want to die I am toying with the idea of euthanasia (which apparently is not youth-anasia, which made sense to me when the word is put into the situation of old people) because I don't want to be sick and in pain at the end for months before I die most likely in my sleep. But euthanasia would be difficult as far as choosing when. I would want to die before I hit the hard time old people hit before the go and not knowing makes that hard.

My second choice would be dieing peacefully in my peace surrounded by people I love and with no regrets.

Until next time,

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