Summer Special 2015: Sunday Part 2 (Featuring Anita)

Week Six
Make a case for your favorite fruit

Week Seven

Getting struck by lightning 

Week Eight

You are a villain. 

Week Nine
Your favorite place 
Week Six
Make a case for your favorite fruit

My favorite fruit to be put in a fruit basket is grapes, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, and oranges. Choosing the fruit in my case of fruits, I go for the fruits that I would most definitely eat and not the fruits that I'm forced to eat. They are the best because they would be fruits that were freshly picked for the fruits tend to be more delicious  rather than getting them at the store.

 Fruit salad . . . Yummy, yummy.

(Hey Ana are you ***** for cantaloupe?)

Week Seven
Getting struck by lightning

One typical weekday afternoon I was walking to a friends house to go see the big Chargers game against the Denver Broncos. But as I was on my way to there house I realized that there was a weird and old looking person coming my way. Ignoring what they look like I gave them a smile as they walk by but as they walked on by I heard them whisper something in a different language or something. 

I paused in confusion and then carried on to my friend, Carrie's house. I eventually arrived at a screaming and shouting house mostly full of men watching football. Having loads of fun and loosing my voice due to me screaming at the tv. The Chargers beat the Broncos. It was getting dark out so my friend offered me a ride home but I said, "No thanks. I don't live that far." As I was walking back home, all of a sudden, it started to down poor as if there was a storm. Then a few minutes after I left there was thunder and lightning, so I tried to run home in a semi dark night in a storm. Tripping over an uneven pavement scrapping my knee. Trying to get up, out of know where a huge lightning bolt struck me. Leaving my unconscious on the concrete in a lonely and quiet neighborhood with nobody around. Eventually, a young man found me lying on the soaking wet side walk and called the ambulance. Being all unconscious and stuff I didn't remember anything that happened until I woke up in the hospital with nurses and doctors crowded around me trying to fix me. It turns out that after being hit by that huge lightning bolt all the damage done that the doctors found was my scrapped knee and a few minor burns. 
The next day the hospital dispatched me. Waiting outside of the hospital for Carrie to come and pick me up. Getting in the car I just saw her face balling up with fear, sadness, and regret. So I gave her a hug to comfort her. She didn't take me back to my place. So Carrie took me back to her place because she didn't want me be home all alone after what just happened. 
That night I couldn't sleep a after the incident. I wasn't feeling good at all. I felt really hot and dizzy as if I was going to faint. So I grabbed a bottled water to soothe me. But as I was reaching for the water in the fridge a huge lightning bolt rushed out of my hand, flickering the fridge light. I was scared and my heart was beating as a cheetah. I immediately closed the door and ran to my room. Worried as I could be, I didn't sleep through the night. 
It was morning, I could smell Carrie cooking breakfast. As anxious and nervous I could be I walked down the stairs to eat breakfast and to maybe discuss what happened last night. While eating some delicious waffles I started off the conversation with, "these are really good. Where did you learn how to make these delicious waffles." Carrie waited for her mouth to be empty enough to reply back but looked at my face as if there was something wrong. She ignored my question and said, " are you okay? What's the matter." 
"Everything is okay. I just didn't enough sleep that's all." 
"Well you just seem like there was a problem. You know that you can talk to me about anything. So really what's the matter?" Carrie replied.
"Okay. Don't freak out. But last night, when I was getting some bottled water out of the fridge, something strange happened." As I said I a wary tone. 
"So what happened?" 
"A lightning bolt came out of my hands while I was reaching for the water." 
" OMG! Really. Can you show me or is that too much?" Carrie said. 
"Sure but idk how to control it. Here goes...." I put my hands out trying to focus on the light. Then a bolt shot out of my hand, turning off the power throughout the house. Carrie jaw dropped all the way to the floor in amazement. She was thinking about me as this super hero fighting off crimes and gave me my super hero name, The Bolt Girl. It had ring to it but needs some work. 
To be continued......

She was fast. Really fast. Everyone knew she was the fastest driver on the track. Some people argued it was her car that was fast and not her. Some people never saw her when she was behind the wheel. Was. She was really fast.

Kate flips through her scrap book of memories. Like an old widowed woman. It was only a couple of months ago when she could drive. Let alone when she could walk. She didn't really miss the walking. She missed the speed and the rush of being behind the wheel of a very fast car. Kate's older brother who moved in with her to take care of her after her accident won't let her go down the hill in their neighborhood on her wheel chair. 

Such a goody-goody. Kate looks at the picture of her in her driving gear holding a trophy next to her brother. Her grin is huge as she holds a trophy bigger than her with one arm, the other hanging lose and broken at her side. While Kate looks at the camera her brother, Toby, looks at her with a scowl. He was really eager to set her arm. Kate wanted to celebrate a little longer. The adrenaline was still pumping through her so she didn't feel anything yet. Luckily she was on her way to the hospital when the pain set in because she cried like a baby. So sometimes her brother was right. Usually in cases such as when Kate wanted to jump off their parents roof as kids and Toby told her not to because she would get hurt. She did it anyway. She broke her face. Literally her face.

Kate flips through the pages of all the x-rays that her mother saved. When Kate turned 18 she continued the tradition of putting her x-rays into the scrapbook as well. The last x-ray is from her big accident. The one that paralyzed her.

She had a need for speed and danger that could never be satisfied. So when the car in front of her started hurtling towards her she was going to fast to stop or move out of the way so it crashed right into her front window. It was like getting hit by lightning.

Week Eight
You are a villain.

Villain list of things to do:

👹 main goal is to take over the world but in a tragic and most memorable stunt in history. 
👹have a secret hide out of course. What type of villain are you if you don't have an evil lair.
👹have an evil side kick so they always have a second opinion and so they can be your best friend. 
👹an evil pet. Possibly a fury animal. Maybe a hairless cat just like Dr. Evil in Austin Powers. 
👹go to the bank of villains so I can set up a checking and savings account. 
👹have a group of scientists/workers/minions to help me build my evil villainy inventions.
👹the top of my list is to have a good guy/gal so I can have a reason worth fighting for and to make seem real and not as a fantasy.
👹always look evil 24/7 by having a villain stylist who would my make up, hair, and the clothes. You got look the part in order to be the part.
👹 always have a plan B.

If I were a villain I'd be Gru

Week Nine
Your favorite place

My favorite place is someplace nice and quiet. Where i can truly relax and release any stress that I had during the school year. This place is Oahu. This was my home for awhile. I would not worry about anything besides showing up for school. I love how I can go to the beach everyday and I fact that's how I spent all of my school holidays. The weather is AMAZING! When I lived there I never had to wear pants. Throughout the year all you need is shorts, some shirts, tanks, sandals, maybe some shoes, and on rare occasions you need pants. The food there is really good. One of my favorite foods to eat in Hawaii is Portuguese sausage and rice and pineapple. Those 2 foods is hard to find back here on the mainland. The pineapple is so fresh and is different than what we get here on the mainland. The scenery is a must have. I love how we could hike a trail and you would end up overseeing the island. Also the culture is amusing. I learned so much including learning how to Hula dance. 
My favorite places are my room, the library by my house and once in a while I like to go to the park by my house.

Until next time,

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