Summer Special 2015: Wednesday Part 2 (Featuring Gabby)

Week Six
Go out to dinner with a friend, and as soon as you get home, write in the person's voice. Begin with something the person said.

Week Seven
You realize you have inadvertently become a stalker

Week Eight

Google search you own name. 
Write about the search result that is the closest to your name but isn't you

Week Nine

Your dog's last dream. 
How your cat sees the world.


Week Six
Go out to dinner with a friend, and as soon as you get home, write in the person's voice. Begin with something the person said.

Gabby, Anna, my sister and I went to a movies today then had lunch in the square together. We had an awesome girls day.
(I hope I'm doing this right)

Little person get back here! I went to get ice from the lady and she looked horrified when I told her my sister hit her head on the chair. Everything's okay though. This quesadilla makes me feel like a kid. Let me ask gabby things about being Mexican because she's the real deal! True Mexican !! Hahaha! (love you Kayla <3) I wonder if gabby can make quesadillas...maybe I should ask. I hope Ella doesn't drink all of that weird flower juice. Gabby doesn't mind though. It's so funny how she went from scared to friends with Ella even though she's a kid. 

Kayla is soooooo beautiful. I don't even know what she is saying to me right now because I am just staring at her beautiful face. Oh god, she's looking at me. Must respond. "Yeah." I agree without knowing what she was asking or even if she was asking a question. Sigh, I just can't keep staring. I am so in love. 

I try to eat my rolled tacos gracefully so that I don't look like a slob but I end up cramming them down my throat anyway. Why can't I look beautiful while I'm eating like Kayla. Oh no, she's talking to me again. "Huh?"

"Are quesadillas for kids in Mexico or is it just you and me that associate it with our child hood?" The great thing about being Kayla's like only Mexican friend is that she's always asking me stuff about it so I get lots of attention from her. Plus doing to Summer Special has gotten us really close. Really close ;)

Week Seven
You realize you have inadvertently become a stalker
The funny thing is that I already know I'm a stalker.

I stalk everyone. My friends, my exes, family members, celebrities. Literally everyone.

Sometimes it becomes a huge obsession with someone attractive or with a similar hobby or interest of mine or someone I just am interested in talking to.

I'm a stalker and I readily admit it LOL

Well I had to got to starbucks and subway and watch people to make a story about. So . . . Yeah, I accidently became a stalker. But so did Melisha and my mom.

Week Eight
Google search you own name. 
Write about the search result that is the closest to your name but isn't you

I googled it and the first link took me to another Gabby Mann's Facebook profile. She's literally the opposite of me physically. She's blonde and European I think British... She seems like a funny person from looking at her statuses. And she's dating someone named Jarrod  ALSO IM LOOKING MORE ON GOOGLE AND THERES LITERALLY A MILLION PEOPLE WITH MY EXACT SAME NAME WTF 

In another world I'm a really amazing dancer. Check this video out it is awesome.

Week Nine

Your dog's last dream. 
How your cat sees the world.
Your dog's last dream

Paloma was running around in her dreams. She kept trying to chase after lizards the way Taz does IRL. She barks at them but she's always too slow.

How your cat sees the world

Taz is an interesting cat. He sees everything as his. My bed is his, my chairs, the sofa, everyone else's beds too. He thinks he owns everything and can do whatever he wants. Like kill all the lizards he meets 

My dog, Lola (rest in peace), dreamt about pickles (when my mom was pregnant with my sister they shared pickles. She came running when she heard the jar open)

My cat, Poody, thinks he is king of the world. His world is a dictatorship where he is the ruler, lord and god.
*This picture of Lola is provided by Ana who came over to my place to love on my animals and luckily she took pictures before we had to put Lola to sleep because we didn't have any of her since she was a puppy.

The picture with Poody is kind of hard to tell but he is kneading (is that the right spelling?) his nails into my back which I've read cat's do to their mothers. And FYI those are my old glasses so this picture isn't very recent but it isn't very old.

Until next time,

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