Week Long Prompt [Summer Special 2015]

Week 11
Week Long Prompts
The rules are as follows
- We get one week to answer our chosen prompt starting from our day of week 10.
- We get to either steal someone else's prompt or rewrite/edit et cetera one of our old prompts
P.S I am posting mine on Sunday with Anita because this is my blog and I can. 
Also this is the last week of prompts! The Summer Special is almost over! The Summer Special Crew will come back hopefully the Saturday after we get back to school to say goodbye.


I would be a flying shape shifter with supper speed. I could turn invisible anytime I want. When people are sleeping I would draw on their faces. I would steal toys. And prank people. And when someone is sitting down I would pull the chair away from them. And when people are thirsty I'll  pretend that their is water, I'll make something that looks like their is water in it but there's not. I would scar cats. (KY at this point she was looking at my cat and I told her she went to far). I would pop someone's balloon and take their ice cream. When someone is going to slide down I am going to put sticky stuff so they will never go. I'll pretend I'm playing hide and seek and when I'm counting I'll just forget about it and watch tv and leave them in their hiding spot forever. I would steal cats. I would steal bunnies.

(Something came up)


I'm stealing a prompt

For a while I had planned to live with Megan when I moved out, yknow normal BFF plans. We had it all figured out but towards April/May we had a bit of a falling out and didn't talk for a little while. Even a little before that, I had started thinking maybe I wanted to move in with my boyfriend at the time because he wanted me to whenever I decided to move out. I never took it too seriously and thought I was actually going to move in with him like lol I'm 17. Anyway we ended up breaking up about a month ago and my future plans all changed. Right now I just want to live on my own/with my dog Paloma. I'm thinking about going out of state for college because I have nothing holding me back now. Although even if I do stay in San Diego I'm going to end up moving back to Mexico one day so I'm pretty sure I just need to live by myself. I have too many impulses that I always act on and I don't think anyone else wants to be moving around that often. The thought of living alone is a little intimidating at times because I read so many scary stories but I doubt anything bad would happen to me. I just wish I could move now and just get out...

Previously I had written about my Grandma being one of my biggest inspirations in my life.  It was very difficult to pick only one form of inspiration to write about.  Now that I have an opportunity to re-write a prompt I need to add my dearest Grandpa to that inspirational list.  My Grandma was so wise and would change my life with her words while my Grandpa inspired me with his actions.  My Grandpa was not just the average Grandpa.  He filled the space of my missing Father, and was also a dear friend.  Papa was the guy you called when you were lost, broke down, ran out of gas, got in a car accident, you name it.  He was a Knight In Shinning Armor that would come to your rescue no matter what time of day it was.  He was the most family dedicated man I have every known.  He always dropped everything to rush to the aide of his family or friends.  When I was 16 I was starting my first year of Junior College.  I was still in the process of getting my driver's license and desperately needed to be able to drive myself to and from school.  Well....I failed my driver's test....allegedly....twice!  So my wonderful Papa would drive from Claremont to Ramona to pick me up.  Then he would drive me to Palomar College and wait for me in the parking lot while I was in classes.  Once classes were done for the day he would drive me back to Ramona, drop me off, and then go back home to Claremont.  Papa did this for a week or two until I finally got my driver's license, never complaining even once.  My Grandpa is the person that made me feel safe in the world.  I always knew that no matter what was going wrong I could run to my Papa and he would do his best to help me, protect me, and love me regardless of whatever mess I had got myself into.  Even as he got older and physically couldn't rescue me the way he used to, I still felt safe just by his presence in my life.  My Grandma had passed away almost 16 years before my Grandpa passed.  He continued to love and stay loyal to her for those 16 years that they were apart.  He would go to her graveside and play their song for her from his truck.  My Grandpa taught me about working hard for your family and having unending loyalty to your family.  My Grandpa passed away in my arms on August 11, 2015 at 6:45 pm.  I am forever changed by my Grandparents and miss them both dearly. 


Once you've decided on what ingredients to use, making soup is very simple:
Heat a large soup pot over medium heat.
Sauté your aromatic vegetables (onion, garlic, celery, carrot) in your fat.
Cook your meat if necessary (for example, stew beef)
Add your base (except milk or cream), veggies, meat, and spices.


 "Strange Love" by Halsey
There was once a boy named John Doe. From those who knew him, he was the most animated person, but also the saltiest person. He had a boyfriend that was not who expected for John to be interested in, but he was definitely the "strange love" for John that was on everyone's mind.

They were polar opposites. John was opinionated, outspoken, and had a very dominant spirit, while his boyfriend, Nick, was very introverted and very shy. It's a wonder on everyone's mind of how they even got together. It truly is a "strange love" between them.

I've decided to do Gabby's week 9 prompt: 
Your dog's last dream. 
How your cat sees the world.

My dog, Kawa, last dream was about how he was on the streets of Hawaii. Whenever he sleeps on my bed at night, Kawa would start making many noises such as a little howl or a small constant bark. Then he would move his legs in place as if he was running away from someone or something. It always wakes me up, but then I would comfort him until he wakes up from his nightmare. 

Until next time,
(In order of days)

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