What Were You Thinking Summer Special Crew?! [Summer Special 2015]

Week 10 
Group Prompt No. 6 
What are you thinking when you sit down to write?

(Specifically when you sit down to respond to your prompt)

I have somewhat of an unfair advantage of being the one who picks the prompts so I know them ahead of everyone else. Which means for a lot of the prompts I have ideas when I sit down to write. I have not, however, worked on any of the prompts earlier than anyone else. I had ideas but I didn't write anything down until the day of the prompts. And I didn't have ideas ahead of time for all of them and some I had ideas that when I sat down to write didn't work out.

When I respond to prompts I think about random stuff. I usually listen to music while doing anything on my computer. Sometimes I think about the lyrics of the song that's playing. And yes I am listening to music now.

Whenever I sit down to write I think about how I can make the prompt relate to something in my life without directly talking about what it is or an actual person 

I don't understand
When I sit down and write there are like a million things that goes on in my mind. I think about how do I start/ begin this essay or story. Why don't I just take a 5-10 minute break? It turns out to be actually a few hour break. I think about what happened in the day that had really stuck into my mind. When I write it's always a struggle to.

When I open a prompt I am a little excited and a little nervous. I am usually thinking-I hope it's a fun prompt.  I get nervous that it will be a difficult one, or that it will be something I don't know anything about.
When I sit down to write, here are some of the things I’m thinking. Sometimes I think, “Wow, I want to write something really good. I want this to be great, not merely okay. Hmmm. That’s some pressure. Okay. Forget the pressure. Pressure stifles creativity.” Other times, I’m thinking something like this: I wish I could type even faster! I have so many ideas pouring out of me. I want to get them down RIGHT NOW! Man, I have some good things to say today!

When I get a prompt from Ky, I think about it from my perspective especially when it has to do with something that is personal to me, and something that I don't necessarily talk about or am insecure about.
When I sit and write a song, it's sort of similar. Like I think of it being personal to me, but I also try to keep a more universal theme into the song; basically making outside of my own experience.

Until next time,
(In order of the days of the week)

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