Who or What Inspires the the Summer Special Crew? [Summer Special 2015]

Week 10 
Group Prompt No. 3 

Who or what inspires you?
- Trees?
- People?
- Architecture?
And what do you do  with this inspiration?
- Make music?
- Draw?
- Write?

I put my inspiration towards writing (stories and poems). I do get the occasional inspiration to do art but that comes more rarely than the inspiration to write. I get  most of my inspiration from people watching. I make up stories about people I see on the street and they turn into a character in one of my stories. I'm the sort of writer who focuses on character work, Some writers can write amazing books with no characters in them but I thrive on character work.

What inspires me to write is because I always like to tell a story, whether good or bad. For a long time, English was (and still is) one of my favorite subjects because I got to be a storyteller, especially when it came to poetry. During this time, I started writing poetry to deal with everything that was going on in my life, like dealing with my emotional/mental issues, feeling isolated, and dealing with family issues. As time went on, I began developing poetry into lyrics.

At this point, I didn't fully accept myself as a writer because I didn't feel like I was good enough to earn the title like the early greats that inspired me during that time, such Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, and Kurt Cobain. As I got to high school, I began writing more, and it began becoming this sort of addiction; every word I said or heard became a lyric, surroundings became my inspiration, and writing became my therapy.

It wasn't until I moved to San Diego in June 2013 that I started developing more of an ear to different artists and musicians that inspired me to really call myself a writer. One artist that really spoke to me at the time was Lana Del Rey because of how her lyrics were a cross between vulgar yet gracefully appropriate and I found that fascinating, and it was then that I found the artist Emeli Sande (whom I've mentioned more than one and who's probably annoying you guys with how much I mention her). I discovered her album "Our Version of Events" suddenly, and it was then that I really discovered myself as a writer. She wrote from the universal perspective yet kept it personal to herself, whether the tracks were talking about relationships, whether with family, friends, or simply your significant other. I wanted to emulate how emotive and poetic both Del Rey and Sande had written and their songs and it was then that I realized I wanted to be a singer-songwriter like them.

At first I wasn't sure what has been my biggest inspiration in my life. There are too many, my family, my kids, art, books, nature.  How to pick one?  Then I thought what one thing has had the biggest effect on me? And then I knew for sure, my Grandma.  My Grandma was the wisest, kindest, most loving and caring person I have ever known.  She was very intelligent, funny, and strong.  She had an amazing balance of being kind and caring but tough and strong too.  She was sweet and loving but you weren't going to get away with anything either.  She carried herself like a lady, loved clothes, shoes, handbags.  But also put in all of the hard wood floors in her house herself.  She taught me that as a woman you don't have to choose. You can be both sweet and tough.  Kind and strong.  In one short conversation when I was a kid she changed the course of my life.  She empowered me when I felt powerless.  In a 15 minute conversation she flipped my entire world upside down and gave me hope when I was hopeless.  It was the most pivotal moment of my life, changed me, changed what my life would become.  I would be a very different person living a very different life if it weren't for my Grandma.
My mom is my inspiration. She does a lot for me and my sister and puts up with a ton of stuff at home. I learn from her in more than just what she teaches me about chores or simple life hacks. I've been learning from her mistakes and what she does on a daily basis and I use her as an example to be strong. 

I put the inspiration I gain from her into play by using it to help me guide myself through my various relationships in life. Friendships, acquaintances, teacher and student rolls etc. She inspires me to treat people the way I want to be treated and don't take any bullshit from anyone. 
I have many things that inspire me, but the most prominent and the one that sticks out to me is my parents, One Direction, my best friends, and movies/tv shows. With all of these inspirations I take it and either create something new. For instance, my parents inspire me to always to do my best everyday in school. They always encourage me to try new things that isn't in my comfort zone. My dad always look out for me and wants what's best for me. One direction is my idol. They always help me finish my work and sometimes inspires me to write or create artwork.
But most of all these things inspire me to always to my best and help boost up my self-confidence without my inspirations I wouldn't be the person that I am today. I love the person that I look everyday in the mirror compared to years ago.
Who or what inspires me? My kids inspire me. Watching them learn new things, sometimes while dealing with bumps along the road, is inspiring. I celebrate their progress, and their effort. I’m also inspired by people who have to overcome extra challenges in life. I’ve met a number of people who have to work harder, study longer or practice more to make progress. Instead of giving up, these people just keep working toward their goal, and I am humbled by their tenacious spirit. This encourages me to keep trying. It encourages me not to spend too much time feeling upset about the roadblocks I’ve encountered. Instead, I remember the people who keep finding a way to work toward their goal, and so I focus again on my goals. 

My uncle Billy inspired me. He was a slacker in high school, then he got it together and went and finished college. Now he makes a decent amount of money.

I don't get it. Cats, friends, cakes, mushrooms, a heart aaaaaaand muffins. Blueberry muffins.

Until next time,
(In order of the days of the week)

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