Favorite Quotes ft. Summer Special Crew [Summer Special 2015]

Week 10 
Group Prompt No. 2 

My eyes are so small
This is something I would tell myself when I was depressed. I would make a paper crane at school and write it on the inside and carry it around knowing what it said. When I was feeling better I would leave the crane somewhere and write, "Open me" on the wing.

One time I got caught. A girl had found one of my cranes and then she saw me in the library making one out of the same paper (I used smaller paper than traditional). After a while she came up to me and told me about it. I was totally shocked and embarrassed but then she hugged me and said, "thank you". She had found one when she most needed it. That made me really happy.

One of the main reasons I have this blog is to try to help people who were in a bad place like I was. I like trying to make people happy. Make them feel like they're not alone.

This is something I told myself and now I tell everyone else.

I just like it. 

Favorite Poem

I don't remember where I found it. I like it because it basically says so what we are different, and not perfect, but who is perfect.

It's by my favorite character in my favorite anime and it really sticks out to me because a lot of time my actions are based off of my fear of things and I have yet to completely get rid of my habit of letting fear rule me. 

So I have two quotes that are equally important to me because of how they've both changed me to be the person I am today. The first is by my favorite actress in the world, Angelina Jolie. 

It really meant a lot to me because my whole life, I was always stuck in the shadow of my parents and found it impossible to be myself at all because of how everyone expected of me. But, after reading this quote, it inspires me to be able to walk my own path. Part of the reason I like quote is because of the fact that Angelina Jolie said it. She inspired throughout a lot of her movies to be fearless and to be unapologetic about myself, while also being able to inspire me theatrically with the roles that she plays. 

Another quote that really touched my heart was by one of my favorite artists, Emeli Sande. 

The reason this quote speaks to me is because of how music has been an essential part of my life; both as a listener and as a writer of it. She explains from this quote about not being labeled into any specific genre when it comes to music, which was very influential to me as I have an eclectic taste of music. As a songwriter, it inspired not only to be unlimited to genres of music, but to be able to have a voice and reach out to people with my message

This line makes me feel empowered and strong because it is always ok to be scared. It's what you do in spite of being scared  that can move mountains.

This quote by Walt Disney helps me to always chase my dreams and to never give up and just strive to do the best. Disney inspires me everyday ad with his works. As a kid watching all of his works in movies inspired me to be an animator and want to create a Disney movie. I loved to draw anything that I could see.

This is one of my favorite quotes because it really explains how we should live and not just survive life and live it normally. we should take risks and do stupid things because in the end, we're all going to die and that'll be it. we need to make the most of this short life. 

I have several quotes I love but this one speaks to
me because it acknowledges that there are scary parts of life (the storms). But she focuses on the skills she’s developing so that she can endure whatever life presents to her. I love how self-empowering that quote is. There will always be unknown elements in life, but if we believe we
have the tools and strength inside us to handle
 them, we are much less afraid of the unknown.

Until next time,
(In order of the days of the week)

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