What's on Your Bucket List? ft. Summer Special Crew [Summer Special 2015]

Week 10 
Group Prompt No. 1 

A collection of stuff the Summer Special Crew wants to do before they/we die.
If you don't know the images are from a popular, I guess phenomenon, on the internet where people turn things on their bucket list into pictures
Most were already made
Some I custom made (you can tell which)

P.S Formatting today is very difficult if it looks weird know I am trying to fix it

A few years ago I drafted a bucket list. The following year I revised it, and now I’m trimming it way down. This might sound odd. Most people add and add to their bucket list. The longer we live, the more we become aware of places we might want to visit or things we want to do, so the list is likely to grow, right? Yes and no. I’m trying to focus my time and energy on the people, things and causes that mean the most to me, so rather than add to my bucket list, I want to edit it so that the items on it are truly the ones that are meaningful to me rather than the ones that others suggest I should pursue.

With that said, here is my freshly-trimmed bucket list:


(Bucket lists often seem to be made of acts that can be finished. Only my last two items are of that variety. My first four items are ongoing acts that don’t have a finish line. But my bucket list is mine and I can design it how I like. For me, ongoing goals like my first four are what I want my life to be like, rather than things that can be checked off…)

Until next time,
In order of the days of the week)

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