Summer Special 2015: Sunday Part 1 (Anita and KY)

Table of contents

Week One:

Your best birthday

Week Two:
The people who will live in you house after you move out

Week Three:
Three things in your childhood bedroom

Week Four:
What's stored in your closet

Week Five:
The menu for your last meal
Week One: 
Your best birthday

The best birthday was my 16th birthday. It was a birthday that I would never forget. I've asked my parents what I wanted to do for my birthday that year which was going to Disneyland. With that idea my father said yes we could go which was shocking because he hates large crowds and doesn't really like going to Disney. I guess over the years he changed. I proposed the idea about 5 to 6 months ahead of time. As ecstatic as typical teen should be my father told me that the only time we could go to Disneyland is for memorial day weekend because he wanted to for 3 days with the military discount and said, "What hotel do you want to stay at? You have 3 choices: Paradise Pier Hotel, Disneyland Hotel, or the Grand Californian Hotel like we did last time." Of course the Grand Californian Hotel because it was more covenant for us.
When the time came I was SOO excited. We packed up the car and went straight to the hotel. While we were checking in the lady who helped us gave me my special birthday pin and 2 autographs from one of my favorite Disney characters. Then we dropped off our luggage in our room which had an awesome view of the park and we could get a good view of the fireworks and the world of color. Spending hours at both parks and most of all celebrating my special day with my family was a dream come true. My favorite part of the trip was that everyone in the parks said, "Happy Birthday!" and it wasn't just the crew members it was some random strangers. Now that truly made me feel special. My dad made my 16th birthday the best and magical birthday ever. I truly have the best dad in the world who actually made this day actually happen who would work long hours to provide for our family. Thank you.  
My best birthday was my last birthday when I turned 17. My papa was in the hospital around both of our birthdays, (mine is December 22nd and his is the 13th) he was having a lot of health problems and we were all worried he was close to his time. I think that was when he had some sort of operation I can't really remember because so many things were going on with him. It was really serious. After the hospital he couldn't go home because no one could take care of him and he was having a hard time walking so he couldn't do a lot of things by himself. This was before my grandma took a break from her job so she could stay home and take care of him. So he stayed at "a home" temporarily until he recovered enough to come to "our home".

While he was in "the home" I was planning my birthday party. I decided I wanted to have a barbecue at my house and invite some of my family (the ones I like). I don't remember how the idea came about but I thought it be cool to say it was my party but then have it also be a surprise party for papa. So we would end up sharing our birthday. When we learned he was going into the home my mom checked if they could sort of borrow him for a couple hours if he was doing well enough. A few days before the party after every one had been invite  and everything was ready and set up my mom said he wouldn't be able to come. I was so upset I wanted to call it off or push it back until he could come but every one was already planning on attending so I tried not to show how upset I was and said that was okay. I asked if we could visit him afterwards and bring him some cake instead. I didn't want to be ungrateful I just wanted to spend time with him and I felt lucky that I still could. I hadn't seen him very much and I really missed him. It was really hard every time he had to stay in the hospital or "a home" because I went from seeing him every day of my life (I live with my mom, dad, sister, grandma and papa) to seeing him once a week if possible.

But the party must go on. A bunch of my aunts, uncles and cousins came, it was fun but I was still sad my papa couldn't come. I tried to be happy and have fun but I was really disappointed. I was really excited about the whole surprise party idea. Well, it still ended up being a surprise party. But I think I was more surprised than papa. I can't remember how I found out, my mom must have told me, but only a short time after the party started I learned papa was coming! He was here! I ran out to see him (almost running over my aunt) and there he was. I was so incredibly happy. And I still got to surprise him after all.

When I asked my mom about my surprise she said everyone knew and papa was coming all along. Actually I guess my uncle didn't know it was a surprise for me because when papa was on his way my uncle said something like, "Grandpa's coming right?" and it was so funny because I never caught on and I said, "You must be uninformed on the latest papa news, you should talk to mom." I had no idea!

It was really cool to get presents with papa and have cake and everything. It was just so cool. I had an amazing time. I'm sure a lot of 17 year old girls wouldn't want to share their birthday with their grandpa - wait . . . I think he said that to me after the party! Wow. Anyway but I'm really close to my papa, I love him to death. He was my only father figure for most of my childhood and he continued to be my father figure after my mom remarried. He's my hero and it was so great to celebrate my 17th birthday with him home.

P.S. I actually have his biography in the works if that something the audience would appreciate me putting on this blog, let me know. But it would have to be after the Summer Special.

P.S.S I just realized I might not have clarified "my papa" is my great-grandfather - my mom's mom's dad.

P.S.S.S I couldn't find the pictures from this birthday but there are picture of my and my papa on my father's day blog

Week Two:
The people who will live in you house after you move out

When the time comes I'm going ot move out of my parents house which would be hard, but exciting. Purchasing a house takes on a huge responsibility, so maybe at first I would have me and my best friend live in the same house together or maybe an apartment. It just depends. Or I may live with my younger cousin who I know is wanting to move out and away from her parents life. Basically wherever I live, everyone is welcome to stay with me within reasons. But I'm open minded when it comes to roommates and stuff. 
In the distant future when I hopefully get married, I would then purchase a house of my dreams where we can live and start a our own family. 

Also in my dreams I would love to live with mermaids and fairies. It would make my life enjoyable and fun. It would be cool to live with any magical creature. It would make your life more magical. 

"I hate it." Kate says as she steps through the threshold of her new home.
"You hate eveything." Her old brother, Toby says as he shoves past her, his arms loaded with boxes. "It's all those hormones. Puberties a bitch." Kate glares at him and croses her arms. Toby thinks he's so wise because he's seventeen. He's allowed to drive and go out on dates and boss her around because he's older. Kate is thirteen. Thirteen doesn't get any privileges except a later bed time.
"There's dead plants everywhere outside. Everything is old and falling apart. Who ever built this place was a moron. It's two houses shoved together. That makes no sense." Kate slams her backpack onto the floor as she looks around.
"I think it's cool. And we get one whole side of the house to ourselves. Our own kitchen and bathroom." Toby puts the boxes into piles acording to what's written on the side.
"Mom says I have to sleep on their side." Kate has had the argument several times with her parents.
"I bet you could convince them if you asked nicely and dropped the 'tude." Kate is so sick of everyone treating her like a surely teenager. like all of a sudden what she's feeling isn't real because she has hormones and crap in her body. She's being "emotional." and "Unreasonable". Whatever. Grown ups are stupid. Toby slices one of the boxes open with the pocket knife he got for his fifteenth birthday. He cries out when it cuts his finger. Pre-grown ups are stupid too.
"When are mom and dad gonna get here with the moving van?" Kate asks as she comes back with the first aid kit from Toby's new car. Mom and dad bought it new for him because if Toby had paid for it himself it would have been a piece of crap and her parents wanted kate to be in a safe vehicle. One of the rules of the cars is being Kate's chauffer. That's why her and Toby are at their new house before their parents.
"Dad just texted me he says the van broke down and it can't be fixed until morning."
"So . . . "
"It'll be just me and you kid until they get here."
"Great! What if the place is haunted or worse has bugs and rats. And what are we gonna sleep on our beds and stuff are in the van. And what if - "
"Stop your whinning. I saw a one of those sports stores on the way here, they'll have sleeping bags."
"You're gonna make me sleep in a bag? On the floor? No way in . . . !"
"Hello, what can I get you today?" The perky employee says with a big smile to Kate and Toby as they walk in. Kate glares at the woman and crosses her arms.
"I'm hot I'm getting a drink." Kate saunters off to a cooler by the cash registers.
"Uh, hi, where are the sleeping bags?" Kate hears Toby asks as he walks away. This sucks, Kate thinks as she pops the cap on a soda.
"Hey, you gotta pay for that." Kate looks up at a tall employee with a head full of brown hair. He looks young to be working, his name tag says, "Jordan".
"I will." Kate says in her best "bug off" voice. He raises his eye brows at her and holds out one of his hands, palm up. "What do you want a highfive?" She puts more attitude in her tone.
"I want to keep my job, which means preventing snot nosed kids from stealing." Oh no he did not.
"Snot nosed - "
"Kate." Toby warns coming up beside her with two bundles under his arms. "Look I found you a Hello Kity one." Oh no he did not.
"Are you kidding me?" She looks at the sickly pink bag. "I am not sleeping in that."
"It was the only kids one left." Toby grins. "Hey man, I'll take these and the soda." Jordan nods, smiling at Kate.
"So get me an adult one!" Kate sloshes her drinks as she waves out her arms.
"They're to big for you and the kids are cheaper."
"Did you guys just move here?" Jordan asks conversationally as he rings up their stuff.
"Yeah, just moved into that beat up white house with the red trim on Conrad Street." Jordan hesitates as he scans Kate's sleeping bag. She was not sleeping in that thing. Jordan looks at the two of them alarmed.
"You bought the Norris/Collins/Keyes/Graham house?"
"Uh I guess, I remember there was a door knocker with the name "Norris" on it. I'm not sure about the other names."
"They were a big family. They used to live there a while back. No one's even gone in since they disapered. Except kids who want to try to see the ghosts."
"Ghosts?" Kate asks. "Plural? How many?" Kate asks, alarmed. Toby ignores her.
"An entire family disapeered? How many? No one knows what happened."
"Six people disapered. Parents two kids and grandparents I think. One day they were just gone. No bodies, all of their stuff and their cars were there. It's a town mystery."
"Oh no I am not sleeping in that house! AndI am not sleeping in - "
"I hate you." Kate says that night as they lay side by side in their sleeping bags in one of the living rooms. Toby is already snoring. Kate shoves his shoulder so that he'll role over and stop with the horn in his throat but he's to big. "Bulky neanderathal!" She whisper/yells. Kate sinks deeper into her sleeping bag. If Kate was strong she'd figure out how to switch her and her brother's bags. But his legs wouldn't even fit in the bag.
A bump scares Kate deeper in the bag. "Ghosts are not real." Kate says to herself. A tree or something brushes the little metal roof that juts out above some of the windows. It makes a terible scratching noise. There's a creaking noise above Kate's head. Like someone is walking carefully across the crawl space. Kate's ears become more sensitive and picks up on all the little sounds of the old house. It's as if it's breathing. Like the house is a living breathing thing. There's a loud crash outside that wakes Toby up and sends Kate as deep into the bag as she could go, covering her head. "I'll go check it out." Toby grumbles, still partly asleep. He pads out of the house on his bare feet.
"It was just one of the pots." He tells Kate as he walks back in, locking the front door behind him.
"I pot on the ground magically broke?" Kate's muffled voice says through the fabric of the bag. Toby moves the flap down to show her face.
"No a pot on a stand got knocked over."
"By a ghost."
"By the wind. There are no such things as ghosts. Now go to sleep." But Kate couldn't sleep. because she didn't justg hear the house breathing. She felt it. She felts it's deep even breaths as it slept. She felt it's heart beat deep under the ground. The more she laid there the more she began to decipher. It wasn't one heart beat or one set of breathes. there were several. Several hearts, beating. Several lungs, breathing. As she listened, the beats and breaths began to slip out of sink. One started to beat much faster than the others. The breathing of this body became shallow as if it was excerting excersise. Kate realised she thought the houses heart was underground. That meant these bodies were underground. The family. Kate sat up with the realisation. One of the bodies was moving. Slightly at first, shifting, then it was fighting, hard. Against the dirt of it's tomb. One of the family members was fighting it's way to the surface. And Kate would not be staying long enough to meet him or her. Kate turned to look at Toby. But he was gone. In his place was a deep hole. So deep she couldn't see the bottom. It was to dark.
Kate closed her eyes. How could she not here them stealing her brother. Unless what she heard was what they wanted her to here. She listens again. She counts the different heart rhythms. One beats slow, very slow. One seems to be skipping a beat. Two other's seems normal, they're more in sink. Another one beats faster, but not as fast as the one she thought was moving. That makes six. But . . . Then she hears it. Another heart beat. And it's not hers.
To be continued . . .

 Week Three
Three things in your childhood bedroom

Well I don't live in my childhood bedroom but I have kept some sentimental childhood treasures. Due to being a military child I've moved a lot and there are some things that mean a lot to me vanishes. 
Although I've kept my books that I have written when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. At the time at my old school they would allow students to write their own books and everything. Once you finished your book it would be displayed in the school library to be seen and voted by other students. And my books would always get awards for them. With it made me feel special for having a true talent. 
Another thing from my bedroom is a picture of my dad when he first joined the navy. It is very sentimental to me. My mom told me a story that whenever my dad would leave I would cry my eyes out for days so my parents decided to give me a pic of my dad to always make me feel like he is always with me. 
Lastly I kept all of my soccer trophies and awards from my good old soccer days. I use to display them in my room to see how many I have and to maybe brag a little about them to my little sister. 

1.) A giant yellow teddy bear properly named, Teddy. He was as big as me and I loved him to death. I would just lay on him. I don't know what became of Teddy. I have a suspicion my mom snuck him away.

2.) A play stove that I "made" poptarts and tea on for tea parties.

3.) A big doll house that once I was over dolls became my bookshelf and once I had to many books to fit became something I once had in my childhood bedroom

Week Four: 
What's stored in your closet

In my closet holds many of my loose treasures. It's a place where I hang up any shirts, dresses, sweaters, or costumes. I have this red leotard with silver sparkle trimming from when I did dance as a young girl. 
My closet is a place where I store a bin full of seasonal clothes or any clothes that don't fit in my dresser. Also my closet stores all of my shoes, all of my bags including backpacks and shopping bags. 
On top of my closet I store my little filing cabinet where I save all of my artwork and school work during the year. In a box, I store all of my soccer and basketball trophies and my little knick knacks. 
The most memorable piece stored in my closet is these dolls from Ireland. They were made by hand out of yarn. My grandma got me and my sister 2 dolls when she went to Ireland. The cool thing about the dolls is that they can change into a new doll by flipping the dress up. 
Lastly I have my little fake Christmas tree that I put on top of my  dresser every year. 

My closet is a little complicated so I've included pictures but it's still kind of hard to see because there's a lot of visual stimuli in my room.

So you have to connect the three pictures and that's my closet. It extends from one side of my room to the other. The doors on the right picture extend all the way across but I only keep up the door with the mirror where you see me waving. I for some reason forgot mirrors reflected your image for a minute when I was taking pictures and was like whoa there I am. And the blob with the words is where I hung up an art piece that will be featured in a later blog that you're not allowed to see yet.

So in my closet behind the mirrored door that slides is everything I don't want to look at. Old clothes, dirty clothes, blankets, random stuff like that.

In the middle is my vanity table which is just a book shelf on it's side (my mom's idea).I have typical stuff there like make up, my chapstick collection,  jewelry, toiletries and stuff. And I store all of my art supplies in the shelves and I also have a box full of little purses. I think I have more than the average person because that big box is full. On the wall above it I have a bunch of random stuff that I've hung up. Oh and all of my shorts are in the bookshelf . . . I don't have any pants.

To the left of the vanity area is where I hang all my shirts.

And the shelf above has random stuff like my bouncy ball collection and a Jack Sparrow barbie.

I said stuff way to many times.

Week Five
The menu for your last meal

If it was my last meal that I ever ate, I would create a menu with all of my favorite foods in the world. 
-grilled cheese
- quesadilla with Abuela's flour tortillas 
- Costco's Cesar salad 
- tomato soup 
- Corndogs
- pickles 
-fruit salad consisting blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc.
- breadsticks from Casaros with famous ranch dressing 
-Chicken, cheese, or beef enchiladas (mom's recipe)
-chicken fingers with ranch and French fries
-In n' Out burger
-Alfredo from Bucca di Beppo 
- Dad's sloppy joes and Lasagna 
- Mac n'Cheese 
- Annie's (that's my nickname) famous egg salad sandwich 

-nothing Bundt Cakes: white white chocolate 
-Mom's double chocolate cookies
-Oreos or chips ahoy
- chocolate ice cream sundae
- Mom's cheesecake
-Disneyland's Candy apple's( jack skellington or Minnie Mouse)
- chocolate lava cake 

Just so you know I am totally pigging out for my last meal

Denny's nachos, smothered cheese fries, quesadilla and chicken strips
Chilli's Spinach and artichoke dip with chips
Panera Bread Mac & Cheese with a side of their bread and potato chips
McDonalds hashbrowns
Rita's frozen custard, vanilla with whip cream and chocolate chips

Until next time,

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