Summer Special 2015: Wednesday Part 1 (Gabby and Ky)

Table of contents

Week One: 
Write a scene that begins: 
“It was the first time I killed a man.”
Week Two: 
Write a story that starts with a piece of gossip

Week Three: 
Thoughts on your favorite pet's personality

Week Four
You are a serial killer. What TV shows are on your DVR list? Why?

Week Five
You have a dream that you've murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward?


Week One: 
Write a scene that begins: 
“It was the first time I killed a man.”
It was the first time I killed a man. He'd betrayed me. Our arguments had gone from every month to every week to every day. It got to the point where we broke it off to give each other some space but, he jumped into a new relationship the next day. I was furious. As much as I knew that he just wanted to get rid of me, I couldn't help but be hurt. 

I had stalked him for days after the breakup, carefully planning my every move. I must have watched the movie American Psycho at least 15 times in those few days. I analyzed everything he did. Finally, the day came. 

It was around 11 pm and he was walking home from work. I'd tampered with his car the day before so that he'd have no choice but to walk. I tailed behind him in my car, headlights off. He stopped to cross the street, it was my chance. I hit the gas pedal and slammed into him like a deer on an old forest road. He bounced off my car and into the road as I stopped and jumped out to grab him. I shoved him into the back seat of my car and speed off, hoping no one saw me. 

It's been 3 days since then. I dumped his body somewhere in the ocean. So far I've left clues that imply that his girlfriend has something to do with his disappearance, but we'll see how that goes I guess. 

To be continued . . .

It was the first time I killed a man. Actually killed a man rather than being accused of killing one. That's how I got thrown into this place in the first place. An innocent man suffocated behind bars. Prison life didn't suit me well. I got beat up everyday. I lost a lot of weight because my food kept getting snatched or tampered with. Although the cockroach might not have been deliberately put there the razor blade for sure didn't just walk up and decide my unidentifiable mush was a nice warm place to sleep. Luckily the shiny metal wasn't well hidden so he didn't try to take a chomp out of it. The other inmates loved to mess with me. Messing with me was a nice of way of say trying to kill me. And on day I got sick of it.

It would have been a small descretion really. A big guy with arms as thick as tree trunks that were covered in tattoos bumped me in the halls. Well, maybe he meant to bump me. But this guy was huge and I was getting really scrony from mallnutrition. So instead of a little harmless brush, I flew straight into a wall. Breaking my nose and splattering blood all over my. I could have just kept on walking. I should have.

Instead I jumped onto the giants back and choked him. To death. The guard couldn't get me off of him. An innocent man suffocated behind bars. Suddenly he wasn't innocent anymore. He could breathe.

Week Two: 
Write a story that starts with a piece of gossip

I've been hearing a lot about my coworker, Robert, who went missing. Some say he ran off to Vegas due to stress, others say he was abducted. His crazy ex girlfriend stopped showing up at work around the time of the disappearance which has been putting all sorts of ideas in my head. Am I the only one that's noticed? She could have killed him for all I know. I brought the idea up at work and many of my coworkers agreed that it was plausible. The stories got a bit out of hand though, everything from murder to torture.   

The police stopped by work today and questioned everyone. It was just simple things like "What was Robert like?" They didn't seem to be taking it too seriously, as Robert has only been missing for about three days. I mentioned his ex girlfriend to them and it sparked their interest a bit.

After I went home I couldn't help but notice the same car circling my street. It must have gone past 30 times before I came outside and it sped off. What could that be about? My stomach churned as Rob's disappearance came to mind. There's no way I'd be next though, Robert and I weren't even friends!! I went back to watching tv in my living room. A few hours later I heard a scraping noise on the window behind me. I froze in fear and just ignored it, while turning the tv volume up. Soon the window crashed open and I jumped up. Some woman crawled through the window into my house. She lunged at me and I was too scared to do anything. We fell to the floor with her pinning me down as she pulled something out of her pocket. " what happens when you spread rumors," 

Kate stepped out of her car with her breathe held. Her hands tighten around the straps of her backpack as she walked out of the school parking lot and onto the campus. She refused to meet the eyes of her fellow highschool students as they openly stared at her. She kept telling herself that she didn't care what they thought about her. She was getting out of this stupid judgemental town in just a couple months. She plans to drive right past the "Welcome to a pathetic town of judgmental aholes" sign as soon as she graduates. 
Kate lets out the breathe she was holding. It's easier to be angry. It was easier to be angry when her dad dropped her off at her grandma's rather than devastated. It's easier to be pissed off that somehow someone figured out she was pregnant. And that someone had the power to send a mass text to a large portion of the school. It spread like wild fire from there. It was easier to be angry at her best friend for being the only one who knew she was pregnant. Rather than sob her face off upset because he betrayed her. Toby texted her like five times last night after Kate found out about the mass text about her pregnancy. Aparently someone had her number without knowing who's it was. Unless they knew it was Kate's number but refered to her as "that Kate girl" for irony. She doubted it.
Without thinking Kate walks to one of the breakfast carts where she meet Toby every morning. She quickly turns down a different hallway and walks to her first period class instead. It was ussually open in the morning. She could hide in their until class started.
She passes the library and hisitates when she sees Toby. She tries to turn around and quickly walk away without him seeing her but she has no such luck. "Kate!" Toby says as he hurries towards her. Kate blows her bangs out of her eyes.
"What do you want, Toby?" She looks at Tobys ear, his shoulder, his shoes, anything but his face. 
"I want you to listen to me for five minutes so that I can explain." Kate mental counts out the seconds as she looks intently at Toby's shoes. 
"Stop counting and stop looking at my shoes." He demands. "My eyes are up here." Kate looks up and glares at him. At this moment she absolutely hates having a friend that knows her so well. "It wasn't me." Toby starts. Kate tries to push past him, not wanting to hear what he has to say. "It wasn't, Kate." He puts his hands on her shoulders to keep her from walking away. "I'll admit I did tell my mom but not anyone else. Someone must have heard me while I was talking to her." Toby's mom is the nurse at their school.
"You told her while at school! You idiot." Kate tries to say angrily, but she really she's just releaved. Toby was a horrible liar. She believed him. And it didn't really matter now. The whole school new. And she would need her best friend to get through the day.
"Come on let's go get breakfast." Toby says with a hidden smile. He knew she forgave him to.
"I'm not hungry." She says as she walks beside him.
"You're eating for two. You're not allowed to skip meals. If anything you should eat more meals." Toby's eyebrows pinch together when he says this. Kate rolls her eyes. Toby is such a worrier. Kate teases him that he has an ulcer. She calls it Tobias.
"Is that what you were talking to your mom about? My eating habbits." They get in line for food. Waffles and eggs today. That was a weird combination.
"Yeah. And some other stuff."
"Other stuff?" They get to the front of the line. Toby gets his eggs save the waffle first.
"Well you know she's a nurse and a mom so she knows about baby stuff. I was hoping you would talk to her." 
"What for?" When the lunch lady hands her the plat of food Kate notices she has way more eggs than the other students got and she has an extra waffles. "Uh." Kate starts to ask why she was given more food but the lunch lady cuts her off.
"You take milk to." The woman says in broken english, lookign Kate straight in the eye with purpose. "Milk good for you."
"Oh." The rumor mill sure spread far. "Thank you so much." The woman smiles at her, nods. Kate is about to walk away but the woman hands her a card. 
"You show this when getting breakfast and lunch." Kate takes the plastic card. She flips it over. It's blank accept for some sort of code.
"What's this?" Kate asks the woman, she look at her name tag. "Mary" She takes the name into memory.
"For the - " Mary pats her own stomach and gives Kate another purposeful look. "Need to eat more food." Kate doesn't know what to say as she walks away.
"See." Toby gloats, getting a glare from Kate.
"What were we talking about?"
"I think you should talk to my mom. You can't pretend nothing is happening."
"I'm not." kate argues.
"What are you gonna do when the baby comes?" Kate doesn't say anthing for a long time as they sit at a table and eat their breakfast.
"I don't know." She finally says.
"My mom could help you figure everything out. She said she could - " Toby goes silent as someone walks up behind Kate. The look on his face clearly says who it is. He sits next to Kate.
"What do you want Jordan." Kate demands. She was avoiding him to.
"When were you gonna tell you me you got knocked up?" He demands. Kate really hates terms like "knocked up". 
"Never." Toby looks surprised and partly entertained as he looks between Kate and Jordan. Both wearing unhappy looks.
"Are you serious?"
"I didn't think it was any of your concern." Kate turns back to her food. Acting as if she wasn't bother by Jordan's resence.
"Not my concern? I get you pregnant and you think it's not my problem?"
"It's not yours, Jordan." Toby's eyes go wide. Kate gives him a look. Toby quickly relaxes his face before Jordan can see him. 
"Really?" He doesn't look convinced.
"Yeah, really."
"Because I thought I was your first." He says, obviously gloating. Her first mistake. Toby looks really pissed of, Kate gives him another look, he relaxes. Luckily Toby and Kate were really good at non verbal communication.
"Doesn't make you the last." Luckily Kate is a better liar than Toby.
"So who's the baby daddy?" How did Kate ever fall for this jerk.
"None of your bussiness."
"You're lying." Kate knows Jordon won't believe her unless she gives a believable name. And he needs to believe her. She does not want him hanging around. She needed to give him a name that would drive him away.
"Fine. If I tell you who the father is will you leave me alone."
"Yeah, sure." Kate knows Jordan only agrees because he really believes he's the father of her baby.
"Toby. Toby's the father." Toby must have expected it because he didn't look surprised when Jordan whipped his head to the side to look at him.
"You have got to be kidding me." Toby grins at him.
"A deal's a deal, man." Toby says with a gloating look about him. Boys are so weird, Kate thinks. Jordan stomps away.
"So . . . When did we have sex axactly." Kate grins at him guiltily.
"Aproximately four months ago."

    Week Three:

Thoughts on your favorite pet's personality
Okay so Paloma is my favorite pet of course and she's literally so weird. She's almost human in a sense I she makes the most human facial expressions sometimes like if she was a person I feel like she'd be the same as me. We have the same attitude and we're both lazy and eat and sleep a lot. Paloma is literally dog version of me. 

My favorite pet's name is Poody. Before I get to his personality I think he needs a little background. Poody is my cat who I got from a litter of kittens my grandma's cat had. He's one of those cats with a mostly black body except for his nose, feet and belly. Because of his white feet he was called socks. One of the reasons I liked him was because as a five year old kid i decided he was lonely because none of the other kittens looked like him. There were several orange with stripes cats and several calicos (one of which my grandma still has) and Poody was the only black and white one. 

His name soon changed to Poody because he had a habit of pooping right outside the litter box. This prompt my mother to call him variations of the word, "poop". And for some reason I latched onto Poody. As I got older and questioned this we realized he was no longer socks. He would not answer to the name any longer. After that he became Poody permanently. I remember on one occasion my cousin who I also fought with called him socks. I was livid. I kept telling him "That is not his name don't call him that! His name is Poody now" and he said it kept argueing that Socks was his name. I yelled "He's my cat!" Aparently he was meant to be both me and my mom's cat but even she soon agreed that he was mine.

And this is where we get to his personality. He was my cat because he was and continues to be obsessed with me. But first I should say, I've diagnosed Poody with multiple personality disorder. one moment he can be all lovey dovey and rubbing his face on me and the next he's bitting me. Sometimes he won't leave me alone, he'll get clingy and step on my laptop trying to get me to love on him, the next he doesn't want me to pick him up or be near him. And that's just how he is. One of his personalities I'm happy to say is gay. He likes to lay on my bags and he does what is called a "gay boy run". When I come home if he's sunning across the street he'll run across the street to me. If you saw it would see what I'm talking about. He frolics and flounces across the street. If my mom sees him do it she'll mock him and say, "mommy, mommy you're home!" as if she were Poody. He can also be very prissy. He only eats a certain kind of canned food, he refuses to eat the dry. And he's also territorial with our other animals. He also thinks he's invisible sometimes. He'll sit under our glass coffee table and swat at my dog (Who is blind) when she walks by and he thinks he's safe under the table but really she just can't see him well enough to retaliate. Lola and Poody's relationship are not the best. Which makes sense because they're dog and cat. But their roles are more reversed. When my driving instructor came to pick me up he heard barking and saw a cat. He asked, "Doesn't the dog chase after the cat?" and I said, "No, the cat chases after the dog". Which is true. Poody tends to instigate the fights. Lola can get around the house fine as long as nothing is out of place, including the cat. She'll innocently bump into him and he'll attack and she'll of course retaliate because she is insulted with his insensitivity.

(My picture is kind of hard to see but I'm wearing my Poody hat and Poody is doing that kneading thing on my back)

Week Four
You are a serial killer. What TV shows are on your DVR list? Why?

1. The movie American Psycho. It would be my inspiration, with Patrick Bateman being my muse. 
2. The anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. This is more real life application to murder and has an interesting psychology to it. 
3. Tons of Lifetime movies you know the ones about Craigslist Killers and kidnappings. These will help me because all of the killers in the movies get caught, I'll know what not to do.

- Criminal Minds, a show about catching psycho murderer to learn from other peoples mistakes
- Monk, a show about a detective who notices very small details to catch criminals, again learn from other peoples mistakes
- Dexter, a show about a killer who kills killers. He's very good at getting away with murder, literally. He has a system. I often take notes while watching. He's my role model.

Week Five
You have a dream that you've murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward?
It's sad bc I actually had a dream about /him/ last night. 
But I feel it's immature to try to kill him off just because he broke my heart. 
In my dream I'd kill someone rich. Not just any rich person but someone who somewhat looks like me. Id slowly start to become them. People would think I'm dead and not them. I'm not sure how I'd do it but they'd end up somewhere in the depths of the ocean. Afterwards I'd take over their life and have whatever I wanted 
He woke up. No. That is wishful thinking. A dream within a dream, Leo realizes. Leo had an ability. Not an important one. Not one that mattered. He could tell when he was dreaming. Even when his dreams tried to trick him. Like they did tonight. He woke up. In the dream. In his bed, in his apartment. His brain had retained enough detail from reality to put it into his dreams. But he still knew. He couldn't explain how. But he knew.
The dreams plagued him. Nightmares really. Possibly night terrors. He was either dying. Or killing. He couldn't decide which dreams where worse. Though he knew he was dreaming he could not control his actions.
Blood splattered on his face. He was in a dark alley. Between two brick buildings. It was raining. But that wasn't what was on his face. It was another man's life. Blood. It burned his eyes. His hands didn't shake as he stabbed his victim again. He lashed out with his knife. Blood flew. Dropping to the ground. Mixing with the rain on the asphalt. The body lay. Arms extended as if waiting for a hug. His body lay. Over a pile of trash. His stomach was raised by the mound under him. His arms and legs where extended. His head thrown back. Mouth open in pain.
Leo didn't know the man. He left the alley. He didn't want to know the man. The body. The dead. He was haunted by ghosts.
He woke up. Looking out the window of his apartment he saw that it was indeed raining. The noise snuck into the dream. But he was dry. Leo runs his fingers through his messy hair. He was dry. Wearing his pajamas. With no jell in his hair. This meant he had not been out. He had not been out in the rain murdering someone. He already new that of course. But he liked to double check. In case he was going insane.
Leo gets out of bed. It's morning. Coffee. He wait patiently for the pot to bring him his life source. He hummed with gratitude when he sipped. Coffee fixed everything. This coffee was crap. It tasted like tarr. Leo texts his sister, Kate, telling her to meet him at the coffee house down the street from his apartment. He doesn't wait for an answer. He knew she would be there. Probably with her husband Jordan. Unless Jordan had to stay home and watch their son Toby.
Leo got dressed. Not paying attention to what he puts on. His brain could put together an outfit without him. His brain was capable without him. He walked down stairs and out onto the street. He puts up his umbrella. New York greeted him with the sounds of traffic. Cars honking, speeding by, cabbies yelling at ignorant drives to get out of the way. Leo smiled. He loved New York. Everyone was angry and in a rush. He strolled to his destination. New York made him feel. Something. He couldn't tell. Seeing all the people rushing by him with frowns or scowls. Made him feel. Gratitude? Happiness? Something good. It made him feel good. Because he wasn't unhappy.
He beats Kate to the coffee house. He finds them a table, orders to coffees. He's sipping his second cup when Kate walks in. His sister is so beautiful. She has long dark hair and rosy skin. She's wearing one of those stylish jackets that doesn't keep the rain from chilling your skin. Leo never understood fashion. Jackets were meant to keep out the cold. Kate kisses him on the cheek before getting in line to get a coffee. No, hello. No, how are you. No need.
Kate comes back with some sort of coffee concoction. Not coffee. Something like it. Kate was such a woman. She drank those weird coffee orders. She wore jackets that didn't keep out the cold. She stayed in a bad marriage with a man who didn't love her because she was afraid to be alone. She had a baby to try to fix everything. Jordan wasn't home with his son. He was off having an affair. While the nanny stayed home with Toby. Kate was a stay at home. She only left Toby home with the nanny to meet her brother for coffee. Leo loved Toby. And loved spending time with him. He was such a smart baby. Kate preferred to leave him at home when she got together with her brother. She needed time to be just a woman. And not a mother in a bad marriage.
"How's Toby?" Leo asks. "Asking for me yet." Kate smiles at him as she pours a sugar packet into whatever she's drinking.
"Well, he cried all night. That could have been for you. Accept he stopped crying when I fed him." Leo laughs. His sister is funny.
"Have anymore dreams?"
"Of course I did." Leo takes another drink of his coffee. His sister goes into her lecture about how he needed professional help blah blah blah. He's distract by two cops standing outside the coffee shop. Idiots. He thought to himself. No donuts here. He turned back to his sister. Not listening to her but looking at her. Nodding when he found it appropriate. He doesn't see the police look through the window. At him. Then come in.
"Leo Callaghan." He looks up at his name. Two cops turned into six outside. Followed by four cop cars.
"Can I help you officer?" He looked a Kate. Seeing the fear on her face. She clutched her womb. She was pregnant again. Leo wished she would listen when he said no matter how many babies she had with that man he would never love her the way she wanted. Toby was only six months old. That was fast. What did he get her pregnant the day after Toby was born.
"You can put your hands behind the back and . . ." They read him his rights as they handcuffed him. No.
"Wait. I don't understand. What did I do?" No one would answer him as the lead him to the back of their car. "I didn't do anything! This is a mistake!" He became urgent. Fighting to get out of the back seat. The cop shoved him in by his head.
"Keep telling yourself it's all a dream, son." The door shut in his face.
He had killed someone every night for five years. In his dreams. But in one of the dreams he had killed Kate. That was the worst dream. It must be a mistake. Kate was right . . . He looks out the window. He looks for Kate. She's there. Standing by the curb. Watching him with worry in her eyes as she held her flat stomach. Protecting what was inside. There were cops all around her. One of them walked through her. Leo had the dream that he killed his sister while she was pregnant with Toby. Kate wasn't pregnant again. She was pregnant with his first child. Was the Kate he saw now a ghost? Or a figment of his imagination?
A dream. It's all just a dream.
The ghosts haunted him for the rest of his life
Until next time,

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