Summer Special 2015: Monday Part 1 (Ella and KY)

Table of contents

Week One:

One of you our favorite moments in a film

Week Two:
Describe each member of your family using one word

Week Three:
Your fave piece of playground equipment

Week Four
Create an imaginary friend

Week Five
The toy you most treasured


Week One: 
One of you our favorite moments in a film 


Big Hero Six is my favorite movie in all of the movies in the world. Baymax is my favorite character in the whole wide world. Baymax is a robot, he's a balloon kind of robot. He's funny because when he was running there was a squeaky sound that he was making with his legs. The microbots that Hiro made, were chasing Baymax and Hiro. They met after Hiro's brother, Tadashi, past away in a fire while trying to save someone. Hiro thought his microbots were destroyed in the fire but they were still alive.

Two opposing sides sing their war song. Each accusing the other of being "Savages! Savages! Barely even human! Savages! Savages!" The twos sides sing and chant and beat their drums to the same song.

"They're not like you and me. Which means they must be evil, We must sound the drums of war!"

"They're different from us. Which means they can't be trusted. We must sound the drums of war!"

The Native Americans prepare to "deal with" John Smith "the prisoner".

The white men in their armor march to his rescue with guns loaded.

Pocahontas races to save his life. Guided by a spinning arrow. A sign given to her by the "dream giver". A gift given to her by John Smith. Pointing to him. She follows her path.
Her voice joins the chorus of the men, white and red, as John Smith is dragged out of the Indian's tent by a rope around his neck.

"Eagle help me feet to fly. Mountain help my heart be great.  Spirit of the earth and sky. Please don't let it be to late. How loud are the drums of war? Is the death of all I love carried in the drumming of . . ." As the weapon that is going to kill her love is raised by her father. John Smith closes his eyes, bracing himself for. "No!" Pocahontas throws her body over John Smith's head to protect him from the deadly blow. Her father hesitates. John Smith lets out his held breath. "If you kill him, you will have to kill me too." She says, looking dead into her father's eyes. The eyes so like hers. She once thought the only difference between her eyes and his was the wisdom he held there. Now she's not so sure.

"Daughter, stand back." The chief says stubbornly, his face twisted with rage. He doesn't imagine his daughter will refuse him.

"I won't! . . . I love him, father." But his daughter is so like her daughter. The chiefs eyes go wide. The watching tribes and settlers look surprised as well as eager to see what will happen next. "Look around you. This is where the path of hatred has brought us." The anger slowly drains from the chiefs face as he looks upon his daughter, protecting the man she loves. "This is the path I choose, Father. What will yours be?"

Week Two: 
Describe each member of your family using one word
Some of Ella's are very inaccurate because she barely knows a lot of our family

Mom - Glossy

Dad - Smart
KY - Lazy
Guppy (Grandma) - Talented
Papa - Friendly
Aunt Lucy - Helpful
Uncle Tony - Helpful
Uncle Marcus - Nice
Uncle Jeff - Friendly
Grandpa Richard - Nice
Aunt Melinda - Smart
Cousin Pamela - Good
Cousin Nathan - Nice
Aunt Kelli - Happy
Cousin Kanyon and Aspin - Nice
Cousin Lindsey - Helpful
Cousin Ethan - Handsome
Aunt Jeanie - Happy
Uncle Wes - Handsome
Cousin Julia - Happy
Cousin Claire - Friendly
Cousin Josh - Happy
Uncle Gordy - Happy
Aunt Michelle - Nice
Cousin Malina - Happy
Cousin Emma - Friendly
Cousin Tyler - Nice
Cousin Ethan - Nice
Uncle Fred - Nice

I was explaining to Ella that I have a biological dad and a step dad and she's having a hard time understand why she doesn't have both as well. It's pretty funny.

Mom - Wizard

Bio Dad and family - Absent
Step Dad - Thoughtful
Ella - Annoying
Guppy (Grandma) - Loving
Papa - Hero
Aunt Lucy - Laughter
Uncle Tony - Unapologetic 
Uncle Marcus - Serious
Uncle Jeff - Goofy
Grandpa Richard - Funny
Aunt Melinda - Particular
Cousin Pamela - giggles
Cousin Nathan - Monkey
Aunt Kelli - Jellybeans
Cousin Kanyon, Aspin, Lindsey - Idaho
Cousin Ethan - Cute
Aunt Jeanie - Crazy
Uncle Wes - Cologne
Cousin Julia - protective
Cousin Claire - Talkative
Cousin Josh - Cute
Uncle Gordy and Aunt Michelle - Religious
Cousin Malina and Cousin Emma - Mature
Cousin Tyler - Change
Cousin Ethan - Shy
Uncle Fred - Fake

Week Three:
Your favorite piece of playground equipment

I like the slides because they're fun. I feel happy when I go down a slide

When I was little(er) I LOVED this swing my cousin had in his backyard. It was a piece of wood for the seat that was tied to the roof that stuck out from their garage. Instead of chains it was hung by ropes. That's why I loved it so much. The ropes allowed you to spin  the seat until the ropes were coiled to the sky and when you let it go you spun so fast. There was always fifty kids at my aunts house so we'd take turns getting a spin on the swing or spinning someone else. I was usually the only girl in the group so my cousin (a guy) always spun me because at first the other guys had trouble accepting me. You know the whole "Boys rule, girls drool" thing.

I remember when I was first caught up in the argument with my friends at school I said, "How about girls rule and boys rock?". I was all for equality even before I understood what it was. My friends quickly shot me down so I conformed. When I was with my girlfriends at school I was on the girl team, I wore skirts and pink (I dislike both). But when I went to my cousins house I tried so hard to be one of the guys. I burped and chugged the soda when they dared me to. It took me a while to stop conforming to what I thought I should be and just be myself. I think when I was true to who I was that was when the boys accepted me. The often saw me as the mom in the group or the girl they had to protect. I nursed injuries (they were a rowdy bunch, they were the skateboarding types) that occurred after they did something I told them was to dangerous. And whenever the group was faced by other boys that were mean to me the group retaliated.

After that the boys took turns spinning me on the swing. They knew I loved it  and I held the place of most spins without backing down or puking. So they took turns trying to spin me into nausea. They would twist the board around while I gently spun, my knees bumped against his legs, every time I turned and faced him he gave me an evil grin. When the ropes was spun to the top he held me there for a moment before letting go and backing off. The boys around me blurred as I was thrown into the spin. I held my legs and body in so the spin would go faster. I would laugh and squeal as my long blond hair whipped around me. Once the spin was down the momentum kept me moving. The guys looked at me eagerly. "Again" I would say.  A determined look came over the next spinner. Each of them wanted the title of spinning me until I came off the seat. I never got off until someone else wanted a turn or my aunt called us into the house.

Week Four
Create an imaginary friend

His name is Mac
He's a human with dirty blond hair
He's 7 years old
His favorite color is blue
He likes scary rides and picking flowers
We like to sing, color, play, plant, play barbies and build sand castles together

My imaginary friends is actually one of my favorite characters in a story I write. Is it weird to have a crush on one of your own characters? I mean if you write romance it would be weird to make the main character's partner someone you wouldn't yourself date, right? If you ask any writers they'll tell you the main character is a representation of themselves. They be nothing like you, but you have this sort of connection to them. You step into their shoes and see the world from their eyes so that you can write their story. You are them and they are you.

Romeo Montague is a seventeen year old bisexual girl. I may end up making her transgender I haven't decided yet. When the main character first meet Romeo she thought Romeo was a male. Romeo has short black hair, one brown eye and one blue eye that is blind. She has several tattoos designed by her young niece who is an art prodigy. She lives by herself in a cheap apartment because her father kicked her out when he found her with another girl so she was forced to be emancipated. She works part time at a construction site to support herself, her dream is to earn her own construction company but she doesn't think it will ever happen because she's convinced she would have to go to college which she cannot afford by herself.

Romeo is a very fun character to write about especially with Angela, the main character. Angela is very sweet and shy while Romeo is I guess more smooth and cool. Romeo seems very tough and broody but when she's with Angela she just melts. They're one of my favorite colors that I write about. They both just seems so real that when I talk about them it doesn't feel like they're something I've written they feel like actual people with a real story.

(Cover I made)
Character concepts - Angela and Romeo (Yes, I am aware Romeo's pictures are of boys)

Week Five

The toy you most treasured

I love checkers because they're my two favorite colors. And it's not a losing or winning game.
< We're playing checkers

I've had my teddy bear Scooba since middle school. I got him at a toy store that used to be in the UTC mall. I liked him because he has a really fat belly. He sits on my bed most of the time but I take him with me every time we go on vacation.

Until Next Time,

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