Summer Special 2015: Tuesday Part 1 (Ana and KY)

Table of contents

Week One:
and write a story based on the word.

Week Two: 
Your favorite book

Week Three 
 Five ideas for a novel that you'll never write.

Week Four

What nobody ever said to you

Week Five
Write a review of a novel or memoir you've never read

Week one: Go to the Merriam-Webster word of the day Web Site and write a story based on the word.

Today's word

(Yes, I took a picture because I was to lazy to type it out)

Todd and I were meant to be. We had been together for two years. Well, two years starting tomorrow. Tomorrow was our anniversary.  I was so excited. He had been at camp for two weeks and he was coming back late tonight and then tomorrow we were going to go on an amazing date and have a wonderful time.

The next morning came and I woke all perky and ready for the big date. I brushed my teeth, showered, got dressed and sat on my bed, waiting for him to come. It should be another five minutes. I fidget and move, my arms shaking and my legs twitching. Five minutes passed and still no sign. Not a big deal, I thought. Probably running a little late. I check my phone, to see if he texted me anything. Nothing. I get up and turn on the TV to a random channel, trying to pass the time. The seconds tick by, I wait for the ring of the doorbell. Still nothing. Ten minutes pass. I start to walk in circles, thinking of all the scenarios that could have happened. He found someone else while at camp and he’s with her now. They’re probably having a great time and he’s forgotten all about me. I start to shake and my hands move to my face. I need to walk. I walk around the empty house, my parents are both at work. After an hour passes and still no message from him, I end up napping to pass the time. I wake up covered in sweat and my sheets are twisted around my legs. I jump out of bed and check my phone, still nothing. It’s already 4 pm and our date was planned for 10 am. He’s found someone else, I’m done for. I start to cry and curl up with my animals on the sofa, watching a random show. My parents come home and I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes and go back up to my room. Nothing. He stood me up. I end up skipping dinner and going to bed around 10 pm. No messages from him yet.

I wake up and I think, Oh, whew yesterday was a nightmare. When I check my time and date on my phone, I realize it’s not. Then I get a text from Todd saying, I’m SO sorry, baby, I slept all day, so tired from camp. Belated date today too? I text back, smiling, A belated date sounds great.

Kate Callahan was never late. For anything. In her adult life at least. It wasn't just a habit for her. It was an obsession. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Radcliffe, says she has a need to control everything around her that probably stems from her mother. A nice woman, sure. She was a good mother. She just wasn't very disciplined. She didn't keep to schedules. As a kid you're life is controlled by your parents. So Kate was late everyday to school until she convinced her mom to let her walk the 2.5 miles every morning. She had the route timed to the second so she always new when to leave so that she could get to school twenty minutes before the bell rang for class.

She always hated being late for school as a kid. Her mother could never understand why it made her so upset. She was a nervous kind of child. A particular one. At least that's how her mother put it. Her psychiatrist called it obsessive compulsive disorder. But like her mother said, what did her know? Her mother didn't believe in anything that couldn't be cured with olive oil or aloe vera. Which is probably why she was never treated for her hoarding. Dr. Radcliffe had a hard time deciding whether Kate had OCD because she had OCD or because of her mother. As far as Fey was concerned it didn't matter why or how she got OCD. What mattered is that she had it.

She was late for her first day at her new job. It was a if the universe was working against her. The alarm on her phone didn't go off (why didn't she just get an alarm clock?) because it died. And why did it die? She plugged it in. But the charger was chewed on by an evil little intruder. So she woke up late and frazzled. But she could have recovered from that. That is if the rest of her morning routine had gone as planned. But it didn't. Of course it didn't.

Her dry cleaning that was supposed to be delivered to her apartment did not arrive until the next day. So she didn't have any of her professional business suits to wear. She had to go next door to the working girl's apartment who only wore her business suits like a costume. But at least they were the same size. Except for the whole "her bust is bigger than mine" problem. But it wasn't to noticeable. At least that's what she told herself.

And because her neighbor took fifteen minutes to answer the door she had to rush to straighten her hair, burning herself. And because she had to apply burn cream (Because she refused to have aloe vera in her apartment on the account that her mother often made her eat and now she is disgusted by it) she couldn't eat her usual breakfast of a bagel and a piece of fruit because her hands were covered in cream therefor covering her food making it inedible.

The dominoes kept falling. Cause and effect. She didn't have any energy to fast walk to the subway so she had to wait forever to catch the on after her usual. She was planning on taking a taxi to make up for lost time. But God forbid you could catch one in New York.

By the time she got to her destination she made all time record of being late by 45 minutes. She was so worried her new boss, who she hasn't even met, would fire her on the spot. She twisted her rings with worry as she rode the elevator up to the tenth floor. It's mosey along pace and slow soft music was a taunt to her racing mind and jumping nervous. When she got onto her floor she's greeted with the usual hustle and bustle off the cluster of cubicles. Papers flutter, people chatter, phones ring and ring.

She stands in front of the now closed elevator for a moment. Confused as to why no pounced on her for being late the moment she walked in. One of her coworkers walks by in a stomp of heels and wave of expensive perfume that smells like . She flicks her long dark hair over her tan and bare shoulders. The movement throws up another scent of chemical and sour flowers "Uh, excuse me." The woman looks up for a moment as she continues to stomp across the tiled floor.

"You're late. You're lucky Mr. Litchfield hasn't gotten in yet or he would have fired your . . . " Kate doesn't hear the last part as the woman turns a corner and disappears.

"Excuse me." with a flushed face fey turns around.


"You're, uh, blocking the elevator." Says a man, holding the elevator door open, trying to slip out and by Kate.

"Oh, sorry." She quickly moves aside. The man comes up beside her. He's much taller than her and she has to look up to see his face. She's just about level with the badge clipped to the pocket of his button down shirt. She reads his name. "Mr. Litchfield." Could this day get any worse?

"You're late."

"How could you possibly know that?" She asks dumbfoundedly. She can't believe she though for even a second she was getting away with it.

"There's rain in your hair." Kate pats her now curly locks of golden blond hair. Did she mention that? That it rained on her straight her as she was walking the two blocks from the subway to the Litchfield building. "And it wasn't raining when you were supposed to be here." Kate scrunches her lips. He had her there. Wait a minute.

"How do you know when I'm supposed to be here?" The man laughs, his blue eyes grow lighter with the laughter.

"You're the new employee. I would have remembered a beautiful woman like you." He says casually as pushes a piece of his dark brown hair over his ear.

"That's sexual harassment." Kate points out bluntly.

"No, but it is inappropriate. And so is this. Have dinner with me." 

"No." She says automatically.

"Why not?" He asks as if he doesn't know why. Mean while the 10th floor continues it's movement and noise. Not noticing or not caring that their boss has arivedr.

"Because you're my boss."

"Hmm." He smiles as he starts to walk away. "It was nice meeting you Kate."

"It's Ms. Callahan, Mr. Litchfield."

"And it's Jordan, Ms. Callahan." What a know it all, cocky little - . Kate takes a deep breath before walking toward her cubicle. He was very handsome and charming and - uh oh.

Three months later

She peed on a stick because she was late. And she was never late. That Litchfield was to charming for his own good


Week Two: 
Your favorite book

A series of my favorite books would have to be Happy Potter, Hunger Games, and Eragon. There was also this one really awesome series named Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue, in that order. That series made me cry A LOT and I don’t normally cry reading books; they have to be super good. That series has stayed with me for so long and I recommend it to anyone interested in fantasy and a tiny bit of romance, with adventure. I plan to read that series another time.  Eragon was just an amazing book series, I literally could never put that series down, I think because of the way he wrote, it just flowed so well. I’ve read that series about three times and I still can’t get enough of it, even though I know everything that has happened. Hunger Games is very popular but even so, I loved how it’s written, so simple yet thought provoking. Harry Potter I just love because of how much fantasy and mystery is involved, I’ve read that series two times. I also recently read a memoir about depression, Prozac Nation, which was so inspiring and amazing to read. Almost every sentence was good enough to write down and I wrote down almost the whole book because every word was worthy of looking at again.
I love books and I couldn't just pick one as my favorite so I made a list. Not really in order.
I also love Nora Roberts and Sarah Addison but I couldn't just pick one of their books to be my favorite. I have more books one my favorite lists but I got to this late and now I'm tired and this list could go on forever.

1. The Harry Potter Series by J.K Rowling
This one doesn't need much of a description because everyone knows about Harry Potter. I only just recently read the books after being a fan of the movies since I was a kid. I'm a total "Pothead" I've even gotten my little sister into it. She's six and has seen all of the movies! And they get more scary as the progress but she was a total champ. She uses the killing spell on me all the time. I just remembered I had a HP party as a kid and I went to a really awesome one with butter beer and the news movie projected on the side of my friend's house. That was awesome. I became a big fan of J.K Rowling as well after watching her movie Magic Beyond Words. It was all about when she wrote the books and as an aspiring writer it was really amazing to watch.

2. The Healer by Sharon Sala
This is the first romance novel I ever read. I think I was at about 12 at the time. It started my love of romance novels. I'm a big fan of Sharon Sala. This is the first of many of her stories I've read and all of them are great. This one is about an Native American man who can heal people and talk to animals and do all of these magical things and he's running from people who want to use him for an eternal youth situation. And then he meets this awesome chick named Luce and they fall in love. But the bad guys are still chasing him and they may use Luce to get to him. I'll leave it there so that I don't spoil anything.

3. When Jeff Comes Home by Catherine Atkins
I read this when I was pretty young I think it's meant for like preteens. It does have some mature content but nothing to graphic. It's a beautiful story about this guy named Jeff. I wanna say he was fifteen when the story starts. He was kidnapped a couple years ago and now he's been returned to his family by his capture. And it catalogs what life is like trying to return to normal.

4. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai

This an amazing book! If you don't know Malala is the girl who was shot by the taliban because she was fighting for education for woman. It's such an amazing a beautiful story. It really touched me and inspired me. I first learned about Malala this year in my english class when we analyzed her Nobel lecture and I completely fell in love with her. She's just so amazing I can't even properly explain it you just have to hear or read this speech or reed this book. She is one of my biggest role models and it was so crazy when I realized she was born in the same year as me. She has done so much and we're the same age! I actually bought this book as a hard back which I don't as a rule because they're so much more expensive. But I was at the book store just strolling around waiting for a book to pop out at me. A lot of times I'll go to the book store with no idea want I want to get so I'll just wait for THE book to be like "buy me! Read me!" and the perfect books always comes to me. And one time it was this book. I bought it even though it was like 20 bucks and it was so worth it!

5. Hazel comics - Ted Key
Hazel is a funny and sarcastic maid/nanny who entertains people through her comics (Newspaper comics not like Marvel or Manga). I have a bunch of books that are collections of her comics. They're just silly and make me laugh when I'm sad

Week Three
 Five ideas for a novel that you'll never write.

1. world war 3 will happen and after that happens, an explosion will cause these "demons" to be born
2. some type of animal will die, a dog or cat that the main character had a connection with and it'll cause them to have more bravery after it dies 
3. there would be a type of love triangle, the girl would like two boys but the two boys hate each other
4. it wouldnt be a book that takes place in the real world, it would be all fantasy 
5. the main character would die at the very end
- These are some ideas I have stored in the place where I store ideas. Some of them aren't developed all they way. Who knows if they'll actually turn into books or not. At the moment I'm not working on them.

1.) Waiting for the raspberries or strawberries

  • Couple grow up together only meeting during a certain season when a fruit grows (Strawberries or raspberries). The girl is rich her family owns the fields. The boy is poor and works the field with his family. Typical Romeo and Juliet scenario which is why I haven't worked on it because it's to basic I would need to find a way to make it more different . . . They all die at the end? Zombies maybe? Romeo and Juliet as zombies? This has taken a weird turn.
2.) The Frozen Prince
  • A young prince is frozen in a block of ice many centuries ago either in an accident or because of some sort of curse. Only true love touch/kiss will free him from his prison. The block of ice is displayed in a 21 century museum. People take turns touching the ice. A girl on a high school trip the museum is dared to touch the ice by her friends. He follows her around 21 century high school. Again this is very typical and I don't want to write just another variation of the same story. I also came up with this before Disney Frozen came out which makes it a lot more basic.
3.) The Hidden Way
  • A woman in a coma is able to hear everything going on around her. Such as her care taker, a Native-American sketch artist, drawing and talking to her about everyday things. As well as her step mother whisper her regrets about the hit man she sent to kill her step daughter in order to make sure that once she killed her husband she would get all his money. The woman wakes up from her coma to find her father dead and all of the money he should have left her in the hands of her step mother. She enlists her care taker to help put things right.
4.) Rescue
  • A woman on a ski trip with her friends gets to the top of the ski slope and refuses to ski down because of her fear of heights. When she is waiting for her friends to finish so they can go back to the cabin they were renting she bends down to tie her boot and looses her balance. She tumbles down the  mountain which wouldn't have been to life threatening except she tumbled down the side of the mountain and towards a drop off that is lined with caution tape. She screams for help but no one notices her except a giant St Bernard named Moe who saves her by siting on her. She thanks the dog for saving her life as his owner rushes to them and calls the girl stupid and they fight and bam love story.
5.) Of a different kind
  • An explorer in some sort of different world/dimension comes across one of the species on the planet in the desert. This species is known as the most beautiful in a world were outer beauty is the same as inner beauty. The human explorer asks to see her people. She takes him to a different species of disgusting ugly creatures that are known for inner and outer ugliness. Of course to them they are beautiful and therefor the woman is the ugly one. And the ones they consider ugly are slaves. The man tries to help the woman understand these are not her people and that he people would value her for her beauty but she has been taught that she is ugly. In the end he takes her back to her own people. I'm not really a scifi person so I don't know if I could pull this off, I mean I can barely describe it and have it make sense. I think the concept is more clear in my head.
Week Four
What nobody ever said to you

 Nobody's ever told me that eating clouds is yummy.

There are two ways to take this prompt.
1.) Things people didn't tell me but should have
2.) Things people never told me because they are not true or crazy

1.) No one ever told me . . . 

- My entire wardrobe in elementary school should not have been worn in public.
- When I demanded my hair be cut in the fourth grade before I knew how to style curly hair it look like a fluffy clown afro, and it was not pretty.
- Crocks are just . . . No.
- The car moves when it's in drive even when you don't press the gas petal.
- When you're in your first year of getting your period you ruin a lot of clothes. I may regret putting that on the internet.
- Not to stuff my bra because it does not look real.
- I spell a lot of words wrong. It's a long story I may do a separate blog on.

2.) No one ever told me

- I'm a sane and normal person.
- I look like Oprah
- I'm an amazing singer and dancer
- I should be in a speling bee
- I should be President of Singapore
- It is totally logical to be in love with Johnny Depp
- Swimming in shark infested water sounds like a good way to meet potential partners

Week Five
Write a review of a novel or memoir you've never read
I thought the "Maximum Ride" by James Patterson was a great book with a lot of adventure and romance but a nice balance of the two. He takes writing to a whole new level, adding words and allowing them to flow so nicely together. 

Sick of boring old coloring books? Then "Unicorns are Jerks" is the perfect book for you. Learn "the cold, hard sparkly truth" about unicorns from the author of "Fat Ladies in Space", Theo Nicole Lorenz. Everything you thought you knew about Unicorns is about to be throw out the window on the wings of a pegasus (not to he confused with unicorns). Who knew unicorns were anything but magnificent creatures with beautiful table manners? This book is perfect for snot-nosed teenagers who can relate to the unicorn's bad attitude. Totally Ky does not recommended this book to young impressionable children who might see the unicorn's bad behavior as glamorous and want to imitate them.

This coloring book receives five stars from Totally KY.

Shout out to Kyla for showing this to me!

Until Next Time,

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