Summer Special 2015: Friday Part 1 (Melisha and KY)

Table of contents

Week One:
Five things that always get you into trouble

Week Two:
 Making soup

Week Three:
 Put two people who hate each other in an elevator for 6 hours

Week Four
Finding a bag of cash

Week Five
Make a scene with a character exhibiting really bad behavior.

Week One:
Five things that always get you into trouble

Five things that would always get me in trouble are: cussing, asking for a lighter, talking about illegal things with Ky, violence, and my attitude. I cuss like a sailor. Usually Every other word in my sentence is a cuss word. I love lighters. I don't really know why, but they are cool. My grandma thinks that if I get a lighter that it would lead me to smoking. I am a good kid, I would never ever do drugs. It saddens me that my grandma would think so little of me. DRUGS RUIN LIVES!! I love talking about illegal things, about how some one could get away with crimes. Ky is a good girl who hates talking about that kind of stuff.  I solve most of my problems with violence. When my little brother cries because he does not get his way, I smack him on the back of the head. And then I get yelled at. My grandma says I have an attitude problem. I'm not the one with the problem, she is. I love my attitude. I don't let anyone mess with me. Ya, I do realize that a lot of people say that having an attitude problem is bad, but at least people don't use me as a door mat. 😜

Most of the things I get in trouble for have to do my "mouth". 
I've split them up into categories because that's how I roll.

Things I say
- I argue with people a lot. Usually just for the sake of arguing. And once in a while I get scolded. Mostly by teachers. When I like a teacher I argue with them because I'm just being myself with them and sometimes they don't know it's a show of affection for me.

- I curse very seldomly in general. I'll sometimes gain a potty mouth but it's usually in a specific environment, like if I'm with friends. Once in a while I'll slip up in front of my mom or my little sister. Nothing major like the f-bomb it's usually something small like crap.

- A lot of people think I'm funny because I say a lot of, I guess, inappropriate things. It's mostly because I just speak my mind. I've been told I have no filter. I guess that makes me entertaining to people.

- I used to get in trouble with my mom a lot about my attitude. Not as much now. But the way I would say things really made her made because she hates rude people. The quotes I have up there around mouth comes from a really big tif I had with my mom where she was scolding me about "my mouth" and Ella was probably like two and she came up beside my mom and put her elbow on her shoulder and was sort of backing her up. My mom said something about my mouth and Ella said, "Yo mouth, Kiyah." immediately after and then my mom said I'd lost my mind and Ella said "Yo mind, Kiyah." After the scolding was over we all lost laughed so hard. We still make references to it.

- (This one doesn't have to do with my "mouth" but I didn't have five). My friend always get made at me when I'm absent from school. I wasn't absent from school to much this year but I was sick the last month so I was gone a couple Thursdays for some reasons. Every time I went the next day i got yelled at. I find this ironic because I missed almost every Monday my Freshman year. It was such a habit no one asked where I was or what happened they assumed I was sleeping. I would barely sleep over the weekend so by Monday I couldn't get up at six in the morning because I hadn't gone to sleep yet.

"I brought you a bagel!" - Gabby

"I dressed up for our interview!" - Jalen

Week Two:
 Making soup
How to make Chicken Noodle Soup! (I don’t know how else to respond)
Step One: Make sure you have a working stove
Step Two: Make sure you have a big pot
Step Three: Turn on the stove to medium heat
Step Four: Melt butter in pot
Step Five: Cook onion and celery in butter for five minutes
Step Six: Pour in chicken and vegetable broths
Step Seven: Stir in chicken, noodles, carrots, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper
Step Eight: Bring it to boil, then to simmer for twenty minutes
Step Nine: Enjoy. CATION it will be hot!!!!
Put about two cups of water on the stove and wait for it to boil. Open the Ramen package, take out the flavor packet and put the dried noodles in the water. You can crunch up the noodles if you want for a shorter noodled soup or put the whole thing in as is for a whole noodled soup. When the noodles are in leave them for about three minutes, stir periodically to break the noodles apart. When it's cooked pour it into a bowl. This is where there is a big controversy. How much brother to leave in or take out. Some like no brother some like all brother or somewhere in the middle. It is your decision. If you want to take out some or all of the broth it is important to pour it out before you add the flavoring or your lose flavor. And then you eat it!

The great thing about this kind of soup is there are several different flavors and if you're adventurous you can mix flavors together.

Wait . . . What was that? You're saying Ramen is not soup? How is it not soup? There's brother and noodles and . . . Just because it can be made in a microwave doesn't mean . . . Well, that's just rude. There's no need for name calling.

Apparently Ramen is not considered soup which just makes no sense. Most soups are in cans and they're still considered soup. This is discrimination! I Ky Marie Graham declare that Ramen be considered equal among the soups! And I declare that soups and pasta be considered equal as well.

I wonder which one came first. Soup or pasta. Was pasta inspired by soup or was soup inspired by pasta. or are they not even related that way. Soup does technically often has pasta in it. Or I guess noodles. Which is the same thing. Technically. Basically. This is bad.

Week Three:
 Put two people who hate each other in an elevator for 6 hours

It was an amazing day. I was going to get my first piercing. I head into the building, and on the elevator. And guess who I see... Amado Sinclair. Ugh I can't stand that guy. He never shuts up. No, he is heading towards the elevator. Ugh stuck in a small space for a few minuted with him...ugh! He steps in the elevator and I am already annoyed with him. The elevator stalls and then stops. 

"I think the elevator stopped" Amado said.

"No s*** Sherlock." Ugh. 

"Well since we are stuck here let's talk about something." 

"Do we have to?" I question rolling my eyes. I spot a fire extinguisher... I could always use it to shut him up for good. But then I get arrested. Hmmmmm. Kill him now, and get arrested or have him annoying millions. Hmmmm if he annoys me enough then maybe.

"Last night mannn. I fooled around with this chick. Mannn she had a bodddddy. Nice rack with a ----" 

That's it. I grab the extinguisher and knock him up side the head.  "Timber" I mumble as he goes down. Dang I did not realize it would feel this good to hit him. I put down the extinguisher and start hitting him with my fist. I can hear his bones crack. "Well looks like I'm getting arrested to day" I say shrugging as I get off him. Today went from a good day to a great day. 😁

Two people stuck in an elevator. Two people who hate each other stuck in an elevator for six hours. They didn't come out in one piece.

Week Four
Finding a bag of cash

What would I do if I found a bag of money: 
1. Fix up my house
2. Buy my grandma a new car (her car now, the windows and the back two doors don't work.)
3. Travel 
4. Buy me a car. (So when I do get my license I have something to drive)
5. Some illegal greens (wink wink) (This is Ky saying I do not know what Melisha means be illegal greens. I'm assuming she means lettuce) 

6. I would donate the rest to a few charities
If the bank didn't give Kate the loan she didn't know what she would do. She quit her last job in a heat of anger and didn't regret it until the next morning when the anger went away and her kids asked for breakfast. The anger quickly turned into terror and fear. She was close to flat broke. She was very close to swallowing her pride and calling her parents. Her babies need to eat. They need a roof over their head and clothes on their back. As a single mother with, as of yesterday, no job she wouldn't be able to provide that much longer. Unless the bank gives her a loan. Or she finds a bag of cash. Maybe she would rob the bank instead of getting a loan.


Kate walks out of the bank, uncomfortable in her best suit. The pencil skirt doesn't give her room to move her legs, the blouse is tight on her arms and buttoned up to close to her throat. And the shoes! How anyone could walk in heels without cracking their head open like an egg was beyond her. And she didn't get the loan. This is rock bottom. It doesn't sink in until she gets to the park a block away from her apartment. You don't drive anywhere in New York. Luckily there's a bench at the edge because it literally does sink in. And the weight takes her down. She'll lose their apartment. She'll have to leave New York. And move in with her parents!

As the end of everything runs through her brain like a never ending roller coaster Kate sees two men across the street. If she ever saw a deal going down this is how she imagines it would look like. The both wear hats pulled over their face, dark sunglasses, and heavy jackets. Their heads are down, they don't say a word, they don't look each other in the eye. It's almost as if they bump into each other the moment is so fast. But something swaps between hands. The drugee walks away with his fix and the dealer walks away with his cash.

Kate starts to laugh. Could they be more obvious?! She would be a better drug dealer than that guy. A light bulb goes off above Kate's head. She would be a better drug dealer.

She just found her bag of cash.

Week Five
Make a scene with a character exhibiting really bad behavior.
Today was my daughter's fifth birthday, and here I was sitting on the front porch smoking a cigarette. I was missing another thing because of this thing. The door opens and my younger brother, Moses, comes out to lite one up.

 "Aye, man you need to quit, it's going to ruin your life"  Moses says as he lights his cigarette. 

"Ha, your one to talk" I said pointing the his cigarette. "When did you start any ways?"

"Uh, about two years ago, I heard you say it was a good stress reliever, and you where right" I says as he brings the cigarette up to his lips.

"Oh, well I'm going in. Did they do the cake yet?"

"No, Brooklynn wanted you to be there." He says shrugging.

I walk in and all eyes are on me. "Alright Brooklynn, lets do the cake." My girlfriend Skylar said picking up Brooklynn and putting her in the car in front of her Chuggington cake. Everyone gathers around as Skylar lights the number five candle. 

"Happy Birthday dear Brooklynn, Happy Birthday to you" We finish. "Now make a wish"
Brooklynn blows out the candle and looks up smiling at me. "What did you wish for baby girl?" I asked.

"For you to stop taking breaks every hour." she means for me to stop smoking. 

"I'll try for you baby girl"

Twenty Years Later
I failed Brooklynn. I could not stop smoking, Its been five years since I lost my fight with lung cancer. I had two more kids, twins. They were both boys who looked just like me. The boys are now six, and Brooklynn is now twenty five. Today is Brooklynn's wedding. I am going to miss it. I missed out on so many things. Brooklynn's prom, graduation, her wedding, and when and if she has kids. I am going to miss the twins'  prom, graduations, their weddings and when they have kids. Worst of I wont be able to walk my only daughter down the aisle. All because I could not kick my need for cigarette. My advice is to NEVER pick up a cigarette. Not only does it ruin lives, it KILLS.

He didn't think he was that drunk. He got into his car. And killed three people.

Two kids. Practically babies. And their teenage babysitter who just got her license. She was a good driver. The parents of the kids, both in carseats in the backseat, trusted her skills. She passed her test with flying colors. She memorized three books that she used two study for both her written test and her behind the wheel test. The only thing she lacked that lead to her and the children's end. Was experience. She didn't know what to do when a car came hurtling towards her. She never got her experience.

After that day. He never drank again. Prison didn't have alcohol.

Until next time,

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