Leftover Prompts [Summer Special 2015]

Happy Tuesday everyone. I hope my fellow teenagers had a great first day like I did. SENIOR YEAR!

These are prompts I wanted to do but ran of time for
as well as prompts I didn't want to do (for this specific project) and why.

Don't feel like you have to read all the prompts, they're here if any fellow writers need inspiration or if anyone who isn't a writer wants some writing exercises.

I got these prompts from this book. I typed them out (not the super long ones and not word for word) so that I could give the book to a fellow writer and still have the prompts for inspiration.

< When looking for the picture of the book I found that there is a second one. >

P.S Starting today Totally Ky is going back to it's every Tuesday schedule.

Set something on fire (Fire is bad. Totally KY does not indorse setting things on fire, kids)
You are the pilot of a jumbo jet, just realizing the plane may crash. What will you tell the crew and passengers?
Her secret obsession
You walk into your bedroom and discover someone going through your drawers.
A soldier is about to embark upon a mission that she knows will kill her
Your city 100 years from now.
Where you wish you were
Write a message in a bottle. Write about the person who found it.
Imagine you were unable to speak for a year. What would you do to communicate, and what impact would it have on your relationships? What would you be saving up to say at the end of the year?
Write a bathroom wall limerick.
Waking up  elsewhere.
You are a fifty-three-year-old woman living in Chicago. Write a letter to Santa.
A 4-year-old child is afraid of the dark. Write about the child's fear and what you might say or do to help the child overcome the fears.   
You, a grown adult, are afraid of the dark. Explain why this is a legitimate concern, so friends won't laugh at you.
Write a single paragraph that conveys a lot about a character's life. Think about how this can be achieved with voice and rhythm and repetition.
What is the sound of silence, and when did you last hear it? What was missing?
You have been evicted from your home, but rather than live on the street you go to IKEA. At night you hide in the bathroom until the janitor leaves. Write about your life. 
Write from the point of view of someone who has synesthesia.
Write a survival guide for a character: Ten things to do in an emergency.
Stranded on an island for 5 years now. Describe a typical day.
Remember something momentous that happened to you. Then write about what happened right before the incident.
Would you rather win the Nobel prize or be a rock star
How you're just like your mother 
Your day, hour by hour.
An e-mail that you inadvertently sent to someone who wasn't supposed to see it 
The car your father drove 
An estranged mother and son who haven't seen or spoke to each other in more than 20 years meet in line at the post office in December, arms full of packages to be mailed. What do they say to each other. Sue only dialogue. 
Write a story where each sentence starts with a different letter of the alphabet go alphabetical order. 
10 years from now, you meet up with an old friend you haven't seen in a decade. Write the conversation you have
The moment you knew you were no longer a child 
You've just realized that you've lost something valuable in a nightclub (a necklace, a wallet, a phone). What happens next?
What would you run out the house with if your house caught on fire? 
A kid in your grade whom you don't know very well shows up at your house one day to tell you something important. What does he look like? What does he say? 
Write about a difficult conversation you've had recently. Then rewrite the conversation, saying what you couldn't say at the time
A bad situation that turned out for the best The worst thing that could happen  and The best thing that could happen
Your most treasured photograph.
The president's personal to-do list
Pick a country, and imagine we've been at war with it for 14 years. Write a love story set in the world 
You are lost in a foreign country. You can't find anyone who speaks English. How do you react and how do you find your way? 
Your bedroom from the point of view of a stranger forced to occupy it for a week
Suddenly, you can hear everyone's thoughts, and you are shocked by what they think about you. Write their thoughts.
Write down the names of a person you met for two seconds who’s name you don't even know, a person who fascinates you, and a person you don't understand. Put them together in a scene.
You wake up by the side of the road lying next to a bike, with no memory and no wallet. What happens in the next hour? 
You wake up in an open field wearing an astronaut suit and lying on a surfboard. What happened? 
Pick on decision you've made in your life-a move, a job, or relationship. How would your life be different now if you'd made a different choice. 
A women thinks she might be living next door to her grandson
You are a customer lying face down on the floor during a bank robbery. Describe the robbery from this vantage point.
Something you've always regretted saying.
It's your first day on Death row. Plan the next ten years of your life in this 8-by-10 cell, as you wait for your day to come.
What was the last thing your cared about that you misplaced? Write about what happened, with as many sentences as possible in the active voices.
Write for 10 minutes about what is running through a husband-to-be's head while his wife-to-be is walking down the aisle to the alter where he stands.
You can keep only one memory from your entire life. What will it be?
You are a midlevel Greek deity, hoping to move up in the ranks of Olympus. What are your powers, and how will you use them to impress Zeus and the others

Write about something extraordinary in a flat voice. (That goes against my rules as a writer)
Write a scene in which two people leave believing opposite things are true. (Complicated and no fun)
Go to a new restaurant, enjoy your meal, go home and write a review and an undercover critic. (I don’t really like eating at new places)
The difference between the first death you remember and the most recent one. (Sad)
What you would shoplift (Incriminating)
You bring someone back from the dead. Who is it? (Sad)
Write stage directions for an actor that insult him or her personally all along the way (Rude and not fun)
The first time you were worried that you had come off sounding racist (Bad idea)
The most trouble phone call you hope you never receive (Sad)
The first lie you were caught in (Incriminating, my mother is like my number one fan of this blog)
The carpenter who brought candy (I felt like this could take a wrong turn)
You track down an old boyfriend/girlfriend (No thank you)
The person in your life you're most jealous of (I’m not jealous of anyone in my life)
The one thing you're most ashamed of (Uncomfortable)
A guilty pleasure (This one creeped me out)
Comfort (What?)
What people think you are, compared to who you know you are (I don’t believe people think I am anything that I’m not so I skipped it)
Find a section of your writing that has no energy to it and rewrite it as one long sentence. Be sure that the sentence keeps expanding outward, don't worry about it being a run-on, and just let it flow (I couldn’t even fathom this one)
Describe an image that is embedded in your brain in detail and why it remains there. (Trust me you do not want to know what is burned into my brain)
Write from the point of view of a nurse who hates their patient.(Mean)
You are a superhero. What powers do you have and how do you use them. (Cliche)
Start with "I never told anyone . . . " (At this point I have no secrets and I didn't think my friends would want to be exposed like that)
Ten headlines you'd like to see  in the New York Times today and why. (I do not read newspapers)
What happened that night. (Possibly creepy)
This is what ____'s life looks like in public. This is what ____'s life looks like in private. (I don’t like writing about people who hide their true selves from the public)
Say yes to every impulse and offer. (That does not sound like a good idea)
Make a peanut character and write about how she interacts with the other characters (Requires research)
Write down 20 details of your neighborhood block. (Lame. There’s a house, there’s a lawn, there’s a mail man, there’s a dog, there’s KY lying on the ground bored out of her pretty big mind)
Write a scene in a different location using the details from above. (We’re not doing the one above and I don’t want obviously linked prompts)
Jot down a list of things that make you angry. (That would have to much cursing and we already saw my frustration with walking through the halls of my school)
Write about one thing from the list above. (No)
Losing your memory. (Complicated)
How to get from point A to point B and why you might not want to. (Confusing)
You are a pirate. Describe you perfect day. (Cliche and complicated and I would just rewrite a Jack Sparrow movie)
What's you biggest secret and what would happen if people found out. (I have no secrets)
The closest experience you've had to having you life flash before you eyes. (I’ve never had my life flash before my eyes or anything close to that)
Write and ode to an onion. (I hate onions)
What's the stupidest thing you used to believe whole heartedly. (Couldn’t think of anything)
That snappy reply you never got to say. (I had a bunch of these but can’t remember any of them)
Judge a book by it's cover, what does it say. (I don’t do that as a rule)
Write a ransom note. (Cliche)
The best advice for a teen graduating from high-school. (I haven’t graduated yet or gained enough knowledge to apply to this)
Share that embarrassing story your relatives always tell about you. (I don’t have any of those that I know of. My family just braggs about me.)
Your first kiss. (Hahahaha no)
Your first breakup. (Bwahahahahaha no)
You are happily married but realize you like someone else. What happens? (Adultery bad)
Write you obituary. Open with a bad joke. (I don’t wanna)
Storyboard a comic. (I don’t know how to do that)
Write a love letter for the one that got away. (Awkward)
Catalog what's in your pill cabinet. What condition do they treat and how does it all say about your morality. (Personal)
A taste that excites you and the first time you experienced it. (Creepy. Remember as a teenager I turn everything sexual)
The first time you had sex. (So mom and everyone on the internet . . . No)
The poorest you've ever been. The richest you've ever been. (I’m really lucky to have never experienced poverty and I don’t wanna brag about what I have)
Watch three spectators at a sports game, describe them as different animals. (I hate sports)
The most intriguing or unexpected conversation you've ever had with a stranger. (My mama says not to talk to strangers)
Write down as many clichés and aphorisms as you can think of. Go back,  and star the ones you actually say. (I don’t like cliches they’re just repetition which I don’t like)
A famous, unsolved crime. (To long)
Start a story with the line: "My mother broke every plate in the house that day." (My mom would kill me)
It took her 5 million years to decide on a sandwich. But when _____ asked her to marry her, she knew the answer was yes. Her friends and family said this was the wrong call. So here's how the whole mess played out . . . (Cliche)
You are Luke Skywalker. Write three different opening paragraphs for your autobiography, trying out very different styles. (Is that star wars or star trek? I’m not into either.)
Only ten people with fit in the life raft. Convince the captain they you should be one of them. (Arrogant)
Your last year on earth. (Long and complicated)
What is the most difficult decision that you've ever made. (I don’t think I’ve had to make a difficult decision. What to eat for breakfast . . . )
Describe an eccentric person in action. (I didn’t get any ideas off this one)
Interview your oldest relative. (My grandpa’s biograph is in the works)
How is hand held technology affecting public social behavior and interactions in the publispace. (Don’t get me started)
What's the most expensive thing you own? What was it like to buy it? (I don’t like to brag about what I have)
Leaving home. (NOOOOOOO! I’m a mama’s girl.)
Your face is on the evening news. Write a short news story to explain why. (Because I’m so amazing)
A time you made someone cry. A time someone made your cry. (Sad)
I have never felt this way before or since . (Awkward). .  
The first summer you fell in love. (The summer I discovered Cali buritos or Ritas frozen custard. They both changed me.)
A kid throws a rock over a cliff and kills a guy. The kid goes down and talks to the guys hiking partner. What do they say? (Well he starts off by peeing his pants and throwing up)
Begin with."It didn't seem like much at the time . . . " (Didn’t give me any ideas)
The most painful letter you ever had to write. (People still write letters?)
Describe you demographic group. Describe the stereotypes of your group that you confirm. (I don’t know what that means)
Describe the stereotype you subvert. (I don’t believe in stereotypes)
Jot down some notes about a long-ago family event. Then interview a family member about the event. Now write a piece featuring the difference between the two memories. (To long)
Drink a beer. Write about the taste. (I as well as this blog "Totally Ky" do not support underage drinking)
She was crazy that way. (My mom would kill me)
Interview a person you think you know well. Ask questions you've never before asked. (I play 20 questions with my friends all the time I didn’t think this would work)
Write about what you'll be worrying about 5 years from now. 10 years from now. 30 years from now. (Didn’t feel like it)
Retell the most recent joke you've heard as a short piece of fiction. (Most jokes I hear are sexuals so . . .)
Imagine an incident from you past in super-slow motion, including your thoughts. (I couldn’t come up with a concept)
Write an x-rated Disney scenario.  (No)
Write a scathing review of a classic book. (The Catcher in the Rye is a horrible book)
What is the worst thing that you ever did? (Personal)
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you? (Personal)
Extend a short interaction (buying coffee) as long as possible. (No fun)
Choose a person that interests you. Write about following the person home. (Awkward and creepy)
Write ten new cheers for a high-school cheerleading squad. (No)
Begin writing with the following sentence: "That was the time he stopped believing _____." (In Santa Claus . . . Don’t tell Ella)
The last chapter of the relationship. (He ate my ice cream)
The missing software engineer. (Boring)
I was not sorry. (She stole my cookie I was not sorry I punched her in the face)
A room full of people who want to sleep together. (I do not want to be in the middle of that)
Who wrote the book of love? Why and what's in it? (Ew)
What do you own that will be obsolete in 20 years? What will replace it? (I’m not into futuristic stuff)
A conversation you regret never having. (I couldn’t think of an idea)
It was the first time he had ever gotten into a fight, and it was in a _____ of all places. (Walmart parking lot)
Rant about something you hate - let loose. Now rewrite that rant with the intention of convincing someone else to share your feelings. (You do not want to get me on a rant)
Two guys walk into a bar . . .  (I hope they’re 21)
A perfect meal. (Don’t make me hungry)
You are a peasant in 1890s Russia. There is no food. Revolution is in the air. The czarists offer meals for you allegiance. What do you do? (Requires research)
A rationalization of bad behavior. (Didn’t give me an idea)
Why you forgot to pay your credit card bill. (I forgot to pay the credit card bill because I don’t have one)
Describe in detail the most boring thing imaginable. (Boring)
Describe your last visit to a doctor's office or hospital. (I don’t remember)
Write a knock knock joke. Then use it in a story. (Lame)
Summarize you dog's life in fewer than four paragraphs. (She sleeps, eats, itches and smells)
Sit for 15 minutes in a tranquil place - the edge of a stream,  the courtyard of a church, an empty field - opening all your senses. Write down what you notice. (I don’t live near any of those)
Complete the following sentence and the keep writing: "My first _____." (Kiss went a little like this. Good song)
That time you peed your pants. (I have never!)
Second marriage. (I got off the first one with murder!)
Describe in detail an everyday object. (It’s a towel. It uh . . . It - well it . . . It’s a towel!)
Start a story with the line "Everyone whispered about _____, but no one had the courage to talk to her." (I don’t like gossiping)
Imagine yourself at age 8. What would you tell yourself? (There’s nothing I could say to help you. you are a train wreck either way)
Imagine yourself at age 80. What would you tell yourself? (What would I tell my 80 year old self or what she would tell me?)
What's the worst nightmare you remember. (I don’t remember any) 
What is public and what is private? What should be public and what should be private? What do these terms mean now? (Complicated)
Through a freak illness, you lose one of your senses.  Which sense is it, what happens to you, and how do you deal with it? (I worry about this all the time. It freaks me out. I don’t wanna)
A beginner's guide to complete satisfaction. (I can’t get no satisfaction, good song)
A beginner's guide to winning over your in-laws. (Not possible)
A beginner's guide to getting up in the morning. (I don’t do that)
A beginner's guide to skipping out of work. (I has no job)
You know when it comes to a decision between the job that pays well and the job that's fun? He made the colossal mistake of picking the fun job. (Cliche)
Rewrite the Gettysburg Address for today's audience. (No thank you!)
One of your parents have a habit that really annoys you. What's the habit? Does anybody besides you notice it? (My mom would kill me)
Describe the sounds you hear the first time you swam in the ocean. (I hate the beach)
If your brother knew you'd said that about him, he'd flay you alive. What did you say? (Exactly)
Choose a family story for which you were not present. Choose the narrator of the piece (your mother, your older brother, your great-great-great-Aunt) and write the event in his or her voice. (I’m lazy)
What broke your heart. (McDreamy died!)
Describe an item of clothing you wear now that someday your son or daughter will want to own. What is it, and why will your child want to wear it in 20 years? (Lame)
Staying at the Harvard club (Lame and boring)
Write a scene where a couple get into the biggest argument of their marriage-in a small fishing boat, on their fave lake, at dawn. The motor broke, and they're far out. (Cliche one of them kills the other)
Explain what dentists do for a cavity. Your audience: a six year old child with cavity ridden teeth (No!)
A translator doesn't want to translate what she's just been told. (Didn’t get an idea)
Come up with every possible way to describe something as "red" without using the word itself. (Hard)
Write a script to give telemarketers to sell plastic pooper-scoopers. (I have better things to do)
Life in a snowbound cabin. (Cliche)
The way things should have been. (I have no regrets)
Write a letter to your landlord. (I don’t pay anyone . . . Yet)
A hopelessly messy person and an obsessively neat person become roommates. (This is already a thing)
Write about two characters who have known each other for a long time, and give one of them a secret. (Didn’t give me any ideas)
A road trip with your sister. (I could not survive in a car with her for that long)
A conversation about you that you weren't supposed to overhear. (Didn’t get an idea)
A physical description or an eccentric relative. (I don’t have one of those)
Wisdom you learned from your child. (I don’t has one of those)
What you think about that always brings you to tears. (Sad)
Where do you go to escape? (Cliche)
Write about what you are worrying about right now? (No fun)
An elaborate and complicated lie. (Complicated)
Your most memorable experience in the back of a car. (Let’s not)
"Let's go, sugarbeet." he said and snapped on the light. He was holding two duffel bags, one very light, the other very heavy. It was her car, and she had slept with the keys. (What on earth?)
Write a letter from the point of view of a drug addict. (Totally KY does not approve)
Write a letter to the reader of a novel you haven't written yet. (Hard)
A 24-hour camping trip with any person you want. (I’m not into camping)
A straight A high school student is caught stealing something at school by a teacher. (TK does not approve)
Think of the most frightening experience anyone has ever related to you - a carjacking, a dog fight, a robbery and imagine what it must have been like to be personally involved. Start with the experience in real time. (That sucks)
A lie you told and got away with. (My mom would kill me)
Write a bucket list for your fave superhero. (I’m not into superheros)
You are the high-school valedictorian. Write your valedictory address. (I’m lazy)
Take the bare facts from a court complaint or investigation at ACLU.org and retell them as a full descriptive narrative. (Requires research)
Identify a powerful and significant  personal experience from your past. Then change the setting, and write a story in which your narrator encounters that experience.  (Complicated)
Write about a vivid but troubled figure from literature as if he or she were your grandparents or great-grandparent. Look for the ways their loves reveal the patterns of codependency, addiction, avoidance, or whatever else you're dealing with in your own family. (Complicated)
You are Bill Gates, and you are trying to solve the world's problems one at a time. What's he first thing you are going to tackle? Why? (Lame)
My grandfather's girlfriend. (I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole)
Describe a moment in which you were in physical pain. (Not a lot to write about)
An argument at Sunday dinner. (No fun)
You're in the interview stage of the Miss America pageant. Besides your desire for world peace, what will you tell the judges? (No thanks)
Do people still care about the common politics and culture? Why or why not? (I hate politics)
Your fave recipe. (I don't really cook so I don't have a favorite recipe. I like food)
A character discovers an object hidden many years ago in a family home. (It's a body! Cliche)
Write a scene in which a father accidentally meets his son's girlfriend for the first time. The son isn't present, and the girlfriend is almost the same age as the father. (Cliche)
Rewrite a piece of your own writing in one-syllable words. (Difficult)
Describe your grandmother's childhood. (Effort needed)
Ten bed bar pickup lines. (Nooooooo.)
Ten euphemisms for sex. (No.)
The most recent time you were betrayed. (I don't think I've even been betrayed. My cat slept in my sisters bed)
Write a song. . (I don't really do that)
Write a children's story set in the woods. (They all die the end)
You are a brand-new suicide-hotline counselor. Describe how you feel during the course of your first call. (Sad)
Do you have a superstition? What is it, why do you have it, and how do you follow it? (Don't have any)
Explain to your boss why you spent $5,000 during one business meeting and why he should reimburse you. (lame)
James Joyce said that a man's error are his portals of discovery. What mistakes have led to epiphanies for you? (What?)
An ethical dilemma (What?)
Write a letter to a child explaining how to do one thing (for example, ride a horse or throw a punch) (No fun)
Describe a person you see every day. Describe a person you've never met. (No ideas)
Pick and ordinary object. Make it someone's obsession. Write a story about the obsession. (No ideas)
You are a radio disk jockey who has been handed a news alert about an explosion downtown. (Radio disk jockey?)
People are to evacuate the area. What do you say or do on air as further information does (or does not) come into the station. (No ideas)
Why is it true that you are right so much of the time and everyone else gets the things so wrong? (I always think I'm right but I usually am not)
Write about the scene at the Casino Club, the only bar in Stanley, Idaho, on an ordinary Tuesday night. Stanley's population is just under five hundred, and it's best known for being the coldest place in the lower 48. (Confusing)
You are a loser who lives alone with a cat and have for quite some time. One day your cat can't take it anymore and starts talking. What does he say? (My cat loves me and I am not a loser)
You are in a department store in another city, and you see one of your teachers weeping. Write the scene. (Awkward)
Five things you see out the nearest window. (Short)
Describe your favorite athlete. (I don't like sports)
Why do you like those shoes? (I don't)
The glow of success. (Lame)
Your dream vacation. (Cliche)
The end of the world. (Cliche)
Your last cry. (Sad)
I can't go into this right now, but if I could, I'd tell you this . . . (Didn't get any ideas)
Re-create your earliest childhood memory (Re-create?)
The apology a recently disgraced public figure should have offered up, in place of the one penned by his or her public relations handlers. (Lame)
Watch a group of people do exactly the same thing board a subway car and look for a seat, for example. Describe each individual in a sentence or two, using a different verb in each sentence. (Hard)
Begin a story describing only two hands. Use the physical characteristics of the hands, as well as any relevant activities or movement, gesture, fidgeting, and so on, to reveal who the hands belong to. (Hard)
Fix the plot of the worst movie you've ever seen. (Couldn't think of a movie)
Write the lyrics of a rap song. They must include a cop, a drug bust, and a dog. (Stupid)
A child is doing homework with an adult. Who are they? Reveal their relationship through interaction about the schoolwork. (Nah)
Elvis Costello said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Discuss. (What?)
Interview someone you admire. Write a short profile of the person. (My great grandpa's biography is in the works. Sort of the same)
The last time you changed your mind about something important. (Can't remember)
Your worst experience during a family dinner. (Can't think of one)
Your worst experience in a bar. (Never been)
Your worst experience playing a sport. (I don't do those)
Your worst experience in gym class. (Couldn't think of one)
Turn to the obituaries section of the newspaper, and choose one person to write about. Imagine a scene in that person's life. (I don't do newspapers)
Pick a dictator and write about an imaginary morning or day of his life, focusing on the banalities (digestion, sleep, oral hygiene). (Me no like dictators)
The person you loved who didn't love you back. (Everyone loves me)
Write a music review that doesn't refer to any other bands, musicians, or genres, but can refer to anything else. (Hard)
Approach a stranger, introduce yourself, and ask him or her to tell you something he or she has never told anyone else. Record your findings. (I'm not allowed to talk to strangers)
That day in Paris. (Cliche)
What people don't understand about you. (I don't know)
Your first fight.(A girl took my cookie in preschool so I punched her)
Filling a time capsule to bury in the backyard that will be dug up in five hundred years. Write the letter you'd put inside to describe life as you know it today. (Cliche)
Write a life as the inventory of an auction. (What?)

Why your boss should give you a raise. (My mom would never go for it)

How the other half lives. (What does that mean?)

A road to hell paved with good intentions. (No ideas)

Your first time in a foreign country. (I haven't been out of the states)

Describe a mortician's meeting with a newly bereaved family. Remember that he isn't just dealing with grief but selling a funeral package and getting necessary information about the deceased and the survivors. (Rude)

Write wedding vows. The bride is 35 year old; it's her first marriage. The groom is 48 and it's his third go-round at the altar. (Lame)

What is your shrink really thinking when you tell him about you day, your life, your hopes, your dreams. (I don't want to know)

Spin around until you get so dizzy you fall down. Write about the first thought that comes into your head. (I might die)

Pick your fave movie. Now switch the sex of the lead. Adjust the plot accordingly. (Cliche)

Write about something you know absolutely nothing about. Make all of it up. (This is how you blog)

Polite dinner conversation isn't supposed to include religion, politics, or money. Write a scene at the dinner table where one or more of these topics is discussed. (No fun)

Write the lyrics of a catchy jingle-for a plumbing services. (Lame)

Write down everything you can remember about your algebra teacher. (I never know what math I'm taking therefore I don't know who taught me algebra. It's all math why does it need different names?)

Time magazine has just named you 'person of the year'. Why? (Isn't it obvious? I mean hello!)

Write an acceptable speech for your party's nominee for governor. (I hate politics)

Justify the thing in your life you know you should be rid of but you just can't bear to give up. (My sanity)

What ten questions are you going to ask to figure out the object in a game of I spy. (Another good one)

Just when I thought I knew what she'd say next . . . (Cliche. I kept hearing, "I'm pregnant")
Finding a bone in a parking lot. (Weird)
The fortune teller in the window. (I've only ever seen the machines ones. The ones that take a quarter and give you a card)
Death is like this . . . (I am not touching that with a ten foot pole)
Write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal. (Again. Ten foot pole)
You've been caught cheating in a casino. Explain to the pit boss why this is all just a big misunderstanding. (I don't like casinos. To much smoke)
The paramedics have a patient in the back of the ambulance. The patient has only about 30 minutes to live. It could take 20 minutes or more to get to the hospital. What's going on in the ambulance. (I don't know anything about what paramedics do I need more details to write a scene)
You'd just die if anyone saw this diary entry.  (Hahaha noooooo)
You have a time machine, but it can only go back in time two days. What would you change. (Two days?! What a rip off)
Write from this quote from Claudia Levi-Strauss, "I am the place in which something has occurred." (What?)
You're a Nigerian e-mail scammer. Write an E-mail that will convince the recipient to send $200. (People are dieing give me money)
A person is standing on a soapbox in the park, yelling at passersby. What's going on? (The end of the world what else)
The smell of a place you love. (This didn't sound like a good idea)
What you ate for breakfast. (I woke up at noon and didn't eat until 2 and breakfast is discriminatory)
You have just been caught in bed by a jealous spouse. How will you talk your way out of this? (Cliche)
Take an aspect of routine life-such as grocery shopping or putting gas in the car and remove it. What happened when a character stops doing that? Why would he do so? (Because I'm lazy and hate doing laundry. So I live out of a pile of clean clothes.)
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1942. Write some other short rhymes or mnemonics about historic events or important facts that a schoolkid might have to learn. (I don't do history)
You know the person with whom you're talking is lying. Do you confront him or let him continue? (I'm not a good lie detector I'm very gullible.)
There are two kinds of people: drunks and survivors of drunks. Which are you? (Neither)
Pick a classic fairy tale and set it in your modern day hometown. (Cliche)
The biggest lie anyone told you (I don't know)
A tour of Jamaica (I don't know anything about Jamaica accept for stereotypes which I hate)
How to get rich quick (Stealing is bad)
Arsenic (Murder!)
You are a 13 year old. Write a love letter to your boyfriend. (I am not doing that)
You are a 21 year old. Write a love letter to your girlfriend. (What did I just say?)
Where would you be now if you had married your first love? (Barefoot and pregnant)
Imagine someone who tells a lie to himself and others. What would happen if he stopped? (His therapist would be very happy with him and his wife might take him back)
Put your character (or yourself) in the dark. See what happens. (That does not sound like a good idea)
You are a military officer responsible for going to people's home to tell them that a family member has died in combat, is a prisoner of war, injured, missing in action, and the like. Describe one of the notification scenes. (Sad)
Each member of the SF Giants can request the song that will be playing when he goes up to bat. Write the lyrics to the song that would be playing when you are up to bat. (I'm sexy and I know it would be inappropriate)
You are going to appear on a talk show. The producer comes backstage to elicit a funny story that the host should focus on. Write the story like a monologue you're giving on national TV. (Boring)
Write about a time someone completely screwed you over. Endeavor to convince the reader that you were entirely blameless in the events. (Is this one prompt or two?)
Write about the same event from the above prompt with the intent of convincing the reader that you were fully to blame. Which version of the story is more convincing. (I don't get it)
Describe the biggest earth quake you've ever head about. (My mom was changing my sister and scooped her up and ended up with a poopy butt in her hand)
Link two encounter from your day. (I don't do anything.)
An hour to go. (I didn't get any ideas)
Death of a journalist. (No ideas)
Describe the experience from the point of view of someone who is phobic about that very experience. For example, an airplane flight taken by someone terrified of flying. (I would need more time for this)
Think of a person you despise. Now describes all the wonderful things about the person. (He has no good qualities ask Melisha she was stuck in an elevator with him)
How someone saved your life. (This si the 21st century woman save themselves!)
You find your great-great-grandmother's diary. On June 16, 1856, she wrote: (Requires research)
A beginner's guide to getting noticed. (Where neons clothes and a big weird hat)
Tenth anniversary. (Boring)
Being chased by a killer. (I've always said if someone was chasing me trying to kill me I'd be like you're gonna catch me anyway and I don't like running so kill me now.)
On becoming a tycoon. (Is that a kind of fish?)
Write a press release announcing the biggest moment in your life. Pitch why this event is of interest to the masses and the reporters who will decide whether to cover it. (Boring)
Write a music review for the sound of your life-your personal, everyday soundtrack (Confusing)
A day in the life of the person sitting next to you. (I'm not sitting next to any one. Forever alone.)
The kleptomaniac. (They steal stuff)
The point of view of a blind person. (Requires time)
A never-ending breakup. (Boring)
A death in the family. (No.)
Your character is swimming in a lake, not wearing her glasses. She squints at the shape coming towards her in the water. What does she think she sees. (Didn't feel like it)
Your grandmother gave you a book you refuse to read. What's the book? Write a thank you note to your grandmother, pretending that you read it. (Boring)
Write a love scene from the point of view of your hands. (Weird)
A women is struggling to get a large package into the trunk of her car. Her son doesn't get out of the car to help her. Write the scene. (Typical and boring)
Your most embarrassing moment. (No)
The weekend in St. Tropez.  (I don't know where that is)
Write a letter from a coach to a parent of a player, explaining why the player quit the team. (I don't do sports)
Write a scene in which the protagonist is wrongly accused of conspiring to cause a big accident. (Didn't get any ideas off this one)
You are a camp counselor. Make up a story that will scare the bejeezus out of the 8 to 10 year old campers. (Cliche)
What you really wanted to say to the customer service representative when you called about broken appliance. (Never had this experience)
The perfect crime and what could go wrong. (In case I ever do perform such a crime I do not want it written down as evidence)
Think of an episode from your life that you don't dare write. Write it (No)
Keep a list of words you like, for their sound, for their meaning, or just for their goofy spelling. Pick on of those words and use it in a paragraph.  (Requires more time)
A dream your boss had. (No thank you)
A family (not your own) on the street where you grew up. (Boring)
A letter to the editor. (Boring)
At a romance restaurant on a busy Saturday night, a guy gets down on one knee and begins to propose. You are a spectator doing color commentary of the occasion for a live TV audience. (Boring)
Another drunken episode. (Bad)
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Give some good advice from a completely unreliable source, and convinces someone to take this advice. (Confusing)
Write about a song. (We've already done that)
Describe nearly drowning.(No fun)
The 30-year lie. (I don't get it)
Describe ascent using the most innovative, outrageous metaphors, similes, and physical descriptions you can think of. (Complicated)
What does your sleeping, dreaming mind think in the moments before you wake up? What are its last hopes, fears or promises to itself as the alarm goes off and it feels itself vanishing? (I don't remember what I'm thinking about before I wake up)
You've had a really rotten day. You're mad at the world, and in an evil moment you decide to give a classroom full of impressionable, hopeful young writers all the worst possible advice anyone could give. (Not nice)
You wake up with a nameless feeling of dread in your gut, but you can't figure out what it is. Writing down everything that could possibly happen during the day thet could be something for you to dread. (No thank you)
Describe the face of someone you love. (Awkward)
A boy who tries to be funny when nobody is laughing at his joke. (Sad)
Something goes wrong at your favorite camping spot. (I had to pee in the wildness and my cousin got a leach on her butt)
You are the lawyer in a divorce case. The only point of contention is custody of the dog. Argue that your client should get the pup. (Requires binge watching of Drop Dead Diva)
You are living in Atlanta in 1864. Atlanta is burning. What do you do? (Requires research)
Write two descriptions of yourself for an online dating service. First, be the kind of guy/girl who'd be taken home to meet the mother. Then try a hot, sexy version. (I'm okay thanks.)

Imagine a character at two very different ages, and describe his or her day at each age. (Requires time)

Going it alone. (No ideas)

A moment of forgiveness. (No ideas)

Everyone has a special talent. What's your special skills? (Short)

Describe your mother. (She would kill me.)
The art of love. (Awkward)
Toto, if we're not in Kansas anymore, where are we? (I didn't like that movie)
Tell the story of a time you lost an argument. (I never lose!)
Write a love letter to a person you dislike. (No)
Write a story that ends with the line "And this is the room where it happened." (Cliche)
What won’t you touch with a 10-foot pole? Why? (Some of these prompts)
A strange girl who hides herself under layers and layers of clothing. (Sad)
Five things you wish you'd asked your grandmother or grandfather. (Sad)
Write a story using four L words: Lipstick, lust, loss, locked. (Ew)
Write from the point of view of a literary character who changed your life. (Hard)
A vivid childhood memory from the child's perspective. (No ideas)
You're the white house head chef, preparing a state dinner for the president of India. What do you serve, and how does it turn out.
You're fave TV newscaster's hair. (Don't have one)
Where will you be exactly one year from this moment? (I don't remember what day it is)
Your fave jeans. (Short)
The last time you cheated. (No one needs to know (Not on a person))
The orchestra on the Titanic famously kept playing as the ship went down. Describe the sinking of the Titanic from the point of view of the musicians playing in the ballroom-from their interactions to the sights, sound and sensations the experience as the ship sinks. (Requires research)
You are stuck on the highway in the world's worst traffic jam for at least two days. What happened? (Does that happen?)
Describe a trip to the amusement park, focusing on the colors, sounds, smells, and taste of the day. (To much stimuli)
You’re confined to your bed for three months due to a serious illness. What do you miss, and what's the first thing you'll do once they let you outside? (Requires time)
The secret that, if revealed, would upset everything. (Nobody needs to know)
Be your character's fortune teller. Tell his or her future. (I'm going to kill you at the end of the book)
The oldest item in your possession (My eyeballs)
Go outside and notice three distinct sounds. Remove the labels and describe exactly what they sound like. Then write a story incorporating the sounds. (Hard)
It's 2100 and the world is running out of fresh water. Describe a typical day. (Hard and long)
Write a life as a series of postcard. (Long)
Five things you wish your mother never told you. (My mom likes to gross me out and make me uncomfortable)
Write a stand-up comedy routine to address the United Nations. (I don't like politics)
Something you never told your mother (Not a good idea)
A missing body part (Errrr . . . )
A piece of clothing you keep just for the memory (I don't have any of those)
Write a sex scene your wouldn't show your mom. (Nooooooooooo)
Rewrite the sex scene from above into on that you'd let your mom read. (No)
What did you wear to prom? How did you get your outfit, and what happened to it? (Haven't been to prom yet)
Write a "Dear John" letter, breaking up with your high-school sweetheart who's in the army (Awww sad and rude)
You're the high school sweetheart from the above prompt, Write your reply to the breakup note. (Yah little nasty)
What are the most recent incident in your life that made you upset? What was the most recent incident in your life that made you laugh? (Personal)
A bad smell and where it came from. (You don't wanna know)
The last thing you'd want to do. (No ideas)
The nape of your husband's neck (Not married)
One day a young boy climbs a tree and decides he won't come down until his parents still their divorce proceedings. Write about the event from the point of view of each parent. (To long)
Rewrite your college application essay from today's point of view, answering the last question. "Is there something else we should know?" (Can't rewrite something I've never written)
Your fave hiding place (It's a secret)
Something more you'd like to know about (No ideas)
The way the sky looks today (Boring)
A present from your mother (Boring)
Describe a professor coming on to one of his students (No)
Explain to the historians of 2150 what it's like to go to a shopping mall. Remember that they may not have malls in 2150. Or escalators, food courts, or cash. (Hard)
Begin a letter: "I am telling you this story because you are the only person who will not judge me . . . " (No ideas)
Write a scene full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (What?)
Open your kitchen cabinet. Write a scene incorporating the first three things you see (Boring)
You are Frankenstein. Write a letter to Mary Shelley thanking her for making your story known (Requires research)
Write a short obituary of a stranger you're recently encountered. Then rewrite it from the point of view of the person's estranged child. (Son)
What would you buy from the skymall catalog? Why? (What's that?)
What does writer's block feel like? (Don't get me started)
Find a world or globe, close you eyes, pick a spot. Write about a person arriving there for the first time. (Requires research)
Set you alarm for 3 a.m., wake up, and write the first thing that comes to mind (This wouldn't work out for me)
The kill fee (No ideas)
Your favorite wine (Bad)
The person your mother always warned you about (No thank you)
Irresistible temptation (Choclate)
The corpse you saw in the undertaker's window (IT LIVES!)
Put two characters, each of whom wants something from the other, in a room together. Neither of them is allowed to ask for it straight out. Give them 5 minutes with only dialogue to get what they want. (Hard and complicated)
Write two prayers for your character: one to be said in private, one to be said in public. (Weird)
Write a short story that is set in Detroit in 1956, in which a car floor mat plays a crucial role (Requires research)

The time you were the most terrified-your knees were knocking, your heart was racing, you could barely stand to be in your own skin. (I've never been that scared)

Start a story with the line "When I confronted him, he denied that he'd ever said it." (No ideas)
A newly invented product that will change your life (No ideas)
Parades (Don't like them)
Boxers or briefs?Discuss (Neither)      
Screw you (Rude)      
Waiting ("I hate to wait." 500 points to Gryffindor for whoever know what movie that's from)
Write from the perspective of a historical figure like Franklin Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, or Jack the Ripper (Requires research)
The general manager of the New York Yankee's personal to-do list (I don't like sports)
A powerful Hollywood agent's personal to-do list (Boring)
The next sound you hear and what caused it (Typing noises. Because I'm typing)
Describe your fave part of a man's body using only verbs. (Awkward)
Describe your fave part of a women's body using only verbs (Awkward)
Write, in ridiculous detail, directions on how to get to your home (Hey stalkers, murderers and psychos here is in ridiculous details, directions to where I sleep at night. I will leave the window open for you.)
A useless love-a connection of affinity that doesn't fit into the plans of anyone concerned (What?)
List five cultural events that impact your greatly. Then write about one of them without mentioning yourself (Hard)
Pick a person, then ask yourself: What is the hardest choice this person has ever had to make (Mean)
Write a scene in which a person is leaving a restaurant with her husband and bumps into a former lover. What words are exchanged or not exchanged? What do her body positions say? (Awkward)
There are often 3 reasons for something: the reason we tell others, the reason we tell ourselves, and the real reason. Write about the war among the 3
You're having lunch with a friend. Your friend gets a call in the middle of the meal. Write you friend's part of the conversation (Boring)
Describe one of your bad habits and why you secretly get joy out of it (I don't really have any of those)
A child needs to do one thing over and over to calm himself down when the adults get angry. What does he do? How did he learn it? (No ideas)
You are a private investigator. You've been following a cheating husband for a month. Write the report to your client-an emotionally unstable wife-telling her what you did and what you've learned (No fun)
A cockroach at the Roosevelt. (Why?)
How you feel about love these days. (I'm taking a break)
The talk show host. (No ideas)
Until next time,

Totally KY

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