
New Year's Resolutions 2024

Happy Tuesday,

See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 20182019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Looking back on 2023 Resolutions

1. Turn 26. Success.

2. Hydrate. Success.

3. Keep up with my meds. Success.

2020 - 20, 2021 - 42, 2022 - 42, 

2023 - 16

4. Blog (2) Fail.

5. Book Reviews - Post and track. Fail.

6. Read more (>45) Success.

2017 - 41, 2018 - 69, 2019 - 19, 2020 - 53, 2021 - 51, 2022 - 45, 

2023 - 65

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!! Fail.

8. Write more - I've been working on a project that had 206 pages as of 12/31/22. 

I'd like to get to 306 pages this year. Fail.

Project C 2022 - 206 pgs, 

2023 - 244 pgs.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work. Success.

2019 - 77 pgs, 2020 - 40 pgs, 2021 - 139 pgs, 2022 - 75 pgs, 

2023 - 82 pgs

10. Buy less notebooks. Success.

11. Create more art. Success.

12. Finish a coloring book. Fail.

13. Achieve more resolutions. Fail.

2016 - 4/12, 2017 - 5/8, 2018 - 7/13, 2019 - 4/11, 2020 - 7/12, 2021 - 6/12, 2022 - 3/12,

2023 - 7/13

2024 Resolutions

1. Turn 27

2. Hydrate

3. Keep up with my meds

2020 - 20, 2021 - 42, 2022 - 42, 2023 - 16

4. Post Resolutions in January. I'm separating the two blog post resolutions starting this year so that if I only do one I still get to call it a success.

5. Post 2021 and 2022 Book Review.

6. Keep consistent with my newly started reading journal

7. Read ≥ 60. I would like to stay in the 60s again this year but over 65 might not be doable. I want to leave myself some wiggle room in case I need it.
2017 - 41, 2018 - 69, 2019 - 19, 2020 - 53, 2021 - 51, 2022 - 45
2023 - 65

8. Read two books from my 2023 TBR List. (I'm replacing the Sherlock series resolutions with this. I will finish the series someday but or now I'm taking it off of my resolutions.)

9. Write more - 
Project C 2022 - 206 pgs
2023 - 244
2024 - Goal is 340. I chose to make the goal 96 pages for the year so that I can break it down evenly into 8 pages a month to make sure I'm keeping on track.

10. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77, 2020 - 40, 2021 - 139, 2022 - 75
2023 - 82

11. Be more mindful about buying stationary - (I'm broadening the notebook resolution because I've mostly conquered my need to buy notebooks but I also have a problem with stationary in general. That includes notebooks, notepads, sticky notes, stickers, coloring books, and pencil cases. The exceptions are stickers from Red Bubble and Etsy, and anything Scooby-Doo.)

12. Create more art

13. Finish a coloring book

14. Achieve more resolutions

2016 - 4/12, 2017 - 5/8, 2018 - 7/13, 2019 - 4/11, 2020 - 7/12, 2021 - 6/12, 2022 - 3/12, 2023 - 7/13

Totally Ky

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