
New Year's Resolutions 2023

 Happy Tuesday, 
See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 20182019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

2022 Resolutions

1. Turn 25 -

2. Drink more water - I'm calling this a Success because not only did I drink a lot of water I learned there's more to hydrating than just drinking water. Who the heck knew?! So this resolution thus forth shall be known simply as "Hydrate".

3. Keep up with my meds - Epic fail.
2020 - 20
2021 - 42 days missed

4. Blog (2) - Fail. I'm hoping to post my book review for the last two years soon.

5. Book Reviews - Fail

6. Read more (>53) Fail. I didn't check on my progress for this resolution as the year progressed which I think is key for nailing this one,
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 53
2021 - 51
2022 - 45

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!!! (There is now an exclamation for every year this has been a resolution) 2022 2023 will be the year I finish this series!  Fail.

8. Write more - Success.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77
2020 - 40
2021 - 139
2022 - 75 My cat sprayed on this journal which forced me to abandon it and Fail.

10. Buy less notebooks  - Fail.

11. Create more art -

12. Achieve more resolutions
2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12
2022 3/12 Fail.

2023 Resolutions

1. Turn 26

2. Hydrate

3. Keep up with my meds
2020 - 20
2021 - 42
2022 - 42

4. Blog (2) - 

5. Book Reviews - Post and track

6. Read more (>45)
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19
2020 - 53
2021 - 51
2022 - 45

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!!

8. Write more - I've been working on a project that had 206 pages as of 12/31/22. I'd like to get to 306 pages this year. 
Project C 2022 - 206 pgs
2023 -

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.
2019 - 77
2020 - 40
2021 - 139
2022 - 75

10. Buy less notebooks

11. Create more art

12. Finish a coloring book

13. Achieve more resolutions
2016 4/12
2017 5/8
2018 7/13
2019 4/11
2020 7/12
2021 6/12
2022 3/12

Totally Ky

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