
New Year's Resolutions 2020

Happy Tuesday everyone, (I thought I posted this already!)
See also: New Year's Resolutions 2016,  2017, 2018 and 2019

2019 Resolutions

1. Turn 22!

2. Drink more water. I think I did just a little bit better this year.

3. Keep up with my meds - I calculated 60 days that I missed my pills this year! FAIL!

5. Book Review - Post each month's book review on time. FAIL!

6. Read more? FAIL!
2017 - 41
2018 - 69
2019 - 19

7. Finish the Sherlock Series. FAIL! I did read a lot more but I didn't finish it.

8. Write more (100 pages) - I wrote 95 pages but that includes my fanfiction so there's still room to improve.

9. Journal more (50 journal entries). I did it!

10. Do not buy any notebooks - I bought very few.

11. Create more art - I created so much art this year that I went over my '17 things I made' post so it's just a post of all of my paintings now that I have yet to post.

2020 Resolutions

1. Turn 23

2. Drink more water

3. Keep up with my meds - Miss no more than ten pills for the whole year!

4. Blog? I got a job in October so I don't have the time or energy to blog as much as I used to so I'm not sure what I'll be able to do this year or what I should try to do.

5. Book Reviews are gonna be changed to either once or twice a year.

6. Read more! I got stuck in a reading lull in 2019 so I'm hoping to get back into it this year.

7. Finish the Sherlock Series!!!

8. Write more - I'm gonna shoot for 100 pages again.

9. Journal more - or rather keep up the good work.

10. Do not buy any notebooks

11. Create more art

12. Achieve more resolutions. Last year I achieved 4/11 resolutions and this year I want to do more.

Totally Ky

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