
Pride (San Diego 2019)

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Pride 2016 (red) 
Pride 2017 (yellow) 
Pride 2018 (pink)
Pride 2019 (pink agaaaiiin)

Day 1

My morning started off by getting on the wrong shuttle! Pride uses the parking lot at the Old Naval Hospital and has shuttles that can take you to either the parade or the festival. And on Day 1 I got on the shuttle that went to the parade so I had to take it back to the parking lot and get on the correct shuttle so I was a couple minutes late for my shift. After that little bump in the road, my day went pretty well.

I volunteered with Water and Ice Sales again and this year I got to drive a golf cart and take deliveries to different booths. Everything went smoothly until I went to take a break for lunch and get food and was told I needed a meal ticket. Fine. I go ask for my meal ticket and am informed that I can't get my meal ticket until I check out after my shift which is from 8am to 1pm. I understand needing a meal ticket so that people don't take more food than they need but I should be able to get my meal ticket when I want it. They started serving lunch at noon I should be able to get my lunch at noon. I'm a fatty you can't mess with my food. There were of course snacks but this bitch was hungry. So after I check out from my shift and get my meal ticket I go get my lunch and when I go to put the ticket into the cup I palm it instead. Take that. I didn't end up using my meal ticket again but I could have! And that's enough for me.

I sat down for lunch at an empty table and some guys came over to sit with me while they ate their lunch and we got to chatting and they told me they worked for REI Co-op and one of them gave me an REI Co-op pin with a rainbow on it when I told them how much I loved all of the pins at Pride. Their other coworkers all came to sit with us and I kind of became part of their little group while I waited for my friend to come and my uncle to finish his shift. They were all really nice and I still have the pin they gave me on my backpack because I thought the gesture was really nice and it made me really happy.

After a while, my friend came and we did a little walking around before my uncle got off his shift and we decided we were too tired to walk the full loop so we would put it off to the next day. I drove my uncle home before going home myself and showering the sunscreen and sweat off my body before eating some food and passing out at 8PM.

< I bought this Totes Pan bag (that's a post I'm going to need to make very soon) and these pins >

I also picked up a couple free things including 3 cards, 3stickers, 2 bracelets, 1 pen, 1 tattoo, 1 scar treatment sample and 1 bottle of bubbles.

Day 2

The shuttles weren't running when I got to the parking lot so me and two others that were working with me at the Water and Ice Sales were personally taken to the festival in a van driven by one of the shuttle drivers. It felt very VIP. When I got to my booth I started making deliveries with a new very nice volunteer who bought me a horchata.

After my shift ended I walked the loop of booths when my uncle until our free tote bags were full of goodies before heading home. I was also HIV tested (the guy who did it called me a bleeder???) and I'm clean.

I bought 9 stickers, 8 pins, 2 flags and 1 book about David Bowie!

As for free stuff, I picked up anything and everything that wasn't condoms or lube because I'm very single.
19 stickers
17 cards
13 pins
11 bracelets
10 pens
9 lip balms
6 drawstring backpacks
6 tattoos
6 sunglasses
5 keychains
5 beaded necklaces
4 fans
4 stress balls (1 shaped like an actual ball, 1 shaped like a star, 1 shaped like a bunch of grapes and 1 shaped like sperm)
4 cardholders
3 tote bags
3 whistles
2 cookies
2 flags
2 cups
2 clips
1 notepad
1 water bottle
1 water pouch
1 hand sanitizer
1 sunscreen
1 mirror
1 (they said it was a fan but I think it's a frisbee?)
1 frisbee (a definite frisbee)
1 light-up ring
1 fanny pack
1 cowbell
1 dog water bottle
1 doggy bag dispenser
Totally Ky

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