
Journal Entry No.1 3/11/19

Happy Tuesday everyone it's actually Tuesday!

I usually write my journal entries in my actual journal but I felt like sharing today. A lot of little good things happened.

Due to the time change, I got to school as the sun was rising which was partly aw pretty and partly aw it's too early in the morning.

I got to my first class and was disappointed to see that my crush wasn't there but my second class was replaced by individual conferences with the professor so I knew I would get to go home early. I had to walk all the way across campus to get to the professor's office but it was near the cafeteria so I had some really good tater tots before my meeting.

I went home and wound down with some tv thinking I didn't have anything else to worry about besides my paper due Wednesday, before falling asleep around the time the second class should have started (isn't that a nice feeling?) I woke up around 2:30 and had some pretzels because I was too lazy to cook but then my alarm went off at 4:30 for me to go to my psychology 101 class that I had completely forgotten about. For a moment I thought about not going but this class is only once a week and I really look forward to it. I love the professor who teaches it. I got ready really quick (it only took me four minutes to pack my bag, put shoes and pants on, fill up my water bottle and go to the bathroom) and ran to McDonald's for a quick burger because I knew I would not last through class without an actual meal. Usually, I make sure to have some sort of actual meal before that class but as I forgot, that did not happen and I just snacked most of the day. Luckily, I give myself plenty of time to get parking and hang out before class so I had enough time to get some food and eat it before class and still had leftover time to work on an assignment. When I went through the drive through both of the employees at each window where really nice and smiled at me which may not seem important but the employees at that location are well known for being not nice or polite.

When I got to my class I worked on an assignment like I said and as people began to file in the girl behind me started asking me a bunch of questions about the test we took last class, the presentations and paper we would be doing as well as other general questions about the class. The whole class knows that I had our professor last semester for women's psychology so they all think I'm really smart and are always asking me questions. Really I just love the professor and have a previous relationship with her as well as find the subject interesting. The girl next to me also always asks me questions too and today when she sat down I saw her pull a scantron out of a pack in the corner of my eye and I realized she was replacing the scantron I had given her last class. Whenever I need a scantron for a test in class I always buy two packs and bring all of them because someone always forgets and I like to be prepared for myself as well as others. When we took the test and everyone started filling the name section out on scantron she looked around confused. She didn't even know what a scantron was. She asked me what was going on while the professor was telling us how to fill out the class portion so while keeping my attention on the professor I handed her one of my extra scantrons. To me, it was no big deal. But today she not only handed me a replacement scantron but a bar of chocolate! How fricken sweet!

Then a friend I made in last semesters women psychology came in with her service dog, Elvis, that she lets me pet sometimes after class. So I got to visit with them. She's an intern with the professor and came in to support her because she was having a hard day (I don't feel comfortable disclosing what she was struggling with) but still wanted to teach. I was so impressed with her. She's such an amazing woman. I mean I want to write her biography kind of amazing. I'm taking psych 101 specifically because I wanted to take another class with her.

When I got to the elevator to go home it was dark (because the class ends around 9) and lightly sprinkling so I checked behind me to see if anyone was coming towards the elevator and saw a couple walking slowly over. I pushed the button to keep the doors open a couple times until they came in. The man smiled and thanked me. He said he had walked slowly because he didn't expect me to hold the elevator open. I always try to hold elevators open for people even if I have to stand there for a minute until they get there because I think it's an easy and simple thing to do to make someone happy.

Then I get home and a Winnie-the-Pooh coloring page my sister made for me and two cookies were waiting for me.

Totally Ky

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