
Hardcovers, Paperbacks and eBooks (Oh My)

Happy Tuesday everyone,


The biggest con of hardcover books is the price. They are so much more expensive than their paperback counterparts that I rarely buy them. I can often be seen walking through the aisles of Barnes and Noble taping book covers to check if they're hardcover and if they are I won't pick it up and read the summery because I don't want to fall in love with a hardback. There are of course special occasions and exceptions.

Chasers of the light

1. If someone else bought it for me. I'm not one to turn down a present and it's not my money.
Chasers of the Light

2. If it's a special edition of a book I really love.
Pillow Thoughts (Extended Version),  Winnie the PoohIt Takes Two (Autographed Version), Speak (Graphic Novel version), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Outsiders

Meddling Kids

3. I fell in love with it and there wasn't a paperback copy at the time or it doesn't come in a paperback version. I try very hard to avoid hardcovers but sometimes I love the book so much I just need it.
What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night, T-Rex Trying, 2FishMeddling kids etc.

3.5.) I have a collection of all of Shakespeare's plays and a collection of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock series and those are both exclusively in hardcover.


4.) In the rare case of Our Chemical Hearts, I liked the hardcover's art way more than the paperback's cover art and the hardcover version ended up going on sale for five dollars so it was even cheaper than the paperback version.


I tend to prefer paperbacks as I don't just love reading books but I love holding them and collecting them and shopping for them. I love everything about it. Paperback holds the most satisfaction as far as that's concerned. As for price, it tends to be a middle ground between expensive hardcovers and cheap ebooks.

Kindle Books (eBooks)

While eBooks don't have the satisfaction of holding a book and putting it on your shelf when you finish reading it, it is certainly the most convenient and inexpensive of the three. When you finish a paperback and you're out and about (I read in between classes at college) if you don't have a backup with you, you're kind of SOL. But when you have your Kindle (Or Nook? I think they're the same concept) you always have a library of books at your fingertips that you can read and if you're in a place with Wifi you can even buy a new book right there. It's especially satisfying if you're reading a series. When you finish one of the books you don't have to go to the store to get the next one, it is literally a click away. eBooks also have the benefit of being less expensive than even the paperback version of the same book. This is not always the case but in my experience, the eBook version is almost always less expensive than any printed version. The Kindle store also has a lot of very cheap eBooks if you need something to read but only have a couple dollars of spending money. This category of books are often lower quality (especially in editing) but you can find some real gems in the mix.

Totally Ky

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