
little acts of kindness

Happy Tuesday everyone it's not Tuesday,

If you haven't noticed I love dinosaurs.

I have bought many packs of plastic dinosaurs but I don't want duplicates of the same exact design in my collection so I have a lot of extras that need homes.

So, I tapped a bunch of dinosaurs to a piece of paper and wrote, "you are dino-mite (take one)" yes, I stole that line from the Valentines I gave out this year.

First, I tacked two of them to one of the outdoor message boards at my college. After going to class for several hours I checked on the board on my way to my car and several had been taken!

I had planned on putting each sheet in a different place at my college so that it would be accessible to more students. So for the second trial, I tacked a sheet to a message board in the math and science building where I was taking my astronomy class. The board was a little bit down the hall from my class and
where I nap outside my class in the two hours before.

While I was waiting for my class to start three people walked by and a girl shouted about how cute it was and asked her friends if they should take one. She said, "f*** it let's take one" while one of her friends read the title and the other friend took a picture. As the group walked away the first girl said she'd name him Lucas.

A little bit later one of my friends walked in with a group of girls. As they passed me without my friend seeing me, one of her friends was talking about the dinosaurs and my friend ran up all excited and declared that she had taken a stegosaurus. When she walked away I texted her, "you're welcome".

After I went to my astronomy class I checked on how many of the dinosaurs where left AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE LEFT AND SOMEONE WROTE ME A NOTE!

Encouraged by the responses I taped several more pages up all over the school.

The semester has now ended so I will be taking a break but I still have a whole bag of dinosaurs in my car for next semester.

Totally Ky

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