
Choose Happiness (A Rant)

Happy Tuesday everyone, motto

The phrase, "Choose Happiness" makes me unhappy. In fact, it makes me angry.

When I google searched, "choose happiness" for images to add to this post I was flooded with (air quote) "inspirational quotes" like, "happiness is a choice", "you are as happy as you choose to be" and "I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing to be happy". Let's just say I decided against the photos for this post.

Happiness is not a choice for people who live with a mental illness. Many people with mental illnesses don't have control over their emotions; they don't have the luxury to "choose happiness" or "be positive" or whatever else kind of mantra you've pulled out your butt or stitched on a throw pillow. Gandhi was a pervert anyway.

I don't always get to choose. So when I'm stuck between choosing depression or hmm depression, hearing 1Yoga Jones trying to enlighten me with her wisdom will only upset me more with its ineffectiveness.

And even when I'm plain unhappy (not depressed just normally unhappy) and have the capability to change my mood I still don't want to hear it. I will be unhappy if I want to be unhappy. Sometimes you need wallow in your sadness. It's actually healthy to wallow a little bit and let all those feelings out. Sometimes you need to watch 2My Sister's Keeper with a tub of ice cream and cry. So hearing Yoga Jones trying to enlighten me with her wisdom will only piss me off because I'll be unhappy if I wanna be unhappy. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. Yoga Jones can take her monogrammed pillow and shove it up her downward dog!

Also telling me not to do something is a bad idea. I'm one of those stubborn women who will do what you told me not to do because you told me not to do it. Telling me to, "cheer up" or, "smile" is about as effective as telling me to calm down. Oh, you want me to calm down? Well, I have been calm up to the point where you told me to calm down. You have yet to see me be uncalm! Don't tell me how to feel.

Totally Ky
P.S As you can see I learned how to make those numbers that are above the words which I learned are called superscripts.

1Yoga Jones is a character in the Netflix show Orange is the New Black. She's the yoga instructor and hippie Buddhist of Litchfield.

2My Sister's Keeper is the saddest movie I have ever seen that I have in my movie library.

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