
My "Lady Doritos" Response

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Warning: Use of sarcasm

There has been a recent uproar across the internet in response to one of Dorito's female CEOs saying that research had led them to a brand new product called, "Lady Doritos". Let me repeat that in capitalized, bold, italicised and underlined letters; "LADY DORITOS". The CEO in question, Indra Nooyi, is quoted as saying, “They [ladies, women, females, girls] don’t like to crunch too loudly in public. And they don’t lick their fingers generously, and they don’t like to pour the little broken pieces and the flavor into their mouth.” A "female friendly" bag of Doritos would be easier to throw in your purse and would be less crunchy and messy." Now doesn't that put a bad taste in your mouth?

<= I made this graphic and I'm actually very proud of it.

When this bit of information made its way across the webs of the internet there were some upset ladies out there with some witty humor.

Of course, when Doritos caught a whiff of what was cooking and realized their chips were burning (I don't know I was trying something with that sentence.) they took it back! 

There are a lot of things wrong with these so-called "Lady Doritos". Not only is it ridiculous to state that women eat Doritos differently than men but now women who do crunch their Doritos and lick their fingers afterward are being shamed for it. I'm sure there are a number of people who would enjoy a Doritos product like the one they are describing but to target it specifically towards women is so many kinds of wrong. There are men that avoid the cheesy fingers and woman (like myself) who consider it part of the experience. These are ridiculously aged gender stereotypes. Men grab chips by the fistfuls and shove them in their mouth proudly while women eat them with chop-sticks in private so as not to appear unladylike to the public. The CEO who started this ball rolling is also quoted as saying, “I understand that men and women eat chips very differently”. Yes, biologically woman and men are different but I don't think there is anything in our DNA that dictates how we eat. IF it were true that women are more shy about eating it is only because of this stereotype, this societal expectation that this Doritos CEO has perpetuated. 

We all know I HATE gender stereotype, gender norms, gender expectations because according to
those standards I am not a woman. The reasons are endless! My hair, my clothes, my body type and now THE WAY I EAT CHIPS! Women don't do this, women don't do that. Men must do this, men must do that. No. "I am here to challenge your stereotypes."

Totally Ky

Some extra stuff! I wanted to officially end the blog at that quote because mike-drop but I also wanted to include some other things that would take to many P.Ss.

Hey, I file gender-related posts under the LGBTQIA+  header because sexuality and gender often mix and mingle plus it wouldn't make sense under another header plus I don't want to make a new header.

Hey, here's a video response I really liked that includes some ladies eating Doritos with ASMR quality. "We here at Good Mythical Morning think that women have the right to crunch just as loudly and obnoxiously as men do. Even more so if they want."

Hey, here are some pointlessly gendered products to make you giggle and also throw up your Lady Doritos.

Personally, I would rather be God's little Warrior.

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