
July Book Review (2)

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Envelope Poems - Emily Dickinson

It is very difficult to express how much I love this book. I would say it's my favorite book but I think it has to be tied with Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. Let me explain the concept a little bit because I absolutely love it. Emily Dickinson wrote a lot of bits and pieces of poems on envelopes and Marta L. Werner and Jen Bervin (as I understand) collected them into this little book. Each picture of an envelope has a typed translation on the other side as they can be very difficult to read. I love this because the beauty of the envelopes aren't compromised but you can also read everything. As most of the poems are scribbles on scraps of paper as many writers do, it can be difficult to read, added to the fact she lived in the 1800's and had fancy hand writing. I found the whole concept of envelope poetry so beautiful. The second I just read the title and saw the cover art I was in love. I love the aesthetic of writing on scaps of paper and envelopes. I also really related to this book as a writer. I remembered that I wrote a poem
on an envelope once and was so happy that I share something in common with such an amazing writer. I also often write sloppily on whatever paper I can find if I don't
have my notebook with me. I try to carry my notebook as much as possible but it can be inconvenient sometimes and when words pop into my head I have to write it down or I will forget it and I don't like to write on my phone so I'll use whatever paper is handy.

The writing in this is fantastic to say the least. I often feel like I am meant to find books. Often times I go into book stores and the perfect book finds me. I think of it as presents for the universe. I really needed this book and here it is.

Now this review is after one read. I wanted to get my first thoughts down so I wouldn't forget. I'm definitely going to read it several times as I do with most poetry. I think poetry is meant to be reread. I know when I first read poetry that I'm going to read it again for more meaning and things like that. You can't read a poem just once.

A trip to the Amazon Bookstore (Review)

I got this book at an Amazon book store and it was my first time going so why not do a little review on the experience. I went to the UTC mall for dinner because we couldn't decide what to eat so we though a food court would make that easier and upon walking past the store I saw and Amazon Bookstore. I gasped. I was just talking about needing a bookstore trip because I've been feeling down lately. Then this bookstore just pops up (I haven't been to that mall in a very long time). I went in questioning what the difference between an Amazon bookstore and a normal bookstore. Something cool I noticed was that all the books were facing out. They weren't stacked cover to cover they were facing the aisles. I thought this was really cool you could stroll down the aisles and easily see the cover art and titles. I found so many more books that I wanted to read this way. While that means there are less books I didn't mind it because I felt connected to so many more books. Each book had an amazon review below them and there were scanners around every aisle so you can see the prices on Amazon. There was a regular price and an Amazon Prime price that was much lower. Something I also found curious was they do not take cash. The cashier explained it as they only take payment methods that Amazon.com takes. I didn't mind it as I mostly use my debit card. Now I didn't buy anything on this visit because we had to leave to go get food and then I had to go get my sister and what I wanted was a bit pricey and I didn't really want to spend money. But some of the books really stuck in my mind and we went back the next day and I bought the top two books for a little less than fifty dollars. Which is a little expensive but I decide to treat myself and I really really wanted those books and I have extra money this week so I went for it and I have no regrets.

I loved my Amazon bookstore experience but I can see how it isn't for everyone. It's not traditional but there's nothing wrong with that. Five starts from me.

Belle's Library

This is a cute little book from Belle's point of view from Beauty and the Beast. It has her reading list and quotes from those books with drawings and comments from Belle. I did enjoy it as I like books about books and I relate to Belle the most of all the Disney Princesses so it was cute to read her journal. It was a very quick read and lacked much meat but that's why I called it a cute little book. It's one of those, I don't know how people refer to them, like how the Harry Potter franchise has many side books. I was going to say it seems like it's for a younger audience but then again it has quotes from Shakespeare.

I don't know what my sign off is anymore,
Totally Ky

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