
just another little thing

Happy Tuesday everyone it's not Tuesday,

I always have this mentality to find happiness in the little things, especially on a bad day.

Today I found happiness in a sunset. I walked out of my boyfriend's house to a bright orange sky. I drove home and it had changed and become even more beautiful so I stopped to take a picture and my cat walked up to me. Sometimes he waits for me to come home and I always stop to pet him so that he doesn't feel neglected. I took some pictures of him with the sunset but my camera was incapable of capturing the beautiful colors. So I put my phone away. I sat on the side walk in front of my house and watched the sunset with my cat. It made my day.

And I'm not a person who is really into sunsets. But this one caught my fancy.

Find happiness in the little things.

Yeah, that's it. I just wanted to share that.

I need a new outro because I'm all over the map,
Totally Ky

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