
"You park like an asshole."

Happy Tuesday everyone it's not Tuesday and I am not happy right now,

Upon leaving my boyfriend's house I found this note under my windshield wiper. And I have a few things to say. First, I have never written a curse word on my blog that I can remember. This is because every English teacher I have ever had has said that curse words in writing makes you look illiterate. Although because I am quoting I think an exception can be made. So I am going to use the word asshole. I apologize but at the moment I do not care.

Dear person who left this note on my car,

I can only assume that you believe me to "park like an asshole" because I parked in the middle of two driveways.

Here's the thing. I am horrible at parking. This is true but I have never in my life parked like an asshole. I park like someone who does not know how to park. I park like someone who is not good at parking. In my humble opinion, someone who parks like an asshole is someone who parks in the middle of two parking spaces so that no one touches their precious car. Someone who parks like an asshole does it on purpose and does not care about anyone else. I have never done this. I park apologetically. I do my very best. Once I have parked I get out of the car I look at how I parked and I fix it. Because I am horrible at parking but I do the very best I can.

And today. I did a very good parking job.

I pulled up behind another car. There it is. Someone else had parked behind one of the driveways and I parked directly behind them, I got as close as I could in hopes that another small car would be able to fit behind me.

I can only guess that when you put this note on my car that the car I had parked behind was no longer there. I wish I knew who you were so that I could tell you this. So I could tell you that you do not know me or my situation.

You did not know, for instance, that I was crying when I got to my car to find this note. You do not know that I am, as I worded to my mom and boyfriend when telling them about this, "a sensitive peanut". So this got to me.

You do not know me. Seeing as you feel you have enough authority to judge how I park I must assume that you are older than me. In which case I have to say, act your age. Be mature. Rise above. What kind of mature person leaves passive aggressive and petty notes on an eighteen-year old's cars. One could argue that they did not know I was younger than them and therefore could not take this into account. I could argue that they had to simply look at my car. Look past the windshield where they put the note and see many stuffed animals.

Think before you do. Think about how you do not know this person. Think it may ruin there day and hurt their feelings. In my case, I did park properly but in other cases where someone did park badly. Think that they didn't mean to. Or think they must not be good at parking. Think they're sorry.

That said, I am sorry for you. I imagine what kind of person could have been so enraged by how they perceived my parking job so much that they ripped out two pieces of paper from a notebook and stuck it to a strangers windshield to call them an asshole. You must be a very angry and unhappy person. For that, I am sorry for you. And you must have have been so angry that your K's turned into R's, one of which is covered up, and your L looks like a 4. And thank you for the extra piece of paper. You must have been so angry that you pulled out two by mistake.

I would like to argue that you are the asshole here. You judged without all the facts and you called a stranger an asshole without thinking about how that would make them feel. In my case, you called someone an asshole who did nothing wrong.

the girl with the blog

I wrote this for several reasons. One, because I was upset and this is how I get out my feelings. I feel much better now. Two, what I had to say was too long for a Facebook post. And three, I think there is an important message here.

You do not know a person's daily struggle. Does that sound familiar? If you are a long time reader of this blog it might be. In a post called "Sticks and Stones" written on May 5, 2015 I featured this quote by my teacher (left).

You do not know if calling a person an asshole is going to hurt them. You don't know what kind of person you are doing this to. They may be having a hard day, or a hard week, or a hard life.

Think. Before you say.

This quote was included in my "Sticks and Stones" post because words do hurt people.

Good night it's not night, (It looks like my intro an outro have come full circle.)
Totally Ky
P.S. I need some apple juice and I am a hedgehog today.

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