
I Forgot To Title This

Happy Tuesday everyone it's not Tuesday,

I've been having some bad days lately as far as mental health goes. I'm overwhelmed and stressed because of college and friend drama and it's had me really down. I'm feeling a lot better today so I thought I'd share my tips on how I get out of a funk.

1.) Stay Balanced
     I'm lumping all of these together because these are what a doctor would tell you to do so they aren't really from me.

     A.) Don't forget to eat and drink. You may not want to. You may be too tired. But it's so important. your body can't run on fumes. When you don't eat and drink enough your body gets weak and all it wants to do is sleep. This keeps you locked into that depressed state.
           a.) Eat healthily it'll make you feel proud of yourself. (Eat a little chocolate.).

          b.) Go to your favorite restaurant with a friend. Go somewhere you've never been before.

     B.) Don't sleep too much. Make sure you get enough sleep. That's why I labeled this "Stay Balanced". Some people sleep all day when they're down. Some people never sleep. Both are unhealthy and keep you in your rut.

     C.) Bathe regularly. This isn't just because you smell. You do. But that's not the only reason. Showers are soothing. After you're sick you wash off all the germs and stuff in your hair and feel so much better. It's the same thing. You feel so much better when you're nice and clean and smell good.

2.) Go Outside
    Go for a walk. Go to the park. Pull your bike out of the shed. Go grocery shopping. Just get out. Personally, I feel better when I can walk away from my problems for a little bit. Get some room to think and breathe. Now don't go running to another state. Run around the block. Get some sun and fresh air. Look at the sky. Remember that you love all the shades of blue. Make a story in the clouds. There are many bunnies up there that need names. Or go out at night and see some stars. Say good morning to the sun or say goodnight. The sun makes beautiful entrances and exits. I tried so hard not so say sunset and sunrise.

3.) Do Some Art
     I don't care how much artistic skills you have. Get a coloring book. They have millions around right now. And you don't have to be an artist to literally throw some paint on a canvas. Let loose on some paper and don't care whether or not it looks good. Relax and just let your brain think in colors. Do some drawing wars with friends. (This is when you drama something and have your friend draws something else to attack it. For example, I draw a balloon and my friend draws some scissors. Now I have to draw something to destroy the scissors and it goes on like that.) Go to Michaels and buy some stickers and put them on your cat. Or buy one of those kit things from Michaels that they make for kids. You know where you can make a castle out of foam. Trace your hand and doodle inside of it. Write your name cool. Get some chalk and take to your sidewalk. It doesn't matter. Make a child's drawing with crayons and put it on your fridge. Do it.

4.) Have Some "Me Time"
     It isn't selfish to take some time away from the world. Take a break. Re-cooperate.

     A.) Watch your favorite movie. Watch a movie that makes you cry. Watch movies from your childhood.

     B.) Personally, I love to read. So it's helpful for me to get out of my head and into someone else's. Read the oldest book you have. Read a kids book. Read your favorite book. Read the biggest book you have. Read the smallest one. Read the first book that comes to mind. Read the last book you read for school. Raid you're friends books. Go to the library and pick up the first book you see. Read your old diary.

     C.) Personally, I love to write. Write a poem (It doesn't have to rhyme. Maybe challenge yourself and make it rhyme.). Write about your day. Write in a diary. Write a grocery list. Write a to-do list.

5.) Go to your happy place.
     Mine are libraries and bookstores. I'm in my happy place right now. Where ever it is that you feel safest and happiest, go there. If you don't have one outside your room go find one. Try a coffee shop, a cafe, a diner, your friend's house, the park.

6.) Spend Time With Friends
     When I'm feeling down I tend to isolate myself. Isolation is no good. Get your girls together have a movie night. Call up your best friend from elementary who's number you still remember. Buy your friend lunch. Take your friend to your happy place. If you don't have many friends, make some. Go to a dog park. Pet someone's dog and strike up a conversation with their human. Boom friend. Go to your favorite store and find someone who's buying the T-shirt of your favorite show. Tell them you like that show. Boom friend. Most people work or go to school. Ask out a classmate or a co-worker. Find some people and surround yourself with them.

7.) Do what makes you happy. It can be something small. It can be something big and tall. Get some food and water, shower and go find some happiness. If you're afraid to go alone ask for some help.

That's all for today I'm tired and my back hurts from this chair.

Totally Ky

P.S. Currently listening to "Parentheses" by The Blow. I like the line, "If something in the deli aisle makes you cry".

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