
8 Things I Love

Happy Tuesday everyone

You may remember that I saw this video "8 Things I love" on the vlogbrothers channel on the youtube. If you don't remember that I saw this video then I have something to ask you. WHY DIDN'T YOU READ MY LAST POST! I guess that wasn't really a question because I didn't put a question mark, I felt because I used all caps that it needed an exclamation point more than a question mark. I don't like to put both besides when texting because there are no grammar/spelling rules etc when texting.

Anyways. Anyway? Anyways? I'm uneducated. Help.

I didn't feel like doing a post where I talk about deep (because censorship) doodoo, so I'm doing another tag like thing.

I guess I could connect talking about things I like to something along the lines of we should celebrate the green lights instead of complaining about the red lights.

So here are 8 things I love.

1.) Chocolate covered gummy bears

I was recently exposed to these when my friends and I stumbled across a Sweet Factory stand at the mall and now I am completely addicted. One of the cool things is no one else likes them so theirs no threat of my food being stolen! I don't understand why no one else likes them they are so good! Writing this post right now I have a huge bag of them on my desk.

2.) Books, bookstores, and libraries

If you don't know this about me . . . I think we need to see other people.

3.) Rain

I am that crazy person at school soaking wet because I jump in puddles and run around in the rain.

4.) What we call "Music up, windows down"

Where we blast music to max volume, roll down the windows and dance and sing like weirdos.

Sorry about the quality of the picture.

5.) Hanging out with friends!

This is part of the "let's get weird" squad as our shirts say.

6.) This boy's butt

This is my phone wallpaper and code name SNOWMAN's new contact (He made me change it, so I changed it to a different picture of his butt.). I swear I have more pictures of his butt than of his actual face.

Let this be a reminder to all why you should read my blog because you never know what I'll post about you. If this boy read my blog he could have avoided having his butt all up on the internet. Maybe I'll tell him . . . Maybe *evil grin*.

7.) Kissing and cuddling

I don't discriminate I kiss and cuddle all of my friends!.

8.) Walking around in my underwear.

I'm too lazy to take a picture of myself in my underwear and I don't feel photogenic today. I think there's a picture in the last post where I'm in my underwear. There you go.

Until next time,
Totally Ky

 P.S The picture up there about traffic lights took me forever to find. I couldn't remember where it was from but I got it. I was introduced to the website makesmethink.com through a teacher (cute face but not a good teacher) I had my freshman year. And that's where this is from. There are a lot of really inspiring things on there and there are a lot of depressing things on there. So if you're looking for the happy things be careful! I use this site mostly for writing ideas.

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