
17 Things I Made (2016)

Happy Tuesday everyone,

Get ready for some links! There where a lot of windows on my computer open when I made this paragraph.

I recently saw this video called "17 things i made" on youtube by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and thought it would be cool to use it as a sort of tag so here is my list . . . In a second. If you don't know who Amy is (whoisamy) you should check out all the links up in here. I recently discovered her through a (I watch too much youtube) video (from 2010? I watch youtube when I sleep. No seriously. Netflix too.) on the vlogbrothers channel titled "8 Things I love" (which I also want to  use as inspiration for another post . . . Wait for it . . .) and found a lot of cool videos she's made including the one this post is inspired by which is an intro for her "Beckoning of Lovely" (the name entertains me because I know a girl named Lovely.) series "In which she tries to beckon lovely things into the world." - John Green.

Her list is cooler though because she made books and children and a wedding vow. But here is my list in no particular order.

1.) This Ceramic Eastern island head named Ned.

The right is the sketch version. Yes, the sketch has a mouth and the final product does not. Ned is not very photogenic. I had to take him outside because the lighting in my room isn't good plus he is very glossy and because he's black his features blend. He looks a lot better in person.

2.) This mess.

My room tends to be a lot messier but I just put away all the clothes that usually litter the floor. There is a pile of clothes in the corner that I need to donate. And I need to take out the trash. And tidy my bed and the bookshelf. I did throw away the food trash from my dinner a couple days ago.

3.) This jewelry hanger

When I finished making this I decided that I didn't like the color. Whenever I work with a color for a long time I get sick of it. I want to make more anyway because this one is getting pretty cluttered. I might do some with different sizes or shapes to make like a wall collage of them.

(I made this with a painting canvas, tacks that I painted and some ribbon.)

4.) This picture holder thing

Sorry that cord is in the way getting a picture of these were hard so it is what it is. I want to cover the walls with these and make a wall collage. I'm going to make more when I have a good amount of cash. I also need to remake the small square one using a different technique where I put my collection of movie tickets and fortunes because they don't stay in that well.

(I made these with, again, painting canvases, those flat thumb tacks and ribbon.)

5.) This wall collage thing

If you can't tell I'm very into designing my walls. After 17ish years in my old room the walls were completely covered then I moved into my current room and it's a lot bigger and came with more white wall space that I immediately attacked. I see my room as like a giant art project as well as a sort of visual representation of my brain.

6.) These phone calls

This makes me laugh so hard. I couldn't think of 17 things I've made and my friend suggested phone calls and I was like, "I don't talk to people on the phone it gives me anxiety.". But then we looked at my phone log (left) and found this. It's hard to see (I think you can click on it and make it bigger?) because the picture had to be made really small because it is so long so here is a little clip (up) of the picture. My entire phone log consists of this one contact code name SNOWMAN (Who you may remember was mentioned in my New Year's Resolutions. So now you have a little insight into what that resolution has to do with.). And yes, his contact photo is his butt. I have more picture of his butt than his actual face. You see this is why if you know me you should read my blog. You never know if I'm going to post pictures of your butt.

7.) This drawing

8.) This short story that requires you to ask me what the password is to be able to read it.

9.) This advertisement

10.) This fridge poem titled "That Boy"

11.) My squad in MII form on the WII

12.) This booboo. I fell up this step when I took out the trash. (Picture not included of said booboo because I fell on my bottom. Let it be known there is a huge purple bruise across my very pale white skin.) At this point, I don't think I'm extremely clumsy (I am) I think gravity hates me.

Yes, I am in my underwear.

13.) I like to think I helped make this child because what if I had had a nightmare on the night she was assigned to my family. What if I had slept in between my parents when the stork started flying to my house to deliver (unplanned might I add) this tiny monster.

14.) This necklace

Five second tutorial go!

Buy picture frame pendant from Michaels (there are several different kinds in the jewelry aisle). Print out the picture you want to use, you may have to do it several times until you find the right size (It may say dimensions on packaging but I printed my picture through Word Processor because I'm weird so that wouldn't help.). This pendant is double sided so I printed the picture twice right next to each other, fold it, cut it out (leaving them connected on one side) then seal them together using clear packaging tape (optional). Put the picture in the frame and put it on a necklace. This pendant breaks easily, the picture falls out, if it gets wet the picture is destroyed, so I have several backups, pendants, and pictures.

Wow, you can see my toe in the picture.

15.) This doodle on my hand

Sorry, it's hard to see. I made this one last year with these really cool pens that draw on skin. I was going to redo it for this post but I'm lazy. If you can't tell it's a dream catcher. I really like dream catchers. This would be a cool tattoo.

16.) This post - Editors view

17.) This blog - Viewers view?

Until next time,
Totally Ky

P.S Amy has the coolest website. It's one of the links up there. I don't know which one. Treasure hunt! Her website is really simple looking but on the homepage you can choose to listen to waves or raindrops or music and on her bio you can make a wish! Check it out it is so cool.

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