
New Year's Resolution 2016

Happy Tuesday everyone,

I'm really bad at new year's resolutions because I always lose them. I change writing systems (notebooks or scraps of papers in a box) all the time, making it hard to keep track of any resolutions and of course I don't remember them. So this here blog is a good way to make some resolutions then at the end of 2016 I can look back and reflect then make new resolutions.

One of my favorite youtubers does new year's resolution videos and I've used her past videos (I think she's done seven now) as inspiration.

1. First and foremost post every Tuesday!
2. Turn 19
3. Graduate High School
4. Start College
5. Drink more water
6. Eat healthier
7. Exercise more
8. Keep up with my meds
9. Keep up with my acne regimen
10. Count how many books I read in the year so I can set future standards
11. Change my name
12. Secret resolution code name SNOWMAN

What's your new year's resolution?

Until next time,
Totally Ky


  1. Ky, first of all, you funny girl you, your resolution to turn 19 is amusing! But upon further thought, perhaps it's not the funny goal I first thought it was. Perhaps it is good not to take our next birthday as a given but rather to remind ourselves that in order to get there we need to make good choices each day. I love the resolution re counting books. Sometimes I've written down the titles of the books I read each year, but invariably I forget that the list even exists, and so...
    Change name? Is this an official change to Ky or something less obvious, like changing it to Beyoncé? I need info. I just posted my own final blog of the year but with no resolutions attached. My resolutions usually involve better posture. Not very exciting but a good idea.

    1. I like the idea of putting turn 19 on the list because if I don't accomplish the other things on the list that take real work I won't be to disappointed because at least I've made it another year as morbid as that sounds.

      I'm thinking of ripping out the title page of all the books I read and sticking them on my wall in an order to keep track.

      And I want to change my last name to Norris. It was my grandpa's last name. It feels more right than my birth dad's name who I haven't seen since I was 2.


Thanks for your comment! Lots of love!