
If everyone else . . .

Happy oh my god it's Tuesday everyone,

(I've been sick and totally forgot today was Tuesday! I was this close to missing it!)

I'm an office intern at my school sixth period. For those of you who don't know what that means, instead of going to a class six period I go to the office and hand out passes or answer phones (I'm always on phones because no one else wants to do it and I actually like it. I don't have to run around school and I get to work on homework and stuff between calls.). No, I don't get paid for this, as I've been frequently asked. But they give us food all the time and that is payment enough for me.

There are three other students who are interns the same period with me. Abby, a friend of mine. Ryan, he's cool. I don't think we would call each other friends but we can sit and have a conversation. And another girl who shall remain nameless for the purpose of this blog.

A couple weeks ago I walked through the office on some sort of mission I can't remember (the cool thing about being an office intern is you feel like your on all these missions. Take this pass to this class. Stuff these envelope. Answer that phone, say this, then transfer them somewhere. Go make me coffee. Just kidding about the last one.) and as I passed one of the desks I hear she who shall remain nameless say, if my memory serves me correct, "Well we live in a society where you show your stomach and . . .". I caught a very small snippet of this conversation. But I can only imagine she was justifying to one of the office staffs why she struggles to completely cover her body when she dresses in the morning.

While some dress code rules I admit are annoying (why my bra straps can't show I will never know. Everyone knows! It's not a secret! It's not like I want to wear a tube top but if I'm wearing a tank top cut in such a way that my straps show I don't want to hear about it.) but it's the dress code. I'm a rule follow (most of the time) so I don't wear spaghetti straps tank tops or tanks cut in a way that show my bra straps to school.

This girl does not seem to feel the same way. And she pushes the rule a little further than I would consider. While she isn't as bad as a lot of girls at this school who show their butt from the top of their skirts as well as the bottom, she shows her stomach on most days that end in y.

This circles back to her justification. You show your stomach because you live in a society that does? Shall we bring up the cliche, "If everyone jumped off a bridge/cliff/building would you too?" that was usually said by our mothers when we whined for something that "Everyone else has.". My mom didn't usually go for the whole jumping off things reply to that. "I'm not everyone else's mother." was more her style.

My smart alec answer to the whole jumping question of course is, "Heck no I'm afraid of heights.". My real answer is longer. I've never been one to do something just because society told me to. I mean society told me to be straight. Look where that got me. I'm more the type to do exactly the opposite of what everyone else is doing. That's something that's always been a part of me. When everyone was into Twilight (this example always come to mind because one of my close friends in elementary school was completely obsessed with Twilight and it often made our friendship difficult.) I boycott it. When everyone became obsessed with social media. I boycott it. (I have a google+ because this blog automatically does stuff with that and I don't care what you say, Daniel, Pinterest doesn't count I don't socialize with anyone on it!). So if everyone jumped off something (not taking into account I wouldn't jump off a step ladder) I wouldn't do it simply for the fact that everyone else was.

And I think that if her reason for showing her stomach is really because that's the society she lives in then, well . . . You can fill in the blank because I don't wanna be mean. But really?

We live in a society that glamorizes and glorifies drinking, drugs and unsafe sex like old cigarette adds.

I don't think we live in a society we should let dictate our choices in life. Our society is flawed in so many ways. Instead of blindingly following what society tells us to do we should be trying to change it.

Until next time,
Totally Ky

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