
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday everyone!

My birthday lands on a Tuesday this year! How cool is that?

On behalf of my 18th Birthday there shall be two posts today! (And many exclamation points! I'm very loud.) Mainly because this is like a baby post and I would feel guilty if this was all I put up. So that's my birthday gift to you (When people say "Happy Birthday" to me I say, "You too." therefor you guys get a gift too . . . Besides my presence in your life. At my birthday party my friend kept saying his presence was my present. This is a lot to put in parentheses.)

I would like to make one request from today's readers on behalf of my birthday. Please, please comment! If you are reading this please comment! It's my birthday. You have to. I will consider it my birthday present from you. Pretty. pretty please. Really it would mean so much so me! I don't care if you comment on here a week later! Just do it! I love when you guys comment and it doesn't happen very often. You tell me in person you like the post which is nice but commenting on the blog is so much cooler to me. I want to feel like people are reading or this becomes pretty pointless and commenting is a great way for me to know someone besides my mother is out there! I don't care what you say just some sort of acknowledgement on a post that you read it is so amazing to me.

Until next time,
Totally Ky

P.S This video makes me so happy even though I know he's not singing to me. When boys sings to me (Yes, it happens) it just makes my heart melt. 


  1. Happy Birthday! You are one of the most caring and unselfish people I have had the good opportunity to know!

    Keep doing what you're doing!


  2. Happy Birthday to my first born!
    What an awesome person you have grown up to be.
    I am so proud of you.
    You were all yellow.........


Thanks for your comment! Lots of love!