
A BIG issue

Happy Tuesday everyone I forgot it was Tuesday,

If you've read my post "Sticks and Stones" or know me well in person, you know I have been overweight for most of my life. I also hated my body most of my life. I am now at the point where I can, as one of my teachers said, "celebrate my body". I like who I am and that includes what I weigh and look like, now that doesn't mean I don't want to lose weight or get rid of this acne, but I don't hate myself or feel like I NEED to change. Now because I hated my body, I hated a lot of other people's bodies too. I projected how I felt towards myself onto other people. I hated plus size people because I saw in them what I hated in me. And I also hated people who weighed less than me because I thought they had it easy. This, of course, is not true. 

I let go of my hate slowly when I started dating someone (over Skype, I do not recommend it) who had the same feelings about her body, but she was very thin. She thought she was fat so she didn't eat very much. I couldn't understand this because I was an overeater who weighed probably a hundred pounds more than her but she felt like the disgusting one. It was mind-boggling to me that she could hate her body. I didn't think anyone like her could. I had hated people like her because I thought life was so much easier for them.

I know this seems hypocritical if you've read my last few posts, but like I said I'm not there anymore. As I got to know this person I let go of my hate for people who weighed less than me. Once she exposed her insecurities about her body I shared mine. She didn't think I was fat or ugly which was confusing to me because she thought she was. I think our acceptance of each other made us let go of our own insecurities. We didn't think anyone could love us with the way we looked but then there was someone who could. I didn't hate myself anymore or anyone like me.

It's funny because as soon as I became comfortable with my body and accepting of other's this topic became something I'm really passionate about. I always try to make people feel beautiful no matter what their size or what they look like and I won't stand for anyone putting themselves or others down. 

I think it's ridiculous to be discriminatory towards someone because of what they look like. We are all different inside and out. Life would be boring if we all looked the same. Instead of putting yourself down because of your differences you should be celebrating it. Who wants to be like everyone else? I personally want to be special.

Until next time,
Totally Ky

P.S I've decided  to boycott commas

Redefine beauty Ji Yeon "Draw on me"
Also, let me know what you guys think about this.

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