Monday - Ella
Tuesday - Ana
Wednesday - Gabby
Thursday - Shawnee / Sarah
Friday - Melisha
Saturday - Jalen
Sunday - Anita
Week One
One of you our favorite moments in a film
Go to the Merriam-Webster word of the day Web Site
and write a story based on the word.
Write a scene that begins:
“It was the first time I killed a man.”
There's a big house party of drunken high-school students. Describe the scene in three ways: as one of the teens attending the party, as the police officers called to the scene, and as the parent of one of the teens.
Week Two
Describe each member of your family using one word
Your favorite book
Week Three
Your fave piece of playground equipment
Five ideas for a novel that you'll never write.
Thoughts on your favorite pet's personality
Three things in your childhood bedroom
Week Four
What's stored in your closet
Write a review of a novel or memoir you've never read
You have a dream that you've murdered someone. Who is it, how and why did the murder happen, and what happens afterward?
You are the Grim Reaper. Write three different opening paragraphs for your autobiography, trying out very different styles
You are the Grim Reaper. Write three different opening paragraphs for your autobiography, trying out very different styles
Part 2
Week Six (collab)
What is an object from your childhood that you most think about when you think about home
Sit in a single location for 20 minutes and take notes on what you hear.
Go out to dinner with a friend, and as soon as you get home, write in the person's voice. Begin with something the person said.
Go to a coffee shop and closely watch two people interact. Then write a scene about two people in a coffee shop.
Study a stranger. Go home and write a story about him or her.
Recall a recent dialogue between you and a friend
Make a case for your favorite fruit
Week Seven
Write a poem about a tomato
The cleaning lady
You realize you have inadvertently become a stalker
Do a detailed character sketch for a fictional character about whom you would never, ever want to write. Work to avoid making anything that would capture your own interest
Your sandwich order.
Pregnant and lost
Getting struck by lightning
Week Eight
Describe a room in your house
That moment when . . .
Google search your own name.
Write about the search result that is the closest to your name but isn't you
Write about the search result that is the closest to your name but isn't you
A scene that takes place in extreme heat, the same scene that now takes place in extreme cold.
A scene that takes place in extreme heat, the same scene that now takes place in extreme cold.
What you've kept.
Things you should throw away but can't
What you haven’t changed.
What you used to do that you don't do anymore.
Week nine
- Write a brief will (who gets what)
- If you had one week to live
- Choose how you will die
You're favorite place
Group Prompts
Week 10
Week 10
Who or what inspires you?
- Trees?
- People?
- Architecture?
And what do you do with this inspiration?
- Make music?
- Draw?
- Write?
What are you thinking when you sit down to write?
(Specifically when you sit down to respond to your prompt)
Why did you decide to participate in the Summer Special?
- Because you love writing?
- Because you have nothing else to do?
- Because I asked you?
Are you glad you did?
Week Long Prompts
Week eleven
Until next time,