
First Post

My ultimate dream when I close my eyes and imagine a perfect life, is to be a writer. It's my aspiration and my passion. I have stories running around my head all day long, more especially when I am trying to go to sleep. Sometimes this causes me to have a bit of insomnia, one of the symptoms I think of being a writer if not just being creative in general. Double-sided coin and all that. I have characters talking to me in my head almost 24/7. They take me to new places and convince me to experience life the way they would see the world through their eyes.

I once asked advice from a man I found very inspiring who interviewed me for his book. One of the things he told me was to read every day, write every day, maybe even start a blog. I thought, "hmm . . . a blog."

But I was too busy trying not to grow up to think about it. This was my sophomore year in high school. As of the day I write this, I am a junior. I take two Advanced Placement (AP) class and one honors. Only one of those is in a subject I'm actually good at which just happens to be English. And these classes have put me through more stress than I could have ever imagined sophomore year. The pressure of college-level classes pushed me to think about my future. I am finally learning how to drive. I've pretty much set my mind on college plans.

So I revisited the blog idea. And here we are. The man I spoke of, let's call him Jeff. He told me blogging can be "vulgar" if not done properly. He also said, "If you're going to tell the world something, I always think it's better to tell them about your ideas rather than your random experiences.  I think writing about your experiences is great, of course, but provided it helps other people come to some ideas about their own experiences, and not just because people should know about what we do all day.  I think most of us are actually pretty boring, and so I don't need to know what someone's doing all day. I do need to know if that person realized that something she's doing all day reveals something beautiful or true or happy or sad about what it means to be a human being." I don't think he understood how inspiring I found this simple email he sent me.

So that's what I want to do with my blog . . . From now on. I felt my blog needed an intro before I really get into it. My English teacher says it's important to know who your author is. If you have a general sense of them you can better understand their writing. 

So here's a brief (I hope) description of myself.

My real name is Kayla Graham. I prefer to be called Ky. My pen name is Ky Grayson. I was born in 1997. If you don't like to do math like me that makes me 17. (Which I think is one of the more important things to know when reading what I write.) I'm currently a junior in high school. My birth father left when I was two so my amazing mother raised me by herself for the majority of my life. She remarried and had my six-year-old sister.

I have PMDD which in simple terms means my hormones are jacked up to the point they make me hallucinate, depressed, and have anxiety problems. I take medication for this. I recently learned I have SPS which means Sensory Processing Sensitivity, this means my eyes are really sensitive to light so I almost always wear prescription sunglasses and I become extremely agitated when I hear repetitive noises. This can be a big problem at school when people beat on the tables and click their pens for hours. I used to spend a lot of time having panic attacks and crying in bathroom stalls. That hasn't happened in a long time though. Now I'm the person people come to when they're going through hard times. Because I've been there. I've been so depressed I didn't want to live. I'm so thankful for every day I have now.

I advocate for and am a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. So if you're homophobic I'm sorry but I don't want to waste my limited time and resources on you so feel free to move on.

As you can tell I am not perfect. I'm young and stupid as I should be. So reading this you might find grammatical errors, spelling errors, errors with these stupid commas because I just can't handle punctuation. So if you see any of these let me know because you will see them. And if people don't tell me my mistakes I can't learn from them. Teachers most of my life let me spell simple words wrong so much of my writing suffers from this.

Okay, I think I've said everything I needed to say. It's fun pretending I'm writing to an audience. I'd be surprised if anyone besides the friends and family I'm sending this link will ever read or take anything from it. But you never know, right? If this blog has the power to help or inspire one person out there to me that's worth it. So please comment if you're there!

Until next time,
Totally KY